
时间:2022-01-16 11:58:25

So I'm creating a simple text based game but I came up with an exception/error along the way. I have 3 classes one is a class called Main, one is a class called Mage, and one is a class called Warrior.


So in a game when a player uses an abbility it reduces the health points of the other player by a certant amount.


So when an abbility is used by player1 for example in this case Fireball it calls the method reduceHP in Warrior class which reduces the HP of player2 by 44. The method reduceHP takes the number that is passed in and substracts it from the health points of the player.


Warrior player2 = new Warrior();

public void FireBall(){



The same thing happens in Mage class. When the player1 uses a Warrior abbility it reduces the HP of player2 by 65.

同样的事情发生在Mage类中。当player1使用Warrior abbility时,它将player2的HP减少65。

Mage player1 = new Mage();

public void Stab(){



Now the problem is when I call these abbility/abbilities (stab and fireball) in the main class i get the following error

现在的问题是当我在主类中调用这些abbility / abbilities(stab和fireball)时我得到以下错误

at Warrior.<init>(Warrior.java:4)
at Mage.<init>(Mage.java:4)
at Warrior.<init>(Warrior.java:4)
at Mage.<init>(Mage.java:4)
at Warrior.<init>(Warrior.java:4)
at Mage.<init>(Mage.java:4)
at Warrior.<init>(Warrior.java:4)
at Mage.<init>(Mage.java:4)
at Warrior.<init>(Warrior.java:4)
at Mage.<init>(Mage.java:4)
at Warrior.<init>(Warrior.java:4)
at Mage.<init>(Mage.java:4)
at Warrior.<init>(Warrior.java:4)

ETC... it keeps on going

I'm wondering why does this happen ? If there is another way of doing this please let me know since I'm quite new to java. Thanks for all the help it is much appreciated and I hope this is not a really dumb question to ask on here.


2 个解决方案



You should instantiate the players in your Main class and then pass references to them by setter. This way you will have one instance of each object and they will have references to each other.




The two fields player1 and player2 are the issue. I think you want to have exactly two objects, one for Player 1 and one for Player 2. Instead, you are creating an infinite number of objects inside the (implicit) constructors.

两个字段player1和player2是问题。我想你想要有两个对象,一个用于Player 1,一个用于Player 2.相反,你在(隐式)构造函数中创建了无数个对象。

I guess you're a beginner, so I will not discuss the details here. To solve the issue, you might want to create a third class (maybe named Game?) which knows about the two players.




You should instantiate the players in your Main class and then pass references to them by setter. This way you will have one instance of each object and they will have references to each other.




The two fields player1 and player2 are the issue. I think you want to have exactly two objects, one for Player 1 and one for Player 2. Instead, you are creating an infinite number of objects inside the (implicit) constructors.

两个字段player1和player2是问题。我想你想要有两个对象,一个用于Player 1,一个用于Player 2.相反,你在(隐式)构造函数中创建了无数个对象。

I guess you're a beginner, so I will not discuss the details here. To solve the issue, you might want to create a third class (maybe named Game?) which knows about the two players.
