Swift 3 - 两个字典数组之间的差异

时间:2022-04-30 12:47:30

I have two arrays of dictionaries:


let arrayA = [["name1": "email1"], ["name2": "email2"]]
let arrayB = [["name1": "email1"], ["name3": "email3"]]

I want to compare them and get another two arrays: arrayC should have the elements in arrayA but not in arrayB, and arrayD should have the elements in arrayB but not in arrayA:


let arrayC = [["name2": "email2"]]
let arrayD = [["name3": "email3"]]

How can I do this taking into the consideration large arrays?


2 个解决方案



Here you go


let arrayA = [["name1": "email1"], ["name2": "email2"]]
let arrayB = [["name1": "email1"], ["name3": "email3"]]

let arrayC = arrayA.filter{
    let dict = $0
    return !arrayB.contains{ dict == $0 }

let arrayD = arrayB.filter{
    let dict = $0
    return !arrayA.contains{ dict == $0 }



I know this answer may be complicating things and that you can use filter but...have you considered using Sets instead of Arrays?


Sets can give you operations for finding elements in setA but not in setB or elements in setA and setB out of the box.


There are a few caveats about sets though. As it says in The Swift Programming Guide


A set stores distinct values of the same type in a collection with no defined ordering. You can use a set instead of an array when the order of items is not important, or when you need to ensure that an item only appears once.


notice from the above:


  • Distinct: Meaning no duplicates
  • 区别:意思是没有重复

  • No definded ordering: Means that you cannot expect your sets to be in order
  • 没有明确的订购:意味着你不能指望你的套装有序

Also, notice this (also from The Swift Programming Guide):

另外,请注意这一点(也来自The Swift Programming Guide):

A type must be hashable in order to be stored in a set—that is, the type must provide a way to compute a hash value for itself.

类型必须是可散列的才能存储在集合中 - 即,类型必须提供计算自身散列值的方法。

If you can live with that...then sets are a fine solution I think.


Here is an example...I created a simple Email struct and made that implement Hashable:


struct Email {
    let name: String
    let email: String

extension Email: Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int {
        return "\(name)\(email)".hashValue

    static func ==(lhs: Email, rhs: Email) -> Bool {
         return lhs.name == rhs.name && lhs.email == rhs.email

And that can then be used like so:


let arrayA = [Email(name: "name1", email: "email1"), Email(name: "name2", email: "email2")]
let arrayB = [Email(name: "name1", email: "email1"), Email(name: "name3", email: "email3")]
let setA = Set(arrayA)
let setB = Set(arrayB)

let inBothAAndB = setA.intersection(setB) //gives me an Email with "name1", "email1"
let inAButNotB = setA.subtracting(setB) //gives me an Email with "name2", "email2"
let inBButNotA = setB.subtracting(setA) //gives me an Email with "name3", "email3"

So...I don't know if that confuses things for you or makes things harder or maybe impossible (if you're data can contain more than one element with the same name and email for instance) but...I just thought you should consider sets :)


Hope that helps you.




Here you go


let arrayA = [["name1": "email1"], ["name2": "email2"]]
let arrayB = [["name1": "email1"], ["name3": "email3"]]

let arrayC = arrayA.filter{
    let dict = $0
    return !arrayB.contains{ dict == $0 }

let arrayD = arrayB.filter{
    let dict = $0
    return !arrayA.contains{ dict == $0 }



I know this answer may be complicating things and that you can use filter but...have you considered using Sets instead of Arrays?


Sets can give you operations for finding elements in setA but not in setB or elements in setA and setB out of the box.


There are a few caveats about sets though. As it says in The Swift Programming Guide


A set stores distinct values of the same type in a collection with no defined ordering. You can use a set instead of an array when the order of items is not important, or when you need to ensure that an item only appears once.


notice from the above:


  • Distinct: Meaning no duplicates
  • 区别:意思是没有重复

  • No definded ordering: Means that you cannot expect your sets to be in order
  • 没有明确的订购:意味着你不能指望你的套装有序

Also, notice this (also from The Swift Programming Guide):

另外,请注意这一点(也来自The Swift Programming Guide):

A type must be hashable in order to be stored in a set—that is, the type must provide a way to compute a hash value for itself.

类型必须是可散列的才能存储在集合中 - 即,类型必须提供计算自身散列值的方法。

If you can live with that...then sets are a fine solution I think.


Here is an example...I created a simple Email struct and made that implement Hashable:


struct Email {
    let name: String
    let email: String

extension Email: Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int {
        return "\(name)\(email)".hashValue

    static func ==(lhs: Email, rhs: Email) -> Bool {
         return lhs.name == rhs.name && lhs.email == rhs.email

And that can then be used like so:


let arrayA = [Email(name: "name1", email: "email1"), Email(name: "name2", email: "email2")]
let arrayB = [Email(name: "name1", email: "email1"), Email(name: "name3", email: "email3")]
let setA = Set(arrayA)
let setB = Set(arrayB)

let inBothAAndB = setA.intersection(setB) //gives me an Email with "name1", "email1"
let inAButNotB = setA.subtracting(setB) //gives me an Email with "name2", "email2"
let inBButNotA = setB.subtracting(setA) //gives me an Email with "name3", "email3"

So...I don't know if that confuses things for you or makes things harder or maybe impossible (if you're data can contain more than one element with the same name and email for instance) but...I just thought you should consider sets :)


Hope that helps you.
