
时间:2022-05-24 12:17:12

I just started learning prolog recently and am confused about how the recursion works. I have written this code:


test(X,B):- B is X + 2, B < 22, test(B,_).

I want it to return 20 or 21, but instead, if I call, say, test(4,X) it returns 6 over and over again (7 times to be exact), like this:


X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;

etc. So I was wondering what I was doing wrong. Thanks in advance for the help! Really appreciate it.


1 个解决方案


You misinterpreted the result you got, look:


?-  test(4,X).
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
true.   % <==== 

Note the true at the end, it means: Yes, this is true for any X!


Here is what you probably meant to write - trying to simulate your exact way of expression:

以下是您可能要编写的内容 - 尝试模拟您的确切表达方式:

mtest(X0, X) :-
   X1 is X0+2,
   X1 < 22,
   mtest(X1, X).
mtest(X0, X) :-
   X is X0,
   X+2 >= 22.

Some things are remarkable:


  • Note variable X in the first clause: It "hands back" the result.


  • The second clause needs to express the opposite of the very condition you gave in the first clause, because clauses are read independently of each other. In your original program the fact test(X,Y). stated that the relation is true for everything! (You got a warning for that, didn't you?) For example, also test(7,1000). succeeded.

    第二个句子需要表达与第一个子句中给出的条件相反的条件,因为子句是相互独立的。在你的原始程序中,事实测试(X,Y)。说这种关系对一切都是正确的! (你得到了警告,不是吗?)例如,也测试(7,1000)。成功了。

  • The X is X0 is here to ensure that the second argument will be only a number but not an expression.


In any case, as a beginner, try to use library(clpfd), instead of (is)/2. Or even better, start with .

在任何情况下,作为初学者,尝试使用库(clpfd),clpfd而不是(是)/ 2。或者甚至更好,从继承算术开始。


You misinterpreted the result you got, look:


?-  test(4,X).
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
X = 6 ;
true.   % <==== 

Note the true at the end, it means: Yes, this is true for any X!


Here is what you probably meant to write - trying to simulate your exact way of expression:

以下是您可能要编写的内容 - 尝试模拟您的确切表达方式:

mtest(X0, X) :-
   X1 is X0+2,
   X1 < 22,
   mtest(X1, X).
mtest(X0, X) :-
   X is X0,
   X+2 >= 22.

Some things are remarkable:


  • Note variable X in the first clause: It "hands back" the result.


  • The second clause needs to express the opposite of the very condition you gave in the first clause, because clauses are read independently of each other. In your original program the fact test(X,Y). stated that the relation is true for everything! (You got a warning for that, didn't you?) For example, also test(7,1000). succeeded.

    第二个句子需要表达与第一个子句中给出的条件相反的条件,因为子句是相互独立的。在你的原始程序中,事实测试(X,Y)。说这种关系对一切都是正确的! (你得到了警告,不是吗?)例如,也测试(7,1000)。成功了。

  • The X is X0 is here to ensure that the second argument will be only a number but not an expression.


In any case, as a beginner, try to use library(clpfd), instead of (is)/2. Or even better, start with .

在任何情况下,作为初学者,尝试使用库(clpfd),clpfd而不是(是)/ 2。或者甚至更好,从继承算术开始。