
时间:2022-11-14 12:28:10

I need to run a bunch of scripts (with sudo) that use a single file.sh as a configuration file for all. Initially I've put the file.sh in /etc/profile.d and when I ran the scripts as root everything was ok (because when I connected to the machine it first sourced the file.sh and all vars in that file were available) but now, for security reasons, I need to run them with another user with sudo rights.


When running with sudo the "configuration file" in /etc/profile.d does not get sourced even if I'm root and do sudo - it's the same.

当使用sudo运行时,即使我是root用户并执行sudo,/ etc / profile.d中的“配置文件”也不会获取 - 它是相同的。

Using "sudo -E" is not an option, also this kind of solution "Defaults env_keep += "ftp_proxy http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy"" does not work for me as the vars in the file change a lot and it's easier to throw a file, with all the vars, in a location - like /etc/profile.d/ - instead to adding options to /etc/sudoers.

使用“sudo -E”不是一个选项,这种解决方案“Defaults env_keep + =”ftp_proxy http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy“”对我来说不起作用,因为文件中的变量变化很大并且更容易抛出文件,与所有变量,在一个位置 - 如/etc/profile.d/ - 而不是添加选项到/ etc / sudoers。

Later Edit (working):


Moved original sudo command to sudo.orig. Created a new sudo bash script

将原始sudo命令移至sudo.orig。创建了一个新的sudo bash脚本

[root@NS1 bin]# cat sudo
source /etc/profile.d/set_env_vmdeploy.sh
sh /usr/bin/sudo.orig "$@"

and gave it permissions


[root@NS1 bin]# chmod 4111 sudo
[root@NS1 bin]# ll sudo*
---s--x--x 1 root root     78 May  7 13:42 sudo
---s--x--x 1 root root 123832 Jul 31  2014 sudo.orig

1 个解决方案


If you want sudo to execute all the profile scripts in the child shell, you can tell it to invoke the shell as a login shell: sudo -i /usr/local/bin/my_script.sh. (Note that the child shell will start with the working directory set to /root, and also that this may have other unintended side effects.)

如果您希望sudo执行子shell中的所有配置文件脚本,您可以告诉它将shell作为登录shell调用:sudo -i /usr/local/bin/my_script.sh。 (请注意,子shell将以工作目录设置为/ root开头,并且这可能会产生其他意外的副作用。)

Alternatively, invoke bash explicitly with a command parameter: sudo /bin/bash -c "source ./config.sh; ./real_script.sh".

或者,使用命令参数显式调用bash:sudo / bin / bash -c“source ./config.sh; ./real_script.sh”。


If you want sudo to execute all the profile scripts in the child shell, you can tell it to invoke the shell as a login shell: sudo -i /usr/local/bin/my_script.sh. (Note that the child shell will start with the working directory set to /root, and also that this may have other unintended side effects.)

如果您希望sudo执行子shell中的所有配置文件脚本,您可以告诉它将shell作为登录shell调用:sudo -i /usr/local/bin/my_script.sh。 (请注意,子shell将以工作目录设置为/ root开头,并且这可能会产生其他意外的副作用。)

Alternatively, invoke bash explicitly with a command parameter: sudo /bin/bash -c "source ./config.sh; ./real_script.sh".

或者,使用命令参数显式调用bash:sudo / bin / bash -c“source ./config.sh; ./real_script.sh”。