
时间:2021-10-14 11:23:33

I have tried several things I found while searching but nothing helped or I did not implement it correctly.


Error I'm getting


Direct self-reference leading to cycle (through reference chain: io.test.entity.bone.Special["appInstance"]->io.test.entity.platform.ApplicationInstance["appInstance"])

Both these extend the base entity and in the base (super class) it has an appInstance as well.


Base entity looks similar to this


public abstract class BaseEntity implements Comparable, Serializable {

protected ApplicationInstance appInstance;

//getter & setter


Application entity looks like this


public class ApplicationInstance extends BaseEntity implements Serializable { 
   private List<User> users;
// some other properties (would all have the same base and application instance . User entity will look similar to the Special.)

Special entity


@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "objectType")
@JsonIgnoreProperties({"createdBy", "appInstance", "lastUpdatedBy"})
public class Special extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String name;

    @Column(length = Short.MAX_VALUE)
    private String description;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private Double price;

    private Attachment image;

    @ElementCollection(targetClass = SpecialTag.class)
    @CollectionTable(name = "special_tags")
    @Column(name = "specialtag")
    private List<SpecialTag> specialTags;

    private Date specialStartTime;

    private Date specialEndTime;

    @ElementCollection(targetClass = WeekDay.class)
    @CollectionTable(name = "available_week_days")
    @Column(name = "weekday")
    private List<WeekDay> availableWeekDays;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "special", cascade = CascadeType.REFRESH)
    private List<SpecialStatus> statuses;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "special", cascade = CascadeType.REFRESH)
    private List<SpecialReview> specialReviