
时间:2022-01-16 11:59:41

Soliciting feedback/options/comments regarding a "best" pattern to use for reference data in my services.


What do I mean by reference data?


Let's use Northwind as an example. An Order is related to a Customer in the database. When I implement my Orders Service, in some cases I'll want the reference a "full" Customer from an Order and other cases when I just want a reference to the Customer (for example a Key/Value pair).


For example, if I were doing a GetAllOrders(), I wouldn't want to return a fully filled out Order, I'd want to return a lightweight version of an Order with only reference data for each order's Customer. If I did a GetOrder() method, though, I'd probably want to fill in the Customer details because chances are a consumer of this method might need it. There might be other situations where I might want to ask that the Customer details be filled in during certain method calls, but left out for others.


Here is what I've come up with:


public OrderDTO
    public CustomerDTO;


public CustomerDTO
    public ReferenceInfo ReferenceInfo;

    public CustomerInfo CustomerInfo;

public ReferenceInfo
    public string Key;

    public string Value;

public CustomerInfo 
    public string CustomerID;

    public string Name;


The thinking here is that since ReferenceInfo (which is a generic Key/Value pair) is always required in CustomerDTO, I'll always have ReferenceInfo. It gives me enough information to obtain the Customer details later if needed. The downside to having CustomerDTO require ReferenceInfo is that it might be overkill when I am getting the full CustomerDTO (i.e. with CustomerInfo filled in), but at least I am guaranteed the reference info.

这里的想法是,因为在CustomerDTO中总是需要ReferenceInfo(它是一个通用的Key / Value对),所以我总是有ReferenceInfo。如果需要,它可以为我提供足够的信息以获取客户详细信息。让CustomerDTO需要ReferenceInfo的缺点是,当我获得完整的CustomerDTO(即填写了CustomerInfo)时,它可能有点过分,但至少我保证参考信息。

Is there some other pattern or framework piece I can use to make this scenario/implementation "cleaner"?


The reason I ask is that although we could simply say in Northwind to ALWAYS return a full CustomerDTO, that might work fine in the simplistic Northwind situation. In my case, I have an object that has 25-50 fields that are reference/lookup type data. Some are more important to load than others in different situations, but i'd like to have as few definitions of these reference types as possible (so that I don't get into "DTO maintenance hell").


Opinions? Feedback? Comments?



7 个解决方案


We're at the same decision point on our project. As of right now, we've decided to create three levels of DTOs to handle a Thing: SimpleThing, ComplexThing, and FullThing. We don't know how it'll work out for us, though, so this is not yet an answer grounded in reality.


One thing I'm wondering is if we might learn that our services are designed at the "wrong" level. For example, is there ever an instance where we should bust a FullThing apart and only pass a SimpleThing? If we do, does that imply we've inappropriately put some business logic at too high of a level?



Amazon Product Advertising API Web service is a good example of the same problem that you are experiencing.

亚马逊产品广告API Web服务是您遇到的同一问题的一个很好的例子。

They use different DTOs to provide callers with more or less detail depending on their circumstances. For example there is the small response group, the large response group and in the middle medium response group.


Having different DTOs is a good technique if as you say you don't want a chatty interface.



It seems like a complicated solution to me. Why not just have a customer id field in the OrderDTO class and then let the application decide at runtime whether it needs the customer data. Since it has the customer id it can pull the data down when it so decides.

对我来说这似乎是一个复杂的解决方案。为什么不在OrderDTO类中只有一个customer id字段,然后让应用程序在运行时决定它是否需要客户数据。由于它具有客户ID,因此可以在决定时将数据拉下来。


I've decided against the approach I was going to take. I think much of my initial concerns were a result of a lack of requirements. I sort of expected this to be the case, but was curious to see how others might have tackled this issue of determining when to load up certain data and when not to.


I am flattening my Data Contract to contain the most used fields of reference data elements. This should work for a majority of consumers. If the supplied data is not enough for a given consumer, they'll have the option to query a separate service to pull back the full details for a particular reference entity (for example a Currency, State, etc). For simple lookups that really are basically Key/Value pairs, we'll be handling them with a generic Key/Value pair Data Contract. I might even use the KnownType attribute for my more specialized Key/Value pairs.


public OrderDTO
    public CustomerDTO Customer;

    //in this case, I think consumers will need currency data, 
    //so I pass back a full currency item
    public Currency Currency; 

    //in this case, I think consumers are not likely to need full StateRegion data, 
    //so I pass back a "reference" to it
    //User's can call a separate service method to get full details if needed, or 
    public KeyValuePair ShipToStateRegion;


public KeyValuePair
    public string Key;

    public string Value;

    //enum consisting of all possible reference types, 
    //such as "Currency", "StateRegion", "Country", etc.
    public ReferenceType ReferenceType; 

public Currency : KeyValuePair
    public decimal ExchangeRate;

    public DateTime ExchangeRateAsOfDate;

public CustomerDTO 
    public string CustomerID;

    public string Name;


Thoughts? Opinions? Comments?



We've faced this problem in object-relational mapping as well. There are situations where we want the full object and others where we want a reference to it.


The difficulty is that by baking the serialization into the classes themselves, the datacontract pattern enforces the idea that there's only one right way to serialize an object. But there are lots of scenarios where you might want to partially serialize a class and/or its child objects.


