
时间:2021-04-24 11:34:47

I have a task to match floating point numbers. I have written the following regular expression for it :



But it shows an error saying :


Invalid escape sequence (valid ones are  \b  \t  \n  \f  \r  \"  \'  \\ )

But as per my knowledge we need to use an escape character for the . also. Please correct me where I am wrong.


9 个解决方案




Use [.] instead of \. and [0-9] instead of \d to avoid escaping issues in some languages (like Java).

使用[。]代替\。和[0-9]而不是\ d,以避免在某些语言(如Java)中转义问题。

One relatively simple pattern for matching a floating point number is



This will match:


  • 123
  • 123.456
  • .456

See a working example


If you also want to match 123. (a period with no decimal part), then you'll need a slightly longer expression:



See pkeller's answer for a fuller explanation of this pattern


If you want to include non-decimal numbers, such as hex and octal, see my answer to How do I identify if a string is a number?.


If you want to validate that an input is a number (rather than finding a number within the input), then you should surround the pattern with ^ and $, like so:



Irregular Regular Expressions

"Regular expressions", as implemented in most modern languages, APIs, frameworks, libraries, etc., are based on a concept developed in formal language theory. However, software engineers have added many extensions that take these implementations far beyond the formal definition. So, while most regular expression engines resemble one another, there is actually no standard. For this reason, a lot depends on what language, API, framework or library you are using.


(Incidentally, to help reduce confusion, many have taken to using "regex" or "regexp" to describe these enhanced matching languages. See Is a Regex the Same as a Regular Expression? at RexEgg.com for more information.)


That said, most regex engines (actually, all of them, as far as I know) would accept \.. Most likely, there's an issue with escaping.

也就是说,大多数正则表达式引擎(实际上,据我所知,所有这些引擎都会接受\ ..)很可能,存在转义问题。

The Trouble with Escaping

(Thanks to the nameless one for originally recognizing this.)


Some languages have built-in support for regexes, such as JavaScript. For those languages that don't, escaping can be a problem.


This is because you are basically coding in a language within a language. Java, for example, uses \ as an escape character within it's strings, so if you want to place a literal backslash character within a string, you must escape it:


// creates a single character string: "\"String x = "\\";

However, regexes also use the \ character for escaping, so if you want to match a literal \ character, you must escape it for the regexe engine, and then escape it again for Java:


// Creates a two-character string: "\\"// When used as a regex pattern, will match a single character: "\"String regexPattern = "\\\\";

In your case, you have probably not escaped the backslash character in the language you are programming in:


// will most likely result in an "Illegal escape character" errorString wrongPattern = "\.";// will result in the string "\."String correctPattern = "\\.";

All this escaping can get very confusing. If the language you are working with supports raw strings, then you should use those to cut down on the number of backslashes, but not all languages do (most notably: Java). Fortunately, there's an alternative that will work some of the time:


String correctPattern = "[.]";

For a regex engine, \. and [.] mean exactly the same thing. Note that this doesn't work in every case, like newline (\\n), open square bracket (\\[) and backslash (\\\\ or [\\]).

对于正则表达式引擎,\。和[。]意思完全相同。请注意,这并不适用于所有情况,例如换行符(\\ n),开放方括号(\\ [)和反斜杠(\\\\或[\\])。

A Note about Matching Numbers

(Hint: It's harder than you think)


Matching a number is one of those things you'd think is quite easy with regex, but it's actually pretty tricky. Let's take a look at your approach, piece by piece:



Match an optional - or +

匹配可选 - 或+


Match 0 or more sequential digits



Match an optional .



Match 0 or more sequential digits


First, we can clean up this expression a bit by using a character class shorthand for the digits (note that this is also susceptible to the escaping issue mentioned above):


[0-9] = \d

[0-9] = \ d

I'm going to use \d below, but keep in mind that it means the same thing as [0-9]. (Well, actually, in some engines \d will match digits from all scripts, so it'll match more than [0-9] will, but that's probably not significant in your case.)

我将在下面使用\ d,但请记住它与[0-9]的含义相同。 (嗯,实际上,在某些引擎中\ d将匹配所有脚本中的数字,因此它将匹配超过[0-9],但在您的情况下这可能不重要。)

Now, if you look at this carefully, you'll realize that every single part of your pattern is optional. This pattern can match a 0-length string; a string composed only of + or -; or, a string composed only of a .. This is probably not what you've intended.

