
时间:2022-01-29 11:29:14

I'm looking for a few good tutorials or articles out there that might help me with communicating between different views which I have setup in a TabBarController.


I'd like to know how to properly call upon methods in other views of my TabBarController and then switch to that view.


The other thing I am curious about is how to launch views which are not part of the TabBarController.


I know these are simple questions, but for whatever reason I've been having real difficulty getting these simple tasks accomplished even after reading Apple's documentation.


Thanks in advance, David


1 个解决方案



Your questions are very broad and open-ended and, as such, will be difficult to answer specifically. If you need specific answers to a specific problem, you'll have to describe the problem in detail (perhaps with code snippets) to help us answer you.


Basically, your question is: "How do I learn the fundamentals of the iOS view hierarchy and communication chain?", I am right?


I've told so many people this same thing, that I made a tinyurl for it -- one of the best books ever to get started and help people understand the basics of iOS, how things interlink, how to communicate between views, etc., is this book

我告诉了很多人同样的事情,我为它做了一件小事 - 有史以来最好的书之一,帮助人们了解iOS的基础知识,事物如何相互关联,如何在视图之间进行交流等。 ,是这本书

Beyond that, there are a number of forums specifically dedicated to iPhone tutorials. In addition, if you're an iOS developer, you should have access to Apple's own video university (free!), and documentation (also free!) -- those are great places to start.

除此之外,还有许多专门针对iPhone教程的论坛。此外,如果您是iOS开发人员,您应该可以访问Apple自己的视频大学(免费!)和文档(也是免费的!) - 这些都是很好的起点。

Good luck!




Your questions are very broad and open-ended and, as such, will be difficult to answer specifically. If you need specific answers to a specific problem, you'll have to describe the problem in detail (perhaps with code snippets) to help us answer you.


Basically, your question is: "How do I learn the fundamentals of the iOS view hierarchy and communication chain?", I am right?


I've told so many people this same thing, that I made a tinyurl for it -- one of the best books ever to get started and help people understand the basics of iOS, how things interlink, how to communicate between views, etc., is this book

我告诉了很多人同样的事情,我为它做了一件小事 - 有史以来最好的书之一,帮助人们了解iOS的基础知识,事物如何相互关联,如何在视图之间进行交流等。 ,是这本书

Beyond that, there are a number of forums specifically dedicated to iPhone tutorials. In addition, if you're an iOS developer, you should have access to Apple's own video university (free!), and documentation (also free!) -- those are great places to start.

除此之外,还有许多专门针对iPhone教程的论坛。此外,如果您是iOS开发人员,您应该可以访问Apple自己的视频大学(免费!)和文档(也是免费的!) - 这些都是很好的起点。

Good luck!
