
时间:2020-11-25 11:59:31

I havew created a new core project and im trying to install Knockout.js, im doing so by following Knockoutjs install


Problem is, i add the knockout to my bower (latest version 3.4.0 not 3.3.0).


"knockout": "^3.4.0"

I hit save, then go to the wwwroot/lib folder and Knockout folder is there. However it looks like this ... ASP.net核心安装淘汰赛问题

我点击保存,然后转到wwwroot / lib文件夹,Knockout文件夹就在那里。不过它看起来像......

As you can see there are 2 folder src and build but no knockout.js, infact the whole directory doesnt contain a knockout.js file.


So im wondering whats the issue here? did something change and made the tutorial not valid? Am I doing somethiong stupid here?


EDIT: I have a feeling this is the source and needs building not sure though


EDIT2: Heres the Gruntfile.js located in proj source used in conjuntion with the trask runner as per the tutoriual i was following.

EDIT2:根据我正在关注的tutoriual,继承位于proj源中的Gruntfile.js与trask runner结合使用。

module.exports = function (grunt) {
    bower: {
        install: {
            options: {
                targetDir: "wwwroot/lib",
                layout: "byComponent",
                cleanTargetDir: false
grunt.registerTask("default", ["bower:install"]);

I think my gruntfile is missing some key stuff here, just not sure what (not well versed in grunt im afraid)


1 个解决方案



Bower pulls the whole package and puts it into "bower_packages/package_name" folder. You can force bower to change default destination directory (in your case it is "wwwroot/lib" folder) but it still gets whole package.

Bower拉出整个包并将其放入“bower_packages / package_name”文件夹。您可以强制bower更改默认目标目录(在您的情况下它是“wwwroot / lib”文件夹)但它仍然获得整个包。

In order to put in the "wwwroot/lib" folder only package build results (files mentioned in the package's bower.json main" property) I'm using "bower-installer" tool. It calls bower to get packages and then gets "main" files for each package and put them in destination folder.

为了在“wwwroot / lib”文件夹中只放入包构建结果(包中的bower.json main“属性中提到的文件)我正在使用”bower-installer“工具。它调用bower来获取包然后得到”主要的“每个包的文件,并将它们放在目标文件夹中。

Update 1


      "name": "_______",
      "version": "0.0.0",
      "dependencies": {
        "jquery": "~2.1.0",
        "jqueryui": "~1.11.4",
        "knockout": "^3.4.0"
      "install": {
        "path": "wwwroot/lib",
        "sources": {
          "knockout": {
            "mapping": [
                "bower_components/knockout/dist/knockout.debug.js": "knockout.js"

Presumable bower and bower-installer packages are installed globally. Just create bower.json file in any empty folder and run "bower-installer" command from command line in this folder. You should get "bower_components" folder with full package and "\wwwroot\lib\knockout\knockout.js" file. I've just checked it.

全球安装了Presumable bower和bower-installer软件包。只需在任何空文件夹中创建bower.json文件,然后从该文件夹中的命令行运行“bower-installer”命令。您应该获得包含完整包的“bower_components”文件夹和“\ wwwroot \ lib \ knockout \ knockout.js”文件。我刚检查过它。



Bower pulls the whole package and puts it into "bower_packages/package_name" folder. You can force bower to change default destination directory (in your case it is "wwwroot/lib" folder) but it still gets whole package.

Bower拉出整个包并将其放入“bower_packages / package_name”文件夹。您可以强制bower更改默认目标目录(在您的情况下它是“wwwroot / lib”文件夹)但它仍然获得整个包。

In order to put in the "wwwroot/lib" folder only package build results (files mentioned in the package's bower.json main" property) I'm using "bower-installer" tool. It calls bower to get packages and then gets "main" files for each package and put them in destination folder.

为了在“wwwroot / lib”文件夹中只放入包构建结果(包中的bower.json main“属性中提到的文件)我正在使用”bower-installer“工具。它调用bower来获取包然后得到”主要的“每个包的文件,并将它们放在目标文件夹中。

Update 1


      "name": "_______",
      "version": "0.0.0",
      "dependencies": {
        "jquery": "~2.1.0",
        "jqueryui": "~1.11.4",
        "knockout": "^3.4.0"
      "install": {
        "path": "wwwroot/lib",
        "sources": {
          "knockout": {
            "mapping": [
                "bower_components/knockout/dist/knockout.debug.js": "knockout.js"

Presumable bower and bower-installer packages are installed globally. Just create bower.json file in any empty folder and run "bower-installer" command from command line in this folder. You should get "bower_components" folder with full package and "\wwwroot\lib\knockout\knockout.js" file. I've just checked it.

全球安装了Presumable bower和bower-installer软件包。只需在任何空文件夹中创建bower.json文件,然后从该文件夹中的命令行运行“bower-installer”命令。您应该获得包含完整包的“bower_components”文件夹和“\ wwwroot \ lib \ knockout \ knockout.js”文件。我刚检查过它。