现在,如果仔细观察,你会发现你的模式的每一个部分都是可选的。此模式可以匹配0长度的字符串;仅由+或 - 组成的字符串;或者,一个只由a组成的字符串。这可能不是你想要的。

To fix this, it's helpful to start by "anchoring" your regex with the bare-minimum required string, probably a single digit:



Now we want to add the decimal part, but it doesn't go where you think it might:


\d+\.?\d* /* This isn't quite correct. */

This will still match values like 123.. Worse, it's got a tinge of evil about it. The period is optional, meaning that you've got two repeated classes side-by-side (\d+ and \d*). This can actually be dangerous if used in just the wrong way, opening your system up to DoS attacks.

这仍然会匹配像123这样的价值。更糟糕的是,它有一丝邪恶。句点是可选的,这意味着你有两个并排的重复类(\ d +和\ d *)。如果以错误的方式使用,将系统打开到DoS攻击,这实际上可能是危险的。

To fix this, rather than treating the period as optional, we need to treat it as required (to separate the repeated character classes) and instead make the entire decimal portion optional:


\d+(\.\d+)? /* Better. But... */

This is looking better now. We require a period between the first sequence of digits and the second, but there's a fatal flaw: we can't match .123 because a leading digit is now required.


This is actually pretty easy to fix. Instead of making the "decimal" portion of the number optional, we need to look at it as a sequence of characters: 1 or more numbers that may be prefixed by a . that may be prefixed by 0 or more numbers:



Now we just add the sign:



Of course, those slashes are pretty annoying in Java, so we can substitute in our long-form character classes:



Matching versus Validating

This has come up in the comments a couple times, so I'm adding an addendum on matching versus validating.


The goal of matching is to find some content within the input (the "needle in a haystack"). The goal of validating is to ensure that the input is in an expected format.


Regexes, by their nature, only match text. Given some input, they will either find some matching text or they will not. However, by "snapping" an expression to the beginning and ending of the input with anchor tags (^ and $), we can ensure that no match is found unless the entire input matches the expression, effectively using regexes to validate.


The regex described above ([+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+) will match one or more numbers within a target string. So given the input:

上述正则表达式([+ - ]?([0-9] * [。])?[0-9] +)将匹配目标字符串中的一个或多个数字。所以给出了输入:

apple 1.34 pear 7.98 version

The regex will match 1.34, 7.98, 1.2, .3 and .4.


To validate that a given input is a number and nothing but a number, "snap" the expression to the start and end of the input by wrapping it in anchor tags:



This will only find a match if the entire input is a floating point number, and will not find a match if the input contains additional characters. So, given the input 1.2, a match will be found, but given apple 1.2 pear no matches will be found.


Note that some regex engines have a validate, isMatch or similar function, which essentially does what I've described automatically, returning true if a match is found and false if no match is found. Also keep in mind that some engines allow you to set flags which change the definition of ^ and $, matching the beginning/end of a line rather than the beginning/end of the entire input. This is typically not the default, but be on the lookout for these flags.




I don't think that any of the answers on this page at the time of writing are correct (also many other suggestions elsewhere on SO are wrong too). The complication is that you have to match all of the following possibilities:


  • No decimal point (i.e. an integer value)
  • 没有小数点(即整数值)

  • Digits both before and after the decimal point (e.g. 0.35 , 22.165)
  • 小数点前后的数字(例如0.35,22.165)

  • Digits before the decimal point only (e.g. 0. , 1234.)
  • 仅小数点前的数字(例如,0,1234。)

  • Digits after the decimal point only (e.g. .0 , .5678)
  • 仅小数点后的数字(例如.0,.5678)

At the same time, you must ensure that there is at least one digit somewhere, i.e. the following are not allowed:


  • a decimal point on its own
  • 自己的小数点

  • a signed decimal point with no digits (i.e. +. or -.)
  • 带符号的小数点,没有数字(即+。或 - 。)

  • + or - on their own
  • +或 - 自己

  • an empty string
  • 一个空字符串

This seems tricky at first, but one way of finding inspiration is to look at the OpenJDK source for the java.lang.Double.valueOf(String) method (start at http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/jdk, click "browse", navigate down /src/share/classes/java/lang/ and find the Double class). The long regex that this class contains caters for various possibilities that the OP probably didn't have in mind, but ignoring for simplicity the parts of it that deal with NaN, infinity, Hexadecimal notation and exponents, and using \d rather than the POSIX notation for a single digit, I can reduce the important parts of the regex for a signed floating point number with no exponent to:

