从Adobe LC HTML5表单提交时,无法使用Java JSP从InputStream检索XML

时间:2021-07-06 11:48:36

I developed a simple HTML5 form using Adobe LiveCycle ES4 + SP1 which will submit to Java JSP. Also, I developed simple JSP to retrieve the submitted XML from request InputStream.

我使用Adobe LiveCycle ES4 + SP1开发了一个简单的HTML5表单,它将提交给Java JSP。此外,我开发了简单的JSP来从请求InputStream中检索提交的XML。

What I am getting on the server is the concatenated values of the form fields. See snapshots below for more details.


Download XDP file: click here
Download JSP file: click here


The following lines of code are used to submit the HTML5 to the JSP which are placed under the click event of the "Save" button:


var theBtnSubmit = cmdSubmitForm.resolveNode("#event").submit;
var theTarget = form_config.server_url.rawValue + "?" + "action=save" + "&form_id=" + form_config.form_id.rawValue + "&section_id=" + form_config.section_id.rawValue;
theBtnSubmit.target = theTarget;

The following lines of code are used to get the InputStream and convert to string:


ServletInputStream ris = request.getInputStream();  
String theString = IOUtils.toString(ris); 

The problem:
On the server, I am unable to retrieve the form fields and values in XML format. What I am getting is the concatenated values of the fields which are filled in the form.


Appreciate your help to solve this problem.


从Adobe LC HTML5表单提交时,无法使用Java JSP从InputStream检索XML 从Adobe LC HTML5表单提交时,无法使用Java JSP从InputStream检索XML

从Adobe LC HTML5表单提交时,无法使用Java JSP从InputStream检索XML

从Adobe LC HTML5表单提交时,无法使用Java JSP从InputStream检索XML

从Adobe LC HTML5表单提交时,无法使用Java JSP从InputStream检索XML

1 个解决方案



Actually, the above method is fine, the only thing is that I had to escape the XML output using the following lines of code:


<%@page import="org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils" %>
String theString = IOUtils.toString(ris, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
theString = StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml10(theString);
out.print("input stream in string format : " + theString + "<br/>");



Actually, the above method is fine, the only thing is that I had to escape the XML output using the following lines of code:


<%@page import="org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils" %>
String theString = IOUtils.toString(ris, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
theString = StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml10(theString);
out.print("input stream in string format : " + theString + "<br/>");