使用in_array()检查PHP数组中的值; [重复]

时间:2022-07-26 12:20:00

Possible Duplicate:
Implode array with “, ” and add “and ” before last item


I'm customising a WordPress theme and I have created some checkboxes in the user profile page in the admin, 3 to be exact. When a user checks each box the value of that box is saved in an array calle $goals when they save their profile. This all works great.

我正在自定义一个WordPress主题,我在管理员的用户个人资料页面中创建了一些复选框,确切地说是3。当用户检查每个框时,该框的值将在保存其配置文件时保存在数组calle $ targets中。一切都很好。

On a template page I'm doing some tests on how to display certain content based on what goals the user has selected so I have created the following code which checks whether the array contains each value on it's own and then combinations of goals together and then echos specific content based on those selections. It works just fine but I feel the code is bloated and could be streamlined. This is something I'm always looking to do with my code. I would really appreciate your thoughts on how I can achieve the same results with less code. Thanks.


$goals = get_user_meta( $userID, 'goals', $single );

if (in_array('Weight Loss', $goals, true) && !in_array('Improve Fitness', $goals, true) && !in_array('Improve Health', $goals, true)) {
    echo 'Weight Loss';
} elseif (in_array('Improve Fitness', $goals, true) && !in_array('Weight Loss', $goals, true) && !in_array('Improve Health', $goals, true)) {
    echo 'Improve Fitness';
} elseif (in_array('Improve Health', $goals, true) && !in_array('Improve Fitness', $goals, true) && !in_array('Weight Loss', $goals, true)) {
    echo 'Improve Health';
} elseif (in_array('Weight Loss', $goals, true) && in_array('Improve Fitness', $goals, true) && !in_array('Improve Health', $goals, true)) {
    echo 'Weight Loss and Improve Fitness';
} elseif (in_array('Weight Loss', $goals, true) && !in_array('Improve Fitness', $goals, true) && in_array('Improve Health', $goals, true)) {
    echo 'Weight Loss and Improve Health';
} elseif (!in_array('Weight Loss', $goals, true) && in_array('Improve Fitness', $goals, true) && in_array('Improve Health', $goals, true)) {
    echo 'Improve Fitness and Improve Health';
} elseif (in_array('Weight Loss', $goals, true) && in_array('Improve Fitness', $goals, true) && in_array('Improve Health', $goals, true)) {
    echo 'Weight Loss, Improve Fitness and Improve Health';
} else {
    echo 'Nothing set';

2 个解决方案



To represent the list of goals in a human readable form:


if (count($goals) > 1) {
    echo join(', ', array_slice($goals, 0, -1)) . ' and ' . end($goals);
} elseif ($goals) {
    echo $goals[0];
} else {
    echo "Nothing set";

Depending on how many items you have, the code will return either "X" / "X and Y" / "X, Y and Z".


In the case of more than one item, it does the following:


  1. Take the items up to but not including the last item - using array_slice() and put a comma in between them - using join().
  2. 获取项目但不包括最后一项 - 使用array_slice()并在它们之间加一个逗号 - 使用join()。

  3. Add the word " and " and the value of the last item.
  4. 添加单词“和”以及最后一项的值。

To narrow down the $goals array to just those items you mentioned:

要将$ goals数组缩小到您提到的那些项目:

$goals = array_intersect(array('Weight Loss', 'Improve Fitness', 'Improve Health'), $goals);

It strips out all values except the ones you're interested in, in your case just three of them. Depending on your situation, you may not need this code though.




If you do not want to simply concatenate the strings as your example suggests, the more streamlined version of that code would be something like this:



switch ($goals) {
    case array('Weight Loss') :

    case array('Improve Fitness', 'Weight Loss') :


The important thing here being that the elements in both arrays are in the same order, therefore the initial sort and the comparison elements being ordered alphabetically.


Having said that, there's got to be a better way of handling this than handling all possible permutations, since that goes up exponentially as you add more options. You should usually loop over the collection of goals, for each goal do something, then output some aggregate value:


$output = array();

foreach ($goals as $goal) {
    switch ($goal) {
        case 'Weight Loss' :
            $output[] = 'I want to lose weight.';

        case 'Improve Fitness' :
            $output[] = ...


echo join("\n", $output);

With a really sensible OOP based structure, where each goal is defined as an individual object, this could look even more like:


$output = array();

foreach ($goals as $goal) {
    $output[] = $goal->objectiveDescription();

echo join("\n", $output);

In other words, the way you're approaching the problem is insufficient. It's hard to suggest something without knowing what you're actually trying to do though.




To represent the list of goals in a human readable form:


if (count($goals) > 1) {
    echo join(', ', array_slice($goals, 0, -1)) . ' and ' . end($goals);
} elseif ($goals) {
    echo $goals[0];
} else {
    echo "Nothing set";

Depending on how many items you have, the code will return either "X" / "X and Y" / "X, Y and Z".


In the case of more than one item, it does the following:


  1. Take the items up to but not including the last item - using array_slice() and put a comma in between them - using join().
  2. 获取项目但不包括最后一项 - 使用array_slice()并在它们之间加一个逗号 - 使用join()。

  3. Add the word " and " and the value of the last item.
  4. 添加单词“和”以及最后一项的值。

To narrow down the $goals array to just those items you mentioned:

要将$ goals数组缩小到您提到的那些项目:

$goals = array_intersect(array('Weight Loss', 'Improve Fitness', 'Improve Health'), $goals);

It strips out all values except the ones you're interested in, in your case just three of them. Depending on your situation, you may not need this code though.




If you do not want to simply concatenate the strings as your example suggests, the more streamlined version of that code would be something like this:



switch ($goals) {
    case array('Weight Loss') :

    case array('Improve Fitness', 'Weight Loss') :


The important thing here being that the elements in both arrays are in the same order, therefore the initial sort and the comparison elements being ordered alphabetically.


Having said that, there's got to be a better way of handling this than handling all possible permutations, since that goes up exponentially as you add more options. You should usually loop over the collection of goals, for each goal do something, then output some aggregate value:


$output = array();

foreach ($goals as $goal) {
    switch ($goal) {
        case 'Weight Loss' :
            $output[] = 'I want to lose weight.';

        case 'Improve Fitness' :
            $output[] = ...


echo join("\n", $output);

With a really sensible OOP based structure, where each goal is defined as an individual object, this could look even more like:


$output = array();

foreach ($goals as $goal) {
    $output[] = $goal->objectiveDescription();

echo join("\n", $output);

In other words, the way you're approaching the problem is insufficient. It's hard to suggest something without knowing what you're actually trying to do though.