这一开始看起来很棘手,但找到灵感的一种方法是查看java.lang.Double.valueOf(String)方法的OpenJDK源代码(从http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8开始/ jdk,单击“浏览”,向下导航/ src / share / classes / java / lang /并找到Double类)。这个类所包含的长正则表达式可以满足OP可能没有想到的各种可能性,但是为了简单而忽略了处理NaN,无穷大,十六进制表示法和指数的部分,以及使用\ d而不是POSIX对于单个数字的表示法,我可以减少正则表达式的重要部分,对于没有指数的带符号浮点数:


I don't think that there is a way of avoiding the (...)|(...) construction without allowing something that contains no digits, or forbidding one of the possibilities that has no digits before the decimal point or no digits after it.


Obviously in practice you will need to cater for trailing or preceding whitespace, either in the regex itself or in the code that uses it.




what you need is:



I escaped the "+" and "-" sign and also grouped the decimal with its following digits since something like "1." is not a valid number.

我转义了“+”和“ - ”符号,并将小数与其后面的数字分组,因为类似于“1”。不是有效的数字。

The changes will allow you to match integers and floats. for example:





This is simple: you have used Java and you ought to use \\. instead of \. (search for character escaping in Java).

这很简单:你使用过Java而你应该使用\\。代替 \。 (在Java中搜索字符转义)。



This one worked for me:



You can also use this one (without named parameter):



Use some online regex tester to test it (e.g. regex101 )





[+-]? - optional leading sign

[+ - ]? - 可选的前导标志

(([1-9][0-9]*)|(0)) - integer without leading zero, including single zero

(([1-9] [0-9] *)|(0)) - 不带前导零的整数,包括单个零

([.,][0-9]+)? - optional fractional part

([。] [0-9] +)? - 可选的小数部分




This will match:


  1. 1.2
  2. 12.3
  3. 1,2
  4. 12,3



[+/-] [0-9]*.[0-9]+

Try this solution.




for javascript

const test = new RegExp('^[+]?([0-9]{0,})*[.]?([0-9]{0,2})?$','g');

Which would work for 1.231234.2200.1212


You can change the parts in the {} to get different results in decimal length and front of the decimal as well. This is used in inputs for entering in number and checking every input as you type only allowing what passes.





Use [.] instead of \. and [0-9] instead of \d to avoid escaping issues in some languages (like Java).

使用[。]代替\。和[0-9]而不是\ d,以避免在某些语言(如Java)中转义问题。

One relatively simple pattern for matching a floating point number is



This will match:


  • 123
  • 123.456
  • .456

See a working example


If you also want to match 123. (a period with no decimal part), then you'll need a slightly longer expression:



See pkeller's answer for a fuller explanation of this pattern


If you want to include non-decimal numbers, such as hex and octal, see my answer to How do I identify if a string is a number?.


If you want to validate that an input is a number (rather than finding a number within the input), then you should surround the pattern with ^ and $, like so:



Irregular Regular Expressions

"Regular expressions", as implemented in most modern languages, APIs, frameworks, libraries, etc., are based on a concept developed in formal language theory. However, software engineers have added many extensions that take these implementations far beyond the formal definition. So, while most regular expression engines resemble one another, there is actually no standard. For this reason, a lot depends on what language, API, framework or library you are using.


(Incidentally, to help reduce confusion, many have taken to using "regex" or "regexp" to describe these enhanced matching languages. See Is a Regex the Same as a Regular Expression? at RexEgg.com for more information.)


That said, most regex engines (actually, all of them, as far as I know) would accept \.. Most likely, there's an issue with escaping.

也就是说,大多数正则表达式引擎(实际上,据我所知,所有这些引擎都会接受\ ..)很可能,存在转义问题。

The Trouble with Escaping

(Thanks to the nameless one for originally recognizing this.)


Some languages have built-in support for regexes, such as JavaScript. For those languages that don't, escaping can be a problem.


