
时间:2022-03-29 12:52:57

I have a third party library returning an object array of object arrays that I can stuff into an object[]:


object[] arr = myLib.GetData(...);

The resulting array consists of object[] entries, so you can think of the return value as some kind of recordset with the outer array representing the rows and the inner arrays containing the field values where some fields might not be filled (a jagged array). To access the individual fields I have to cast like:


int i = (int) ((object[])arr[row])[col];//access a field containing an int

Now as I'm lazy I want to access the elements like this:


int i = (int) arr[row][col];

To do this I use the following Linq query:


object[] result = myLib.GetData(...);
object[][] arr = result.Select(o => (object[])o ).ToArray();

I tried using a simple cast like object[][] arr = (object[][])result; but that fails with a runtime error.

我尝试使用一个简单的cast like对象[][]arr = (object[][])结果;但是,这在运行时错误中失败了。

Now, my questions:


  • Is there a simpler way of doing this? I have the feeling that some nifty cast should do the trick?
  • 有没有更简单的方法?我有一种感觉,一些俏皮的演员应该这样做吗?
  • Also I am worried about performance as I have to reshape a lot of data just to save me some casting, so I wonder if this is really worth it?
  • 我也担心性能,因为我必须重新设计大量的数据,以节省一些铸造,所以我想知道这是否值得?

EDIT: Thank you all for the speedy answers.
@James: I like your answer wrapping up the culprit in a new class, but the drawback is that I always have to do the Linq wrapping when taking in the source array and the indexer needs both row and col values int i = (int) arr[row, col]; (I need to get a complete row as well like object[] row = arr[row];, sorry didn't post that in the beginning).
@Sergiu Mindras: Like James, i feel the extension method a bit dangerous as it would apply to all object[] variables.
@Nair: I chose your answer for my implementation, as it does not need using the Linq wrapper and I can access both individual fields using int i = (int) arr[row][col]; or an entire row using object[] row = arr[row];
@quetzalcoatl and @Abe Heidebrecht: Thanks for the hints on Cast<>().

编辑:谢谢大家的快速回答。@James:我喜欢你在一个新类中总结罪魁祸首的答案,但缺点是,在获取源数组时,我总是需要进行Linq包装,而索引器需要行和col值int I = (int) arr[row, col];(我需要得到一个完整的行,比如object[] row = arr[row];,不好意思,我一开始就没贴出来)。@Sergiu Mindras:和James一样,我觉得扩展方法有点危险,因为它适用于所有对象[]变量。@Nair:我为我的实现选择了您的答案,因为它不需要使用Linq包装器,我可以使用int I = (int) arr[row][col]访问这两个单独的字段;或使用对象[]行= arr[row]的整行;@quetzalcoatl and @Abe Heidebrecht:感谢大家对《吸血鬼日记》()的关注。

Conclusion: I wish I could choose both James' and Nair's answer, but as I stated above, Nair's solution gives me (I think) the best flexibility and performance. I added a function that will 'flatten' the internal array using the above Linq statement because I have other functions that need to be fed with such a structure.


Here is how I (roughly) implemented it (taken from Nair's solution:


public class CustomArray { private object[] data; public CustomArray(object[] arr) { data = arr; }

公共类CustomArray{私有对象[]数据;public CustomArray(object[] arr) {data = arr;}

        //get a row of the data
        public object[] this[int index]
        { get { return (object[]) data[index]; } }

        //get a field from the data
        public object this[int row, int col]
        { get { return ((object[])data[row])[col]; } }

        //get the array as 'real' 2D - Array
        public object[][] Data2D()
        {//this could be cached in case it is accessed more than once
            return data.Select(o => (object[])o ).ToArray()

        static void Main()
            var ca = new CustomArray(new object[] { 
                      new object[] {1,2,3,4,5 },
                      new object[] {1,2,3,4 },
                      new object[] {1,2 } });
            var row = ca[1]; //gets a full row
            int i = (int) ca[2,1]; //gets a field
            int j = (int) ca[2][1]; //gets me the same field
            object[][] arr = ca.Data2D(); //gets the complete array as 2D-array


So - again - thank you all! It always is a real pleasure and enlightenment to use this site.


5 个解决方案



There are few similar answer posted which does something similar. This differ only if you want to acess like


int i = (int) arr[row][col]; 

To demonstrate the idea


   public class CustomArray
            private object[] _arr;
            public CustomArray(object[] arr)
                _arr = arr;

            public object[] this[int index]
                    // This indexer is very simple, and just returns or sets 
                    // the corresponding element from the internal array. 
                    return (object[]) _arr[index];
            static void Main()
                var c = new CustomArray(new object[] { new object[] {1,2,3,4,5 }, new object[] {1,2,3,4 }, new object[] {1,2 } });
                var a =(int) c[1][2]; //here a will be 4 as you asked.




You could create a wrapper class to hide the ugly casting e.g.


public class DataWrapper
    private readonly object[][] data;

    public DataWrapper(object[] data)
        this.data = data.Select(o => (object[])o ).ToArray();

    public object this[int row, int col]
        get { return this.data[row][col]; }



var data = new DataWrapper(myLib.GetData(...));
int i = (int)data[row, col];

There is also the opportunity to make the wrapper generic e.g. DataWrapper<int>, however, I wasn't sure if your data collection would be all of the same type, returning object keeps it generic enough for you to decide what data type cast is needed.

也有可能使包装器成为通用的,例如DataWrapper ,但是,我不确定您的数据收集是否都是相同的类型,返回的对象使它具有足够的通用性,以便您决定需要什么数据类型转换。



(1) This probably could be done in short and easy form with dynamic keyword, but you'll use compile-time checking. But considering that you use object[], that's a small price:


dynamic results = obj.GetData();
object something = results[0][1];

I've not checked it with a compiler though.


(2) instead of Select(o => (type)o) there's a dedicated Cast<> function:

(2)代替Select(o => (type)o),有一个专门的Cast<>函数:

var tmp = items.Select(o => (object[])o).ToArray();
var tmp = items.Cast<object[]>().ToArray();

They are almost the same. I'd guess that Cast is a bit faster, but again, I've not checked that.


(3) Yes, reshaping in that way will affect the performance somewhat, depending mostly on the amount of items. The impact will be the larger the more elements you have. That's mostly related to .ToArray as it will enumerate all the items and it will make an additional array. Consider this:


var results = ((object[])obj.GetData()).Cast<object[]>();

The 'results' here are of type IEnumerable<object[]> and the difference is that it will be enumerated lazily, so the extra iteration over all elements is gone, the temporary extra array is gone, and also the overhead is minimal - similar to manual casting of every element, which you'd do anyways.. But - you lose the ability to index over the topmost array. You can loop/foreach over it, but you cannot index/[123] it.

这里的“结果”是IEnumerable 类型,不同之处在于它会被延迟地枚举,所以对所有元素的额外迭代都消失了,临时的额外数组也消失了,而且开销也很小——类似于对每个元素进行手工强制转换,无论如何都是这样。但是,你失去了在topmost数组中索引的能力。你可以对它进行循环/foreach,但是你不能索引/[123]它。 []>



The James's wrapper way is probably the best in terms of overall performance. I like it the most for readability, but that's personal opinion. Others may like LINQ more. But, I like it. I'd suggest James' wrapper.




You could use extension method:


static int getValue(this object[] arr, int col, int row)
    return (int) ((object[])arr[row])[col];

And retrieve by


int requestedValue = arr.getValue(col, row);

No idea for arr[int x][int y] syntax.

不知道arr[int x][int y]的语法。



Thanks James for your observation


You can use a nullable int so you don't get an exception when casting.

您可以使用一个nullable int,以便在强制转换时不会出现异常。

So, the method will become:


static int? getIntValue(this object[] arr, int col, int row)
    int? returnVal = ((object[])arr[row])[col] as int;
    return returnVal;
    catch(){ return null; }

And can be retrieved by


int? requestedValue = arr.getIntValue(col, row);

This way you get a nullable object and all encountered exceptions force return null




You can use LINQ Cast operator instead of Select...

您可以使用LINQ Cast运算符而不是Select…

object[][] arr = result.Cast<object[]>().ToArray()

This is a little less verbose, but should be nearly identical performance wise. Another way is to do it manually:


object[][] arr = new object[result.Length][];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; ++i)
    arr[i] = (object[])result[i];



There are few similar answer posted which does something similar. This differ only if you want to acess like


int i = (int) arr[row][col]; 

To demonstrate the idea


   public class CustomArray
            private object[] _arr;
            public CustomArray(object[] arr)
                _arr = arr;

            public object[] this[int index]
                    // This indexer is very simple, and just returns or sets 
                    // the corresponding element from the internal array. 
                    return (object[]) _arr[index];
            static void Main()
                var c = new CustomArray(new object[] { new object[] {1,2,3,4,5 }, new object[] {1,2,3,4 }, new object[] {1,2 } });
                var a =(int) c[1][2]; //here a will be 4 as you asked.




You could create a wrapper class to hide the ugly casting e.g.


public class DataWrapper
    private readonly object[][] data;

    public DataWrapper(object[] data)
        this.data = data.Select(o => (object[])o ).ToArray();

    public object this[int row, int col]
        get { return this.data[row][col]; }



var data = new DataWrapper(myLib.GetData(...));
int i = (int)data[row, col];

There is also the opportunity to make the wrapper generic e.g. DataWrapper<int>, however, I wasn't sure if your data collection would be all of the same type, returning object keeps it generic enough for you to decide what data type cast is needed.

也有可能使包装器成为通用的,例如DataWrapper ,但是,我不确定您的数据收集是否都是相同的类型,返回的对象使它具有足够的通用性,以便您决定需要什么数据类型转换。



(1) This probably could be done in short and easy form with dynamic keyword, but you'll use compile-time checking. But considering that you use object[], that's a small price:


dynamic results = obj.GetData();
object something = results[0][1];

I've not checked it with a compiler though.


(2) instead of Select(o => (type)o) there's a dedicated Cast<> function:

(2)代替Select(o => (type)o),有一个专门的Cast<>函数:

var tmp = items.Select(o => (object[])o).ToArray();
var tmp = items.Cast<object[]>().ToArray();

They are almost the same. I'd guess that Cast is a bit faster, but again, I've not checked that.


(3) Yes, reshaping in that way will affect the performance somewhat, depending mostly on the amount of items. The impact will be the larger the more elements you have. That's mostly related to .ToArray as it will enumerate all the items and it will make an additional array. Consider this:


var results = ((object[])obj.GetData()).Cast<object[]>();

The 'results' here are of type IEnumerable<object[]> and the difference is that it will be enumerated lazily, so the extra iteration over all elements is gone, the temporary extra array is gone, and also the overhead is minimal - similar to manual casting of every element, which you'd do anyways.. But - you lose the ability to index over the topmost array. You can loop/foreach over it, but you cannot index/[123] it.

这里的“结果”是IEnumerable 类型,不同之处在于它会被延迟地枚举,所以对所有元素的额外迭代都消失了,临时的额外数组也消失了,而且开销也很小——类似于对每个元素进行手工强制转换,无论如何都是这样。但是,你失去了在topmost数组中索引的能力。你可以对它进行循环/foreach,但是你不能索引/[123]它。 []>



The James's wrapper way is probably the best in terms of overall performance. I like it the most for readability, but that's personal opinion. Others may like LINQ more. But, I like it. I'd suggest James' wrapper.




You could use extension method:


static int getValue(this object[] arr, int col, int row)
    return (int) ((object[])arr[row])[col];

And retrieve by


int requestedValue = arr.getValue(col, row);

No idea for arr[int x][int y] syntax.

不知道arr[int x][int y]的语法。



Thanks James for your observation


You can use a nullable int so you don't get an exception when casting.

您可以使用一个nullable int,以便在强制转换时不会出现异常。

So, the method will become:


static int? getIntValue(this object[] arr, int col, int row)
    int? returnVal = ((object[])arr[row])[col] as int;
    return returnVal;
    catch(){ return null; }

And can be retrieved by


int? requestedValue = arr.getIntValue(col, row);

This way you get a nullable object and all encountered exceptions force return null




You can use LINQ Cast operator instead of Select...

您可以使用LINQ Cast运算符而不是Select…

object[][] arr = result.Cast<object[]>().ToArray()

This is a little less verbose, but should be nearly identical performance wise. Another way is to do it manually:


object[][] arr = new object[result.Length][];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; ++i)
    arr[i] = (object[])result[i];