This usually means that you have to have multiple DTOs for each class. For example, a FullCustomerDTO and a CustomerReferenceDTO. Then you have to create ways to map the different DTOs back to the Customer domain object.


As you can imagine, it's a ton of work, most of it very tedious.



One other possibility is to treat the objects as property bags. Specify the properties you want when querying, and get back exactly the properties you need.


Changing the properties to show in the "short" version then won't require multiple round trips, you can get all of the properties for a set at one time (avoiding chatty interfaces), and you don't have to modify your data or operation contracts if you decide you need different properties for the "short" version.



I typically build in lazy loading to my complex web services (ie web services that send/receive entities). If a Person has a Father property (also a Person), I send just an identifier for the Father instead of the nested object, then I just make sure my web service has an operation that can accept an identifier and respond with the corresponding Person entity. The client can then call the web service back if it wants to use the Father property.


I've also expanded on this so that batching can occur. If an operation sends back 5 Persons, then if the Father property is accessed on any one of those Persons, then a request is made for all 5 Fathers with their identifiers. This helps reduce the chattiness of the web service.



We're at the same decision point on our project. As of right now, we've decided to create three levels of DTOs to handle a Thing: SimpleThing, ComplexThing, and FullThing. We don't know how it'll work out for us, though, so this is not yet an answer grounded in reality.


One thing I'm wondering is if we might learn that our services are designed at the "wrong" level. For example, is there ever an instance where we should bust a FullThing apart and only pass a SimpleThing? If we do, does that imply we've inappropriately put some business logic at too high of a level?



Amazon Product Advertising API Web service is a good example of the same problem that you are experiencing.

亚马逊产品广告API Web服务是您遇到的同一问题的一个很好的例子。

They use different DTOs to provide callers with more or less detail depending on their circumstances. For example there is the small response group, the large response group and in the middle medium response group.


Having different DTOs is a good technique if as you say you don't want a chatty interface.



It seems like a complicated solution to me. Why not just have a customer id field in the OrderDTO class and then let the application decide at runtime whether it needs the customer data. Since it has the customer id it can pull the data down when it so decides.

对我来说这似乎是一个复杂的解决方案。为什么不在OrderDTO类中只有一个customer id字段,然后让应用程序在运行时决定它是否需要客户数据。由于它具有客户ID,因此可以在决定时将数据拉下来。


I've decided against the approach I was going to take. I think much of my initial concerns were a result of a lack of requirements. I sort of expected this to be the case, but was curious to see how others might have tackled this issue of determining when to load up certain data and when not to.


I am flattening my Data Contract to contain the most used fields of reference data elements. This should work for a majority of consumers. If the supplied data is not enough for a given consumer, they'll have the option to query a separate service to pull back the full details for a particular reference entity (for example a Currency, State, etc). For simple lookups that really are basically Key/Value pairs, we'll be handling them with a generic Key/Value pair Data Contract. I might even use the KnownType attribute for my more specialized Key/Value pairs.


public OrderDTO
    public CustomerDTO Customer;

    //in this case, I think consumers will need currency data, 
    //so I pass back a full currency item
    public Currency Currency; 

    //in this case, I think consumers are not likely to need full StateRegion data, 
    //so I pass back a "reference" to it
    //User's can call a separate service method to get full details if needed, or 
    public KeyValuePair ShipToStateRegion;


public KeyValuePair
    public string Key;

    public string Value;

    //enum consisting of all possible reference types, 
    //such as "Currency", "StateRegion", "Country", etc.
    public ReferenceType ReferenceType; 

public Currency : KeyValuePair
    public decimal ExchangeRate;

    public DateTime ExchangeRateAsOfDate;

public CustomerDTO 
    public string CustomerID;

    public string Name;


Thoughts? Opinions? Comments?



We've faced this problem in object-relational mapping as well. There are situations where we want the full object and others where we want a reference to it.


The difficulty is that by baking the serialization into the classes themselves, the datacontract pattern enforces the idea that there's only one right way to serialize an object. But there are lots of scenarios where you might want to partially serialize a class and/or its child objects.


This usually means that you have to have multiple DTOs for each class. For example, a FullCustomerDTO and a CustomerReferenceDTO. Then you have to create ways to map the different DTOs back to the Customer domain object.


As you can imagine, it's a ton of work, most of it very tedious.



One other possibility is to treat the objects as property bags. Specify the properties you want when querying, and get back exactly the properties you need.


Changing the properties to show in the "short" version then won't require multiple round trips, you can get all of the properties for a set at one time (avoiding chatty interfaces), and you don't have to modify your data or operation contracts if you decide you need different properties for the "short" version.



I typically build in lazy loading to my complex web services (ie web services that send/receive entities). If a Person has a Father property (also a Person), I send just an identifier for the Father instead of the nested object, then I just make sure my web service has an operation that can accept an identifier and respond with the corresponding Person entity. The client can then call the web service back if it wants to use the Father property.


I've also expanded on this so that batching can occur. If an operation sends back 5 Persons, then if the Father property is accessed on any one of those Persons, then a request is made for all 5 Fathers with their identifiers. This helps reduce the chattiness of the web service.