This is because you are basically coding in a language within a language. Java, for example, uses \ as an escape character within it's strings, so if you want to place a literal backslash character within a string, you must escape it:


// creates a single character string: "\"String x = "\\";

However, regexes also use the \ character for escaping, so if you want to match a literal \ character, you must escape it for the regexe engine, and then escape it again for Java:


// Creates a two-character string: "\\"// When used as a regex pattern, will match a single character: "\"String regexPattern = "\\\\";

In your case, you have probably not escaped the backslash character in the language you are programming in:


// will most likely result in an "Illegal escape character" errorString wrongPattern = "\.";// will result in the string "\."String correctPattern = "\\.";

All this escaping can get very confusing. If the language you are working with supports raw strings, then you should use those to cut down on the number of backslashes, but not all languages do (most notably: Java). Fortunately, there's an alternative that will work some of the time:


String correctPattern = "[.]";

For a regex engine, \. and [.] mean exactly the same thing. Note that this doesn't work in every case, like newline (\\n), open square bracket (\\[) and backslash (\\\\ or [\\]).

对于正则表达式引擎,\。和[。]意思完全相同。请注意,这并不适用于所有情况,例如换行符(\\ n),开放方括号(\\ [)和反斜杠(\\\\或[\\])。

A Note about Matching Numbers

(Hint: It's harder than you think)


Matching a number is one of those things you'd think is quite easy with regex, but it's actually pretty tricky. Let's take a look at your approach, piece by piece:



Match an optional - or +

匹配可选 - 或+


Match 0 or more sequential digits



Match an optional .



Match 0 or more sequential digits


First, we can clean up this expression a bit by using a character class shorthand for the digits (note that this is also susceptible to the escaping issue mentioned above):


[0-9] = \d

[0-9] = \ d

I'm going to use \d below, but keep in mind that it means the same thing as [0-9]. (Well, actually, in some engines \d will match digits from all scripts, so it'll match more than [0-9] will, but that's probably not significant in your case.)

我将在下面使用\ d,但请记住它与[0-9]的含义相同。 (嗯,实际上,在某些引擎中\ d将匹配所有脚本中的数字,因此它将匹配超过[0-9],但在您的情况下这可能不重要。)

Now, if you look at this carefully, you'll realize that every single part of your pattern is optional. This pattern can match a 0-length string; a string composed only of + or -; or, a string composed only of a .. This is probably not what you've intended.

现在,如果仔细观察,你会发现你的模式的每一个部分都是可选的。此模式可以匹配0长度的字符串;仅由+或 - 组成的字符串;或者,一个只由a组成的字符串。这可能不是你想要的。

To fix this, it's helpful to start by "anchoring" your regex with the bare-minimum required string, probably a single digit:



Now we want to add the decimal part, but it doesn't go where you think it might:


\d+\.?\d* /* This isn't quite correct. */

This will still match values like 123.. Worse, it's got a tinge of evil about it. The period is optional, meaning that you've got two repeated classes side-by-side (\d+ and \d*). This can actually be dangerous if used in just the wrong way, opening your system up to DoS attacks.

这仍然会匹配像123这样的价值。更糟糕的是,它有一丝邪恶。句点是可选的,这意味着你有两个并排的重复类(\ d +和\ d *)。如果以错误的方式使用,将系统打开到DoS攻击,这实际上可能是危险的。

To fix this, rather than treating the period as optional, we need to treat it as required (to separate the repeated character classes) and instead make the entire decimal portion optional:


\d+(\.\d+)? /* Better. But... */

This is looking better now. We require a period between the first sequence of digits and the second, but there's a fatal flaw: we can't match .123 because a leading digit is now required.


This is actually pretty easy to fix. Instead of making the "decimal" portion of the number optional, we need to look at it as a sequence of characters: 1 or more numbers that may be prefixed by a . that may be prefixed by 0 or more numbers:



Now we just add the sign:



Of course, those slashes are pretty annoying in Java, so we can substitute in our long-form character classes:



Matching versus Validating

This has come up in the comments a couple times, so I'm adding an addendum on matching versus validating.


The goal of matching is to find some content within the input (the "needle in a haystack"). The goal of validating is to ensure that the input is in an expected format.


Regexes, by their nature, only match text. Given some input, they will either find some matching text or they will not. However, by "snapping" an expression to the beginning and ending of the input with anchor tags (^ and $), we can ensure that no match is found unless the entire input matches the expression, effectively using regexes to validate.


The regex described above ([+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+) will match one or more numbers within a target string. So given the input:

上述正则表达式([+ - ]?([0-9] * [。])?[0-9] +)将匹配目标字符串中的一个或多个数字。所以给出了输入:

apple 1.34 pear 7.98 version

The regex will match 1.34, 7.98, 1.2, .3 and .4.


