
时间:2022-11-07 12:17:26

I am still getting my grip on Java. I need some help in looping through an array.


My array looks like this;


String [] allRecords = ["[BEGIN RECORD]", "[ID]1", "[cName]Agnes", "[Age]12", "[END RECORD]", "[BEGIN RECORD]", "[ID]2", "[cName]Hellen", "[Age]5", "[END RECORD]", "[BEGIN RECORD]", "[ID]3", "[cName]Jack", "[Age]34", "[END RECORD]" ];

//i use the below code to identify the beginning and end of a record in the array

             String beginRecord = "[BEGIN RECORD]";
                boolean foundBeginRecord = false;
                int foundIndex = 0;
                for (int i=0; i<allRecords.length; i++) {
                    if (beginRecord.equals(allRecords[i])) {
                    foundBeginRecord = true;
                    foundIndex = i+1;   //added one

          String endRecord = "[END RECORD]";
          boolean foundEndRecord = false;
                int foundEnd = 0;
                for (int i=0; i<allRecords.length; i++) {
                    if (endRecord.equals(allRecords[i])) {
                    foundEndRecord = true;
                    foundEnd = i;   //one NOT added 

//i then use the below code to slice off part of the array

 String [] partAllRecords = Arrays.copyOfRange(allRecords, foundIndex, foundEnd);

//this gives me a new sub-array like this: "[ID]1", "[cName]Agnes", "[Age]12"

//这给了我一个像这样的新子数组:“[ID] 1”,“[cName] Agnes”,“[Age] 12”

The above code works OK. What I need now is to read/slice another portion from the allRecords array i.e.; "[ID]2", "[cName]Hellen", "[Age]5" and then slice the next block "[ID]3", "[cName]Jack", "[Age]34" till the end of the allRecords Array.

上面的代码工作正常。我现在需要的是从allRecords数组中读取/切片另一部分,即; “[ID] 2”,“[cName] Hellen”,“[Age] 5”然后切下一个块“[ID] 3”,“[cName] Jack”,“[Age] 34”直到结束allRecords数组。

How can I do this?


Thank you!


2 个解决方案



Your existing code is close and can be modified pretty easily to do what you want. The key thing to remember, which you are not doing now, is to start where you left off, instead of restarting at 0. So you have (greatly simplified for illustration):


int foundIndex = 0;
for (int i=0; i<allRecords.length; i++)
   ... find start record

int foundEnd = 0;
for (int i=0; i<allRecords.length; i++) {
   ... find end record

Note that you start at 0 each time. However, you know a couple of things:


  • The start record won't be before the previous end, so we can start searching just after the previous record.
  • 开始记录不会在前一个结束之前,因此我们可以在上一个记录之后开始搜索。
  • The end record won't be before the start, so we can start searching at the start index.
  • 结束记录不会在开始之前,因此我们可以从起始索引开始搜索。

Then, by saving the location of the end of the previous record, and picking up from there, your logic can now be repeatedly in a loop until all valid records are consumed from the input.


With that in mind, again very over-simplified:


int foundIndex, foundEnd = -1;

do {

    foundIndex = 0;
    for (int i=foundEnd + 1; i<allRecords.length; i++)
       ... find start record

    foundEnd = 0;
    for (int i=foundIndex + 1; i<allRecords.length; i++) {
       ... find end record

} while a record was found;

There are other possible ways to simplify your code (e.g. use an ArrayList with indexOf(), use a simple state machine, etc.), but the above stays pretty close to your current code.




