
时间:2021-12-19 12:05:20

I've got two identical YouTube videos embedded on the same page. I'd like them to both be in sync, here are my requirements / notes:


  • Both videos must start at the same time
  • 两个视频必须同时开始

  • When a video is played / paused by the user the other video does the same
    • This is quite easy via the API
    • 这很容易通过API

  • 当用户播放/暂停视频时,其他视频也是如此。通过API可以很容易地实现

  • When one video buffers the other stops to wait, and starts when they are both ready
  • 当一个视频缓冲其他停止等待时,并在它们都准备就绪时启动

  • I only need audio from one video
  • 我只需要一个视频的音频

  • Sync accuracy doesn't have to be millisecond perfect, just reliable
  • 同步精度不一定是毫秒完美,只是可靠

  • One video will be used as a background video
    • This video will be slightly blurred (using CSS3 blur), so quality not super essential
    • 这个视频会有些模糊(使用CSS3模糊),因此质量不是超级必需品

  • 一个视频将用作背景视频此视频将略微模糊(使用CSS3模糊),因此质量不是超级必要的

I've tried using the YouTube JS API to listen for player state changes and attempt to keep both videos in sync, however it wasn't as reliable as I'd hoped for. I'll post part of the code for this below.

我已经尝试使用YouTube JS API来监听播放器状态更改并尝试保持两个视频同步,但它并不像我希望的那样可靠。我将在下面发布部分代码。

One caveat is that one video will appear larger than the other, so the YouTube might provide a higher quality video for that.


Because I'm using CSS3 blur I can only use recent Webkit browsers, so a solution that works on these alone (and not FF/IE) is not a problem.

因为我使用CSS3模糊,所以我只能使用最近的Webkit浏览器,所以单独使用这些(而不是FF / IE)的解决方案不是问题。

My question is this, for the requirements above, is there any way to keep these two videos in sync? I did consider if it was possible to use the canvas API to "redraw" the video, but after researching figured this wasn't going to be possible.

我的问题是,对于上述要求,有没有办法让这两个视频保持同步?我确实考虑过是否可以使用canvas API来“重绘”视频,但经过研究发现,这是不可能的。

buffering = false;

var buffer_control = function(buffering_video, sibling_video, state) {

switch ( state ) {

    case 1: // play

        if ( buffering === true ) {

            console.error('restarting after buffer');

            // pause both videos, we want to make sure they are both at the same time

            // get the current time of the video being buffered...
            var current_time = buffering_video.getCurrentTime();

            // ... and pull the sibling video back to that time
            sibling_video.seekTo(current_time, true);

            // finally, play both videos

            // unset the buffering flag
            buffering = false;



    case 3: // buffering


        // set the buffering flag
        buffering = true;

        // pause the sibling video




1 个解决方案



Your project is kinda interesting, that's why I decided to try to help you. I have never used the youtube API but I have tried some coding and it might be a start for you.

你的项目很有意思,这就是我决定尝试帮助你的原因。我从来没有使用过youtube API,但我尝试了一些编码,这可能是一个开始。

So here is the code I have tried and it seems to work quite well , it certainly needs some improvements ( I haven't tried to calculate the offset between the two played videos but letting them unmute shows the mismatch and it sounds legit)


Here we go :

开始了 :

Let's start with some html basics


<!DOCTYPE html>

We add an absolute positionning for the foreground player so it overlays the one playing the background video (for testing)



jQuery is used here to fade in/out the players (you'll see why below) but you can use basic JS


    <script src="jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>

The < iframes> (and video players) will replace these < div> tags.



    <div id="player1"></div>    <!-- Background video player -->
    <div id="player2"></div>    <!-- Foreground video player -->


This code loads the IFrame Player API code asynchronously.

此代码异步加载IFrame Player API代码。

        var tag = document.createElement('script');

        tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api";
        var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);

This function creates the < iframes> (and YouTube players) after the API code downloads. Note the callback functions : onPlayer1Ready and onPlayer1StateChange

下载API代码后,此功能会创建 (和YouTube播放器)。请注意回调函数:onPlayer1Ready和onPlayer1StateChange

        var player1;
        var player2;
        function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
            player1 = new YT.Player('player1', {
                                  height: '780',
                                  width: '1280',
                                  videoId: 'M7lc1UVf-VE',
                                  playerVars: { 'autoplay': 0, 'controls': 0 },
                                  events: {
                                        'onReady': onPlayer1Ready,
                                        'onStateChange': onPlayer1StateChange
            player2 = new YT.Player('player2', {
                                  height: '390',
                                  width: '640',
                                  videoId: 'M7lc1UVf-VE',
                                  events: {
                                       'onReady': onPlayer2Ready,
                                       'onStateChange': onPlayer2StateChange

        var player1Ready = false;
        var player2Ready = false;

