
时间:2022-09-28 11:34:33

Possible Duplicate:
strange output in comparision of float with float literal


int main()
float me = 1.7;

Output: C++

Now the reason for this behaviour is said that many floating point numbers cant be represented with absolute precision in binary.


My question is that - If computer thinks and manipulates in binary. Any uncertanity in representation of me would be same for 1.7 when compared. So both should be equal.


ALso how typecasting solves this problem? (float)1.7


7 个解决方案



You are comparing a float to a double. the literal 1.7 is a double.


You've stored that in a float, which might have less precision than a double, thus the me == 1.7 is comparing 1.7 as a float(promoted to a double) to 1.7 as a double.

您已经将其存储在一个浮点数中,它的精度可能低于double数,因此me = 1.7将1.7作为一个浮点数(提升为double)与1.7作为double数进行比较。

In this case, me == 1.7f should make them compare as equal, or changing me to a double double me = 1.7;

在这种情况下,我== 1。7f应该使它们比较相等,或者把我变成一个2倍的i = 1。7;

In the general case though, you'd want equality to be compared using an epsilon as @duffymo shows.


Also, Obligatory read.




Here is some reading material What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic




The closest representation of 1.7 is different for float and double, so casting to a float should usually result in the same number.


One of the main reasons you can't compare floating point numbers is that identities that work for real numbers and integers don't necessarily work for floating point because of rounding - i.e. (x+y)+z and x+(y+z) can often be different (note that writing them that way will often not change a compiler's behavior, but you can induce the order by doing something the compiler wont optimize around).

的一个主要原因你不能比较浮点数是身份工作的整数和实数不一定因为四舍五入——即为浮点工作。(x + y)+ z、x + y + z)往往是不同的(注意,写他们,通常不会改变一个编译器的行为方式,但是你可以诱导order by做编译器不会优化)。

For instance, (100 - (100 - .0000000001)) != .00000000001 using IEEE-754 doubles, even though math says they should be equal. So the computation that should be producing .00000000001 will be slightly off. This is especially a problem with more complicated calculations, such as linear algebra, where the answer can be the result of thousands of additions and subtractions, each of which can add to floating point rounding error.

例如,(100 -(100 - .0000000001)!= . 0000000000000000001使用IEEE-754双打,即使数学上说它们应该是相等的。因此,应该生成。00000000001的计算会稍微偏离一点。这是一个需要更复杂的计算的问题,比如线性代数,其中的答案可能是数千个加减的结果,每个加减都可能增加浮点舍入误差。

IEEE-754 floating point can be very tricky, if you don't really understand what's going on.


I recommend the excellent "What every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic": http://docs.sun.com/source/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html




Assuming an IEEE-754 representation, the literals 1.7f and 1.7 stand for the following values:


1.7f == 1.7000000476837158203125
1.7  == 1.6999999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875

Clearly, these are not the same value, and thus they compare as false.




float me = 1.7f;

浮动我f = 1.7;



It is a problem of representation concerning numerical analysis, since you have a limited amount of bit to represent the number what is represented is not exactly equal to the number you meant, it is just a close approximation to the nearest number representable with the bit you have. Take a read here




The 1.7 is converted automatically to double in the comparison. So you're comparing 1.7 with 1.7d, which probably differ by some (double) machine epsilons.




You are comparing a float to a double. the literal 1.7 is a double.


You've stored that in a float, which might have less precision than a double, thus the me == 1.7 is comparing 1.7 as a float(promoted to a double) to 1.7 as a double.

您已经将其存储在一个浮点数中,它的精度可能低于double数,因此me = 1.7将1.7作为一个浮点数(提升为double)与1.7作为double数进行比较。

In this case, me == 1.7f should make them compare as equal, or changing me to a double double me = 1.7;

在这种情况下,我== 1。7f应该使它们比较相等,或者把我变成一个2倍的i = 1。7;

In the general case though, you'd want equality to be compared using an epsilon as @duffymo shows.


Also, Obligatory read.




Here is some reading material What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic




The closest representation of 1.7 is different for float and double, so casting to a float should usually result in the same number.


One of the main reasons you can't compare floating point numbers is that identities that work for real numbers and integers don't necessarily work for floating point because of rounding - i.e. (x+y)+z and x+(y+z) can often be different (note that writing them that way will often not change a compiler's behavior, but you can induce the order by doing something the compiler wont optimize around).

的一个主要原因你不能比较浮点数是身份工作的整数和实数不一定因为四舍五入——即为浮点工作。(x + y)+ z、x + y + z)往往是不同的(注意,写他们,通常不会改变一个编译器的行为方式,但是你可以诱导order by做编译器不会优化)。

For instance, (100 - (100 - .0000000001)) != .00000000001 using IEEE-754 doubles, even though math says they should be equal. So the computation that should be producing .00000000001 will be slightly off. This is especially a problem with more complicated calculations, such as linear algebra, where the answer can be the result of thousands of additions and subtractions, each of which can add to floating point rounding error.

例如,(100 -(100 - .0000000001)!= . 0000000000000000001使用IEEE-754双打,即使数学上说它们应该是相等的。因此,应该生成。00000000001的计算会稍微偏离一点。这是一个需要更复杂的计算的问题,比如线性代数,其中的答案可能是数千个加减的结果,每个加减都可能增加浮点舍入误差。

IEEE-754 floating point can be very tricky, if you don't really understand what's going on.


I recommend the excellent "What every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic": http://docs.sun.com/source/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html




Assuming an IEEE-754 representation, the literals 1.7f and 1.7 stand for the following values:


1.7f == 1.7000000476837158203125
1.7  == 1.6999999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875

Clearly, these are not the same value, and thus they compare as false.




float me = 1.7f;

浮动我f = 1.7;



It is a problem of representation concerning numerical analysis, since you have a limited amount of bit to represent the number what is represented is not exactly equal to the number you meant, it is just a close approximation to the nearest number representable with the bit you have. Take a read here




The 1.7 is converted automatically to double in the comparison. So you're comparing 1.7 with 1.7d, which probably differ by some (double) machine epsilons.