First, thank you Trenin and Jason for your guidance. I struggled with the task and for the benefit of someone else one day, i will paste below the code that has worked for me;


String [] allRecords = {"[BEGIN RECORD]", "[ID]1", "[cName]Agnes", "[Age]12", "[END RECORD]", "[BEGIN RECORD]", "[ID]2", "[cName]Hellen", "[Age]5", "[END RECORD]", "[BEGIN RECORD]", "[ID]3", "[cName]Jack", "[Age]34", "[END RECORD]"};

String beginRecord = "[BEGIN RECORD]";
String endRecord = "[END RECORD]";                
int foundIndex = 0;
int foundEnd = 0;

      for (int i=0; i<allRecords.length; i++) {
      if (endRecord.equals(allRecords[i])) {
           foundEnd = i;    

      //by saving the location of the end of the previous record, and picking up from there, your logic can now be repeatedly in a loop until all valid records are consumed from the input
      foundEnd = foundEnd-1; //arrays are zero based

      for (int i=0; i<allRecords.length; i++) {
          if (beginRecord.equals(allRecords[i])) {
             foundIndex = i+1;  //arrays are zero based
             String [] partAllRecords = Arrays.copyOfRange(allRecords, foundIndex, foundIndex+foundEnd);                   
             //prints below arrays in logcat
             //[[ID]1, [cName]Agnes, [Age]12]
             //[[ID]2, [cName]Hellen, [Age]5]
             //[[ID]3, [cName]Jack, [Age]34]



Your existing code is close and can be modified pretty easily to do what you want. The key thing to remember, which you are not doing now, is to start where you left off, instead of restarting at 0. So you have (greatly simplified for illustration):


int foundIndex = 0;
for (int i=0; i<allRecords.length; i++)
   ... find start record

int foundEnd = 0;
for (int i=0; i<allRecords.length; i++) {
   ... find end record

Note that you start at 0 each time. However, you know a couple of things:


  • The start record won't be before the previous end, so we can start searching just after the previous record.
  • 开始记录不会在前一个结束之前,因此我们可以在上一个记录之后开始搜索。
  • The end record won't be before the start, so we can start searching at the start index.
  • 结束记录不会在开始之前,因此我们可以从起始索引开始搜索。

Then, by saving the location of the end of the previous record, and picking up from there, your logic can now be repeatedly in a loop until all valid records are consumed from the input.


With that in mind, again very over-simplified:


int foundIndex, foundEnd = -1;

do {

    foundIndex = 0;
    for (int i=foundEnd + 1; i<allRecords.length; i++)
       ... find start record

    foundEnd = 0;
    for (int i=foundIndex + 1; i<allRecords.length; i++) {
       ... find end record

} while a record was found;

There are other possible ways to simplify your code (e.g. use an ArrayList with indexOf(), use a simple state machine, etc.), but the above stays pretty close to your current code.




First, thank you Trenin and Jason for your guidance. I struggled with the task and for the benefit of someone else one day, i will paste below the code that has worked for me;


String [] allRecords = {"[BEGIN RECORD]", "[ID]1", "[cName]Agnes", "[Age]12", "[END RECORD]", "[BEGIN RECORD]", "[ID]2", "[cName]Hellen", "[Age]5", "[END RECORD]", "[BEGIN RECORD]", "[ID]3", "[cName]Jack", "[Age]34", "[END RECORD]"};

String beginRecord = "[BEGIN RECORD]";
String endRecord = "[END RECORD]";                
int foundIndex = 0;
int foundEnd = 0;

      for (int i=0; i<allRecords.length; i++) {
      if (endRecord.equals(allRecords[i])) {
           foundEnd = i;    

      //by saving the location of the end of the previous record, and picking up from there, your logic can now be repeatedly in a loop until all valid records are consumed from the input
      foundEnd = foundEnd-1; //arrays are zero based

      for (int i=0; i<allRecords.length; i++) {
          if (beginRecord.equals(allRecords[i])) {
             foundIndex = i+1;  //arrays are zero based
             String [] partAllRecords = Arrays.copyOfRange(allRecords, foundIndex, foundIndex+foundEnd);                   
             //prints below arrays in logcat
             //[[ID]1, [cName]Agnes, [Age]12]
             //[[ID]2, [cName]Hellen, [Age]5]
             //[[ID]3, [cName]Jack, [Age]34]