To validate that a given input is a number and nothing but a number, "snap" the expression to the start and end of the input by wrapping it in anchor tags:



This will only find a match if the entire input is a floating point number, and will not find a match if the input contains additional characters. So, given the input 1.2, a match will be found, but given apple 1.2 pear no matches will be found.


Note that some regex engines have a validate, isMatch or similar function, which essentially does what I've described automatically, returning true if a match is found and false if no match is found. Also keep in mind that some engines allow you to set flags which change the definition of ^ and $, matching the beginning/end of a line rather than the beginning/end of the entire input. This is typically not the default, but be on the lookout for these flags.




I don't think that any of the answers on this page at the time of writing are correct (also many other suggestions elsewhere on SO are wrong too). The complication is that you have to match all of the following possibilities:


  • No decimal point (i.e. an integer value)
  • 没有小数点(即整数值)

  • Digits both before and after the decimal point (e.g. 0.35 , 22.165)
  • 小数点前后的数字(例如0.35,22.165)

  • Digits before the decimal point only (e.g. 0. , 1234.)
  • 仅小数点前的数字(例如,0,1234。)

  • Digits after the decimal point only (e.g. .0 , .5678)
  • 仅小数点后的数字(例如.0,.5678)

At the same time, you must ensure that there is at least one digit somewhere, i.e. the following are not allowed:


  • a decimal point on its own
  • 自己的小数点

  • a signed decimal point with no digits (i.e. +. or -.)
  • 带符号的小数点,没有数字(即+。或 - 。)

  • + or - on their own
  • +或 - 自己

  • an empty string
  • 一个空字符串

This seems tricky at first, but one way of finding inspiration is to look at the OpenJDK source for the java.lang.Double.valueOf(String) method (start at http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/jdk, click "browse", navigate down /src/share/classes/java/lang/ and find the Double class). The long regex that this class contains caters for various possibilities that the OP probably didn't have in mind, but ignoring for simplicity the parts of it that deal with NaN, infinity, Hexadecimal notation and exponents, and using \d rather than the POSIX notation for a single digit, I can reduce the important parts of the regex for a signed floating point number with no exponent to:

这一开始看起来很棘手,但找到灵感的一种方法是查看java.lang.Double.valueOf(String)方法的OpenJDK源代码(从http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8开始/ jdk,单击“浏览”,向下导航/ src / share / classes / java / lang /并找到Double类)。这个类所包含的长正则表达式可以满足OP可能没有想到的各种可能性,但是为了简单而忽略了处理NaN,无穷大,十六进制表示法和指数的部分,以及使用\ d而不是POSIX对于单个数字的表示法,我可以减少正则表达式的重要部分,对于没有指数的带符号浮点数:


I don't think that there is a way of avoiding the (...)|(...) construction without allowing something that contains no digits, or forbidding one of the possibilities that has no digits before the decimal point or no digits after it.


Obviously in practice you will need to cater for trailing or preceding whitespace, either in the regex itself or in the code that uses it.




what you need is:



I escaped the "+" and "-" sign and also grouped the decimal with its following digits since something like "1." is not a valid number.

我转义了“+”和“ - ”符号,并将小数与其后面的数字分组,因为类似于“1”。不是有效的数字。

The changes will allow you to match integers and floats. for example:





This is simple: you have used Java and you ought to use \\. instead of \. (search for character escaping in Java).

这很简单:你使用过Java而你应该使用\\。代替 \。 (在Java中搜索字符转义)。



This one worked for me:



You can also use this one (without named parameter):



Use some online regex tester to test it (e.g. regex101 )





[+-]? - optional leading sign

[+ - ]? - 可选的前导标志

(([1-9][0-9]*)|(0)) - integer without leading zero, including single zero

(([1-9] [0-9] *)|(0)) - 不带前导零的整数,包括单个零

([.,][0-9]+)? - optional fractional part

([。] [0-9] +)? - 可选的小数部分




This will match:


  1. 1.2
  2. 12.3
  3. 1,2
  4. 12,3



[+/-] [0-9]*.[0-9]+

Try this solution.




for javascript

const test = new RegExp('^[+]?([0-9]{0,})*[.]?([0-9]{0,2})?$','g');

Which would work for 1.231234.2200.1212


You can change the parts in the {} to get different results in decimal length and front of the decimal as well. This is used in inputs for entering in number and checking every input as you type only allowing what passes.
