
时间:2020-12-31 12:18:20

I have two arrays, one with name of the country and one with the currency type. I would like to merge these together and use the country key instead of the currencies array. What would be the best way to accomplish this?


This is what my code looks like now:


var country = new Array();
country["SEK"] = 'Sweden';
country["USD"] = 'United states';
var currencies = ["SEK","USD"];
var options = '';

for (var i = 0; i < currencies.length; i++) {
    options += '<option value="' + currencies[i] + '" id="' + currencies[i] + '">' + currencies[i] + ' (' + country[currencies[i]] + ')</option>';

3 个解决方案



It seem uncomfortable to use arrays. Use json object json.orgwikipedia instead, this way you can take advantage of the relation key-value. In addition you can also validate it with lint. No jQuery needed. So this is the code:

使用数组似乎不太舒服。使用json对象 wikipedia代替,这样您就可以利用关系键值。此外,您还可以使用lint验证它。不需要jQuery。这就是代码:

var currency = {
    "SEK": "Sweden",
    "USD": "United states",
    "GBP": "United Kingdom"

(function(obj) {
    var myselect = document.getElementById("currency");
    for (var key in obj) {
        var optElement = new Option( key+ " ( " + obj[key] + " ) ", key ); = key; //optElement.setAttribute ( "id", key);
        myselect.add ( optElement, null);

​As for the function - I think it is better to do it with objects, instead of making a string and then adding it to the select. It is an anonymous function, so it is self-contained and won't interfere with any other code. Just use it after the select is created, or place it at the end of the page.


And jsfiddle example




Using add() or innerHTML - in Chrome, innerHTML is not working. And it is better this way.

使用add()或innerHTML -在Chrome中,innerHTML不工作。这样更好。

As for the removing of the options - there is remove() method. Use one of those:


var x = document.getElementById("currency");
for ( var i = x.length; i > 0; i-- ) { x.remove ( 0 ); }


while ( x.length > 0 )               { x.remove ( x.length - 1 ); }



It's a common misconception that you can just use this:


for (var currency in country) {
  result += { ... something done with both currency and country[currency] ... };

The catch here is that hash is technically unordered in JS, so you cannot guarantee the same order of these options.


The common alternative is using array of objects instead:


var countriesData = [
  country: 'Sweden',
  currency: 'SEK'
  country: 'United States',
  currency: 'USD'
for (var i = 0, l = countriesData.length; i < l; i++) {
  result += { something of countriesData[i].currency and countriesData[i].country };

As a sidenote, consider this...

var country = new Array();
country["SEK"] = 'Sweden';
country["USD"] = 'United states';
console.log(country.length); // wait, what?

... and 0 will be logged, not 2 - as probably expected. Again, there's no such thing as 'PHP-like associative array' in JS: there are objects and arrays (which are technically objects too; typeof country will give you 'object' string).

…0将被记录,而不是2 -可能是预期的那样。同样,JS中没有类似于php的关联数组,有对象和数组(技术上也是对象);类型的国家将给你'对象'字符串)。

So this is what happens here: you create an Array object, and it inherits all the properties of Array.prototype (such as length), in particular. Now you extend this Array with two properties - 'SEK' and 'USD'; but it's not the same as pushing these strings into array with push or some similar methods! That's why its length stays the same, introducing chaos and confusion. )




Try this:


var countries = {
    'Sweden': 'SEK',
    'United Stated': 'USD'
}, options = '', country;

for(country in countries) {
    options += '<option value="' + countries[country] + '" id="' + countries[country] + '">' + countries[country] + ' (' + country + ')</option>';



It seem uncomfortable to use arrays. Use json object json.orgwikipedia instead, this way you can take advantage of the relation key-value. In addition you can also validate it with lint. No jQuery needed. So this is the code:

使用数组似乎不太舒服。使用json对象 wikipedia代替,这样您就可以利用关系键值。此外,您还可以使用lint验证它。不需要jQuery。这就是代码:

var currency = {
    "SEK": "Sweden",
    "USD": "United states",
    "GBP": "United Kingdom"

(function(obj) {
    var myselect = document.getElementById("currency");
    for (var key in obj) {
        var optElement = new Option( key+ " ( " + obj[key] + " ) ", key ); = key; //optElement.setAttribute ( "id", key);
        myselect.add ( optElement, null);

​As for the function - I think it is better to do it with objects, instead of making a string and then adding it to the select. It is an anonymous function, so it is self-contained and won't interfere with any other code. Just use it after the select is created, or place it at the end of the page.


And jsfiddle example




Using add() or innerHTML - in Chrome, innerHTML is not working. And it is better this way.

使用add()或innerHTML -在Chrome中,innerHTML不工作。这样更好。

As for the removing of the options - there is remove() method. Use one of those:


var x = document.getElementById("currency");
for ( var i = x.length; i > 0; i-- ) { x.remove ( 0 ); }


while ( x.length > 0 )               { x.remove ( x.length - 1 ); }



It's a common misconception that you can just use this:


for (var currency in country) {
  result += { ... something done with both currency and country[currency] ... };

The catch here is that hash is technically unordered in JS, so you cannot guarantee the same order of these options.


The common alternative is using array of objects instead:


var countriesData = [
  country: 'Sweden',
  currency: 'SEK'
  country: 'United States',
  currency: 'USD'
for (var i = 0, l = countriesData.length; i < l; i++) {
  result += { something of countriesData[i].currency and countriesData[i].country };

As a sidenote, consider this...

var country = new Array();
country["SEK"] = 'Sweden';
country["USD"] = 'United states';
console.log(country.length); // wait, what?

... and 0 will be logged, not 2 - as probably expected. Again, there's no such thing as 'PHP-like associative array' in JS: there are objects and arrays (which are technically objects too; typeof country will give you 'object' string).

…0将被记录,而不是2 -可能是预期的那样。同样,JS中没有类似于php的关联数组,有对象和数组(技术上也是对象);类型的国家将给你'对象'字符串)。

So this is what happens here: you create an Array object, and it inherits all the properties of Array.prototype (such as length), in particular. Now you extend this Array with two properties - 'SEK' and 'USD'; but it's not the same as pushing these strings into array with push or some similar methods! That's why its length stays the same, introducing chaos and confusion. )




Try this:


var countries = {
    'Sweden': 'SEK',
    'United Stated': 'USD'
}, options = '', country;

for(country in countries) {
    options += '<option value="' + countries[country] + '" id="' + countries[country] + '">' + countries[country] + ' (' + country + ')</option>';