
时间:2021-10-26 11:30:34

I'm looking at this page which says:


In C++ you can declare variables pretty much anywhere in your program. This is not the case with C. Variables must be declared at the beginning of a function and must be declared before any other code. This includes loop counter variables, which means you can't do this:


for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {

for(int i = 0;我< 200;我+ +){

Forgetting that you can't declare variables just anywhere is one of the most frequent causes of 'it won't compile' problems for programmers moving from C++ to C.


I've been using Objective-C for a while, and thus C, and I have no problems with a statement such as for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { and yet Objective-C is C, strictly, so what is this web page referring to?

我使用Objective-C已经有一段时间了,因此C,对于for(int I = 0;我< 200;但是Objective-C严格来说是C,那么这个网页指的是什么呢?

1 个解决方案



The web page is inaccurately characterizing C89.


In C89, you could declare variables at the top of any block (not just at the start of a function), but not at any point during a block.


In C99 and beyond, you are not constrained to declare variables at the beginning of a block. Specifically, C99 allows you to write:


for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)

If you use GCC but need to retain compatibility with MSVC, then you can use -Wdeclaration-after-statement to detect when you declare a variable after a statement (which C89 does not allow).

如果您使用GCC但需要保持与MSVC的兼容性,那么您可以使用- wdeclaration - afterstatement来检测在语句之后(C89不允许)声明变量的时间。

Objective C presumably uses C99 rather than C89 as the standard it extends, so it allows variable declarations when needed.

Objective C使用C99而不是C89作为标准扩展,因此在需要时允许变量声明。



The web page is inaccurately characterizing C89.


In C89, you could declare variables at the top of any block (not just at the start of a function), but not at any point during a block.


In C99 and beyond, you are not constrained to declare variables at the beginning of a block. Specifically, C99 allows you to write:


for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)

If you use GCC but need to retain compatibility with MSVC, then you can use -Wdeclaration-after-statement to detect when you declare a variable after a statement (which C89 does not allow).

如果您使用GCC但需要保持与MSVC的兼容性,那么您可以使用- wdeclaration - afterstatement来检测在语句之后(C89不允许)声明变量的时间。

Objective C presumably uses C99 rather than C89 as the standard it extends, so it allows variable declarations when needed.

Objective C使用C99而不是C89作为标准扩展,因此在需要时允许变量声明。