This is for an assignment, I've worked on this for hours to no avail. Please DO NOT vote down - I was told that even the experts ask questions time to time:
这是一项任务,我已经工作了几个小时无济于事。请不要投票 - 有人告诉我,即使是专家也会不时地提出问题:
I need to create a function to take in an array of arrays as n argument, and 'return' an object as shown at the end of my code below. (*'s filters make it awkward for me to ask a fluent question)
我需要创建一个函数来接受一个数组数组作为n参数,并'return'一个对象,如下面代码末尾所示。 (*的过滤器让我很难问一个流畅的问题)
Function must use 'return' and NOT 'console.log'. Here's my code:
var orders = [
['first', 1], ['second', 2], ['third', 3], ['fourth', 4]
['why', 'yes'], ['this', 'no'], ['if', 'so'], ['tit', 'tat']
function arrayToObject(array) {
obj = {};
for (var i= 0; i< array.length; i++){
for (var j= 0; j< array[i].length; j++){
obj[array[i][j][0]] = array[i][j][1];
return obj;
//This function returns:
//{first: 1, second: 2, third: 3, fourth: 4}
//However I need it to return this array:
//[{first: 1, second: 2, third: 3, fourth: 4}
//{why: 'yes', this: 'no', if: 'so, tit: 'tat'}]
Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
3 个解决方案
Not sure if this is the output that you need. This converts each array element to an object, then returns an array of the objects created.
var orders = [
['first', 1], ['second', 2], ['third', 3], ['fourth', 4]
['why', 'yes'], ['this', 'no'], ['if', 'so'], ['tit', 'tat']
function arrayToObject(array) {
var result = [];
for (var i= 0; i< array.length; i++){
var obj = {};//obj holds the object that the next element in the array is converted to.
for (var j= 0; j< array[i].length; j++){
obj[array[i][j][0]] = array[i][j][1];
result.push(obj); //add obj to a result once we converted all elements of array[i]
return result; //what is returned needs to be out of the for loop
//[ { first: 1, second: 2, third: 3, fourth: 4 },
{ why: 'yes', this: 'no', if: 'so', tit: 'tat' } ]
How about something like that... I've converted your code to EcmaScript6 and also moved return statement after the first loop. To return everything in once, I converted obj to an array and push each object in it separately.
var orders = [
['first', 1], ['second', 2], ['third', 3], ['fourth', 4]
['why', 'yes'], ['this', 'no'], ['if', 'so'], ['tit', 'tat']
function arrayToObject(array) {
let obj = [];
for (let current_list of array){
let _tmpObj = {};
for (let values of current_list){
_tmpObj[values[0]] = values[1];
return obj;
It's output:
{ first: 1, second: 2, third: 3, fourth: 4 },
{ why: 'yes', this: 'no', if: 'so', tit: 'tat' }
The return statement should be below the for statements, not inside. Your code is exiting the function before it gets the the second array.
function arrayToObject(array) {
obj = [];
for (var i= 0; i< array.length; i++){
obj[i] = {};
for (var j= 0; j< array[i].length; j++){
obj[i][array[i][j][0]] = array[i][j][1];
return obj;
Not sure if this is the output that you need. This converts each array element to an object, then returns an array of the objects created.
var orders = [
['first', 1], ['second', 2], ['third', 3], ['fourth', 4]
['why', 'yes'], ['this', 'no'], ['if', 'so'], ['tit', 'tat']
function arrayToObject(array) {
var result = [];
for (var i= 0; i< array.length; i++){
var obj = {};//obj holds the object that the next element in the array is converted to.
for (var j= 0; j< array[i].length; j++){
obj[array[i][j][0]] = array[i][j][1];
result.push(obj); //add obj to a result once we converted all elements of array[i]
return result; //what is returned needs to be out of the for loop
//[ { first: 1, second: 2, third: 3, fourth: 4 },
{ why: 'yes', this: 'no', if: 'so', tit: 'tat' } ]
How about something like that... I've converted your code to EcmaScript6 and also moved return statement after the first loop. To return everything in once, I converted obj to an array and push each object in it separately.
var orders = [
['first', 1], ['second', 2], ['third', 3], ['fourth', 4]
['why', 'yes'], ['this', 'no'], ['if', 'so'], ['tit', 'tat']
function arrayToObject(array) {
let obj = [];
for (let current_list of array){
let _tmpObj = {};
for (let values of current_list){
_tmpObj[values[0]] = values[1];
return obj;
It's output:
{ first: 1, second: 2, third: 3, fourth: 4 },
{ why: 'yes', this: 'no', if: 'so', tit: 'tat' }
The return statement should be below the for statements, not inside. Your code is exiting the function before it gets the the second array.
function arrayToObject(array) {
obj = [];
for (var i= 0; i< array.length; i++){
obj[i] = {};
for (var j= 0; j< array[i].length; j++){
obj[i][array[i][j][0]] = array[i][j][1];
return obj;