So now is the interesting part of the code. The main issue in your project of sync is linked to the fact that videos need to be buffered before launching them. Actually the API doesn't provide any kind of intuitive function to preload the videos (due to bandwidth issues (client and server side). So we have to get a bit tricky.
The steps to preload a video are the following:


  • Hide the player so the next steps aren't visible for the user);
  • 隐藏播放器,以便用户看不到后续步骤);

  • Mute the player ( player.mute():Void );
  • 将播放器静音(player.mute():Void);

  • Emulate a jump in timeline to start the buffering ( player.seekTo(seconds:Number, allowSeekAhead:Boolean):Void );
  • 模拟时间轴中的跳转以开始缓冲(player.seekTo(seconds:Number,allowSeekAhead:Boolean):Void);

  • Wait for a state change event equal to YT.PlayerState.PLAYING;
  • 等待状态更改事件等于YT.PlayerState.PLAYING;

  • Pause the video ( player.pauseVideo():Void );
  • 暂停视频(player.pauseVideo():Void);

  • Rewind the video with player.seekTo(seconds:Number, allowSeekAhead:Boolean):Void ;
  • 使用player.seekTo(秒:Number,allowSeekAhead:Boolean)回放视频:Void;

  • Unmute the player ( player.unMute():Void );
  • 取消静音播放器(player.unMute():Void);

  • Show the player.
  • 显示播放器。

You have to preload your two videos.


        var preloading1 = false;
        var preloading2 = false;

The API will call these functions when the video players are ready.


        function onPlayer1Ready(event) 
            player1Ready = true;
            preloading1 = true;       // Flag the player 1 preloading
            player1.mute();           // Mute the player 1
            $( "#player1" ).hide();   // Hide it
            player1.seekTo(1);        // Start the preloading and wait a state change event

        function onPlayer2Ready(event) {
            player2Ready = true;      // The foreground video player is not preloaded here

The API calls this function when the background video player's state changes.


        function onPlayer1StateChange(event) 
            if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING ) {
                    prompt("Background ready");     // For testing
                    player1.pauseVideo();           // Pause the video
                    player1.seekTo(0);              // Rewind
                    player1.unMute();           // Comment this after test
                    $( "#player1" ).show();         // Show the player
                    preloading1 = false;

                    player2Ready = true;
                    preloading2 = true;             // Flag for foreground video preloading
                    //$( "#player2" ).hide();
                    player2.seekTo(1);              // Start buffering and wait the event
                    player2.playVideo();            // If not preloading link the 2 players PLAY events

            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED ) {
                    player2.pauseVideo();           // If not preloading link the 2 players PAUSE events
            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING ) {
                    player2.pauseVideo();           // If not preloading link the 2 players BUFFERING events
            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.CUED ) {
                    player2.pauseVideo();           // If not preloading link the 2 players CUEING events
            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.ENDED ) {
                player2.stopVideo();                // If not preloading link the 2 players ENDING events

The API calls this function when the foreground video player's state changes.


        function onPlayer2StateChange(event) {
            if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING ) {
                    //prompt("Foreground ready");
                    player2.pauseVideo();           // Pause the video
                    player2.seekTo(0);              // Rewind
                    player2.unMute();               // Unmute
                    preloading2 = false;

                    $( "#player2" ).show(50, function() {

Here is a part of the code that acts strangely. Uncommenting the line below will make the sync quite bad,but if you comment it, you will have to click twice on the PLAY button BUT the sync will look way better.


            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED ) {
                if(/*!preloading1 &&*/ !preloading2)
            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING ) {
                    //player1.seekTo(... // Correct the offset here
            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.CUED ) {
            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.ENDED ) {


Note that the views might not be counted with this code.


If you want the code without the explanations you can go here : http://jsfiddle.net/QtBlueWaffle/r8gvX/1/


2016 Update Live Preview


Hope this helps.




Your project is kinda interesting, that's why I decided to try to help you. I have never used the youtube API but I have tried some coding and it might be a start for you.

你的项目很有意思,这就是我决定尝试帮助你的原因。我从来没有使用过youtube API,但我尝试了一些编码,这可能是一个开始。

So here is the code I have tried and it seems to work quite well , it certainly needs some improvements ( I haven't tried to calculate the offset between the two played videos but letting them unmute shows the mismatch and it sounds legit)


Here we go :

开始了 :

Let's start with some html basics


<!DOCTYPE html>

We add an absolute positionning for the foreground player so it overlays the one playing the background video (for testing)



jQuery is used here to fade in/out the players (you'll see why below) but you can use basic JS


    <script src="jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>

The < iframes> (and video players) will replace these < div> tags.



    <div id="player1"></div>    <!-- Background video player -->
    <div id="player2"></div>    <!-- Foreground video player -->


This code loads the IFrame Player API code asynchronously.

