I've been looking for it everywhere but I can't seem to find the answer although it seems an regular problem.
I'm trying to automate the duplication of cells in excel. I have two lists: list 1 with values 1,2,3,4 and the second list is with values a,b,c,d. Now I want to have a file where for every value in list 1, the values in list two are duplicated in excel. So:
1 - a
1 - b
1 - c
1 - d
2 - a
2 - b
2 - c
2 - d
3 - a
I'm wondering if there's a function within excel or if not a macro that I could use to solve this? For this short list it is of course easy to do with autofill, but when the list consists of a few hundred values, it gets more complicated...
2 个解决方案
This should be really easy to understand ...
Open VBE ALT+F11 and right click VBA project. Insert a Module and copy-paste the below code. Hit F5 to run
打开VBE ALT + F11并右键单击VBA项目。插入模块并复制粘贴以下代码。按F5运行
Sub Main()
Dim number As Range
Dim letter As Range
For Each number In Range("A1:A" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
For Each letter In Range("B1:B" & Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
With Sheet2
.Range("A" & .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1) = number
.Range("B" & .Range("b" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1) = letter
End With
End Sub
The above code assumes that your sheet1 looks like this
and the results will be on Sheet2 like this
You can do this also with a few formulas/support columns without VBA:
Let's assume your first category is in column A, starting in A2 and your category is in column B.
- Determine the record count for each category, e.g. in C1:
(assuming a header row) and C2 equivalent - Place two support column, e.g. in E and F) - E will hold the row for the first category and F the Id for the second category. Place the following formula in E2:
and this in F2:=IF(ISTEXT(F1),1,IF(F1=$C$2,1,F1+1))
- Add two more columns for the final result - G for category one with formula
and H for category 2 with the formula=INDEX(B:B,F2+1)
. - Now simply copy the formulas for the columns E:H down for a many rows as required (number of rows required is
确定每个类别的记录数,例如在C1:= COUNTA($ A:$ A)-1(假设标题行)和C2等效
放置两个支撑柱,例如在E和F)中 - E将保留第一类的行,F为第二类的Id。在E2中放置以下公式:= IF(ISTEXT(E1),1,IF(F2 = 1,E1 + 1,E1)),这在F2:= IF(ISTEXT(F1),1,IF(F1 = $) C $ 2,1,F1 + 1))
为最终结果再添加两列 - 对于类别1,G为公式= INDEX(A:A,E2 + 1),H为类别2,公式= INDEX(B:B,F2 + 1)。
现在只需根据需要将E:H列的公式复制多行(所需行数= C1 * C2)
In the end it'll look something like this:
You can download the file here.
This should be really easy to understand ...
Open VBE ALT+F11 and right click VBA project. Insert a Module and copy-paste the below code. Hit F5 to run
打开VBE ALT + F11并右键单击VBA项目。插入模块并复制粘贴以下代码。按F5运行
Sub Main()
Dim number As Range
Dim letter As Range
For Each number In Range("A1:A" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
For Each letter In Range("B1:B" & Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
With Sheet2
.Range("A" & .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1) = number
.Range("B" & .Range("b" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1) = letter
End With
End Sub
The above code assumes that your sheet1 looks like this
and the results will be on Sheet2 like this
You can do this also with a few formulas/support columns without VBA:
Let's assume your first category is in column A, starting in A2 and your category is in column B.
- Determine the record count for each category, e.g. in C1:
(assuming a header row) and C2 equivalent - Place two support column, e.g. in E and F) - E will hold the row for the first category and F the Id for the second category. Place the following formula in E2:
and this in F2:=IF(ISTEXT(F1),1,IF(F1=$C$2,1,F1+1))
- Add two more columns for the final result - G for category one with formula
and H for category 2 with the formula=INDEX(B:B,F2+1)
. - Now simply copy the formulas for the columns E:H down for a many rows as required (number of rows required is
确定每个类别的记录数,例如在C1:= COUNTA($ A:$ A)-1(假设标题行)和C2等效
放置两个支撑柱,例如在E和F)中 - E将保留第一类的行,F为第二类的Id。在E2中放置以下公式:= IF(ISTEXT(E1),1,IF(F2 = 1,E1 + 1,E1)),这在F2:= IF(ISTEXT(F1),1,IF(F1 = $) C $ 2,1,F1 + 1))
为最终结果再添加两列 - 对于类别1,G为公式= INDEX(A:A,E2 + 1),H为类别2,公式= INDEX(B:B,F2 + 1)。
现在只需根据需要将E:H列的公式复制多行(所需行数= C1 * C2)
In the end it'll look something like this:
You can download the file here.