
时间:2020-12-14 11:31:11

I just bought a Google Nexus One smartphone, and I want to write a small Android application for fun. Suppose I can get my current GPS coordinates, so then how can I programmatically find nearby landmarks or points-of-interest within some radius? Is there an API to get GPS geo-tagged landmarks, like in Google Earth's database?

我刚买了一部谷歌Nexus One智能手机,我想写一个小的Android应用程序。假设我可以得到当前的GPS坐标,那么我如何以编程的方式在某个半径内找到附近的地标或兴趣点呢?是否有一个API来获取GPS地理标记的地标,比如谷歌地球数据库?

For example, if I'm in downtown Chicago, my program would point me to all the "tourist" things to visit in that city.


Ideally, it would all run on my smartphone, but if necessary, I can have the smartphone query a webserver, which would then run more queries.


5 个解决方案



Depends where you're getting your landmark data from. If you want to do a web query, you could run with one of the things above.


Alternatively - if you have your own data, you can stash it in the db with lat and lon values and then form bounding rectangle for a query. This Question tells you how to calculate a bounding box that covers a given radius around your current point (it will be a box, so it will be bigger than a circle....


How to calculate the bounding box for a given lat/lng location?


Using the bounding box, you can now do a query from your db where lat < maxlat and lat > minlat and lon > minlon and lon < maxlon which will give you all your points of interest within the box.

使用边界框,您现在可以在您的db中执行一个查询,其中lat < maxlat和lat > minlat和lon > minlon和lon < maxlon,它将提供您在该框内的所有兴趣点。

Then, using the Location class in the Android api, you can get it to calculate the bearing and distance to each of the hits and then you could for instance, sort by radius from your position.

然后,使用Android api中的Location类,你可以让它计算到每个命中点的方位和距离,然后你可以,例如,根据你的位置排序。



The quickest way to do this is:


Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("geo:0,0?q=business+near+city");

After geo you put your coordinates, and after q= you input your search tearms, like tourism+city. This will fire up the Google Maps app with the points of interest.


If you want to use a maps view inside your application, you would need to get the data from some service, like your own. However you could pull the data from Google's ajax search like this: http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/local?v=1.0&rsz=large&gl=pl&q=tourism+chicago More info here: http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxsearch/documentation/reference.html#_fonje_local This will give you results that have geo-coordinates and you would need to make a way of parsing the results and maybe get them into a database.




Another web service you might look at is: http://developer.yahoo.com/geo/geoplanet/




One developer-friendly data source you can use is http://compass.webservius.com - it's a database of millions of business listings in the USA, easily searchable with a coordinate bounding box using a REST API.

您可以使用的一个开发人员友好的数据源是http://compass.webservius.com——它是美国数以百万计的商业清单数据库,可以使用一个坐标包围框使用REST API轻松搜索。



Foursquare has a great API that gives you businesses and other places of interest given GPS coordinates. Doesn't require user sign in to access. The backing database is constantly maintained by foursquare users.






Depends where you're getting your landmark data from. If you want to do a web query, you could run with one of the things above.


Alternatively - if you have your own data, you can stash it in the db with lat and lon values and then form bounding rectangle for a query. This Question tells you how to calculate a bounding box that covers a given radius around your current point (it will be a box, so it will be bigger than a circle....


How to calculate the bounding box for a given lat/lng location?


Using the bounding box, you can now do a query from your db where lat < maxlat and lat > minlat and lon > minlon and lon < maxlon which will give you all your points of interest within the box.

使用边界框,您现在可以在您的db中执行一个查询,其中lat < maxlat和lat > minlat和lon > minlon和lon < maxlon,它将提供您在该框内的所有兴趣点。

Then, using the Location class in the Android api, you can get it to calculate the bearing and distance to each of the hits and then you could for instance, sort by radius from your position.

然后,使用Android api中的Location类,你可以让它计算到每个命中点的方位和距离,然后你可以,例如,根据你的位置排序。



The quickest way to do this is:


Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("geo:0,0?q=business+near+city");

After geo you put your coordinates, and after q= you input your search tearms, like tourism+city. This will fire up the Google Maps app with the points of interest.


If you want to use a maps view inside your application, you would need to get the data from some service, like your own. However you could pull the data from Google's ajax search like this: http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/local?v=1.0&rsz=large&gl=pl&q=tourism+chicago More info here: http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxsearch/documentation/reference.html#_fonje_local This will give you results that have geo-coordinates and you would need to make a way of parsing the results and maybe get them into a database.




Another web service you might look at is: http://developer.yahoo.com/geo/geoplanet/




One developer-friendly data source you can use is http://compass.webservius.com - it's a database of millions of business listings in the USA, easily searchable with a coordinate bounding box using a REST API.

您可以使用的一个开发人员友好的数据源是http://compass.webservius.com——它是美国数以百万计的商业清单数据库,可以使用一个坐标包围框使用REST API轻松搜索。



Foursquare has a great API that gives you businesses and other places of interest given GPS coordinates. Doesn't require user sign in to access. The backing database is constantly maintained by foursquare users.