此代码异步加载IFrame Player API代码。

        var tag = document.createElement('script');

        tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api";
        var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);

This function creates the < iframes> (and YouTube players) after the API code downloads. Note the callback functions : onPlayer1Ready and onPlayer1StateChange

下载API代码后,此功能会创建 (和YouTube播放器)。请注意回调函数:onPlayer1Ready和onPlayer1StateChange

        var player1;
        var player2;
        function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
            player1 = new YT.Player('player1', {
                                  height: '780',
                                  width: '1280',
                                  videoId: 'M7lc1UVf-VE',
                                  playerVars: { 'autoplay': 0, 'controls': 0 },
                                  events: {
                                        'onReady': onPlayer1Ready,
                                        'onStateChange': onPlayer1StateChange
            player2 = new YT.Player('player2', {
                                  height: '390',
                                  width: '640',
                                  videoId: 'M7lc1UVf-VE',
                                  events: {
                                       'onReady': onPlayer2Ready,
                                       'onStateChange': onPlayer2StateChange

        var player1Ready = false;
        var player2Ready = false;

So now is the interesting part of the code. The main issue in your project of sync is linked to the fact that videos need to be buffered before launching them. Actually the API doesn't provide any kind of intuitive function to preload the videos (due to bandwidth issues (client and server side). So we have to get a bit tricky.
The steps to preload a video are the following:


  • Hide the player so the next steps aren't visible for the user);
  • 隐藏播放器,以便用户看不到后续步骤);

  • Mute the player ( player.mute():Void );
  • 将播放器静音(player.mute():Void);

  • Emulate a jump in timeline to start the buffering ( player.seekTo(seconds:Number, allowSeekAhead:Boolean):Void );
  • 模拟时间轴中的跳转以开始缓冲(player.seekTo(seconds:Number,allowSeekAhead:Boolean):Void);

  • Wait for a state change event equal to YT.PlayerState.PLAYING;
  • 等待状态更改事件等于YT.PlayerState.PLAYING;

  • Pause the video ( player.pauseVideo():Void );
  • 暂停视频(player.pauseVideo():Void);

  • Rewind the video with player.seekTo(seconds:Number, allowSeekAhead:Boolean):Void ;
  • 使用player.seekTo(秒:Number,allowSeekAhead:Boolean)回放视频:Void;

  • Unmute the player ( player.unMute():Void );
  • 取消静音播放器(player.unMute():Void);

  • Show the player.
  • 显示播放器。

You have to preload your two videos.


        var preloading1 = false;
        var preloading2 = false;

The API will call these functions when the video players are ready.


        function onPlayer1Ready(event) 
            player1Ready = true;
            preloading1 = true;       // Flag the player 1 preloading
            player1.mute();           // Mute the player 1
            $( "#player1" ).hide();   // Hide it
            player1.seekTo(1);        // Start the preloading and wait a state change event

        function onPlayer2Ready(event) {
            player2Ready = true;      // The foreground video player is not preloaded here

The API calls this function when the background video player's state changes.


        function onPlayer1StateChange(event) 
            if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING ) {
                    prompt("Background ready");     // For testing
                    player1.pauseVideo();           // Pause the video
                    player1.seekTo(0);              // Rewind
                    player1.unMute();           // Comment this after test
                    $( "#player1" ).show();         // Show the player
                    preloading1 = false;

                    player2Ready = true;
                    preloading2 = true;             // Flag for foreground video preloading
                    //$( "#player2" ).hide();
                    player2.seekTo(1);              // Start buffering and wait the event
                    player2.playVideo();            // If not preloading link the 2 players PLAY events

            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED ) {
                    player2.pauseVideo();           // If not preloading link the 2 players PAUSE events
            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING ) {
                    player2.pauseVideo();           // If not preloading link the 2 players BUFFERING events
            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.CUED ) {
                    player2.pauseVideo();           // If not preloading link the 2 players CUEING events
            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.ENDED ) {
                player2.stopVideo();                // If not preloading link the 2 players ENDING events

The API calls this function when the foreground video player's state changes.


        function onPlayer2StateChange(event) {
            if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING ) {
                    //prompt("Foreground ready");
                    player2.pauseVideo();           // Pause the video
                    player2.seekTo(0);              // Rewind
                    player2.unMute();               // Unmute
                    preloading2 = false;

                    $( "#player2" ).show(50, function() {

Here is a part of the code that acts strangely. Uncommenting the line below will make the sync quite bad,but if you comment it, you will have to click twice on the PLAY button BUT the sync will look way better.


            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED ) {
                if(/*!preloading1 &&*/ !preloading2)
            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING ) {
                    //player1.seekTo(... // Correct the offset here
            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.CUED ) {
            else if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.ENDED ) {


Note that the views might not be counted with this code.


If you want the code without the explanations you can go here : http://jsfiddle.net/QtBlueWaffle/r8gvX/1/


2016 Update Live Preview


Hope this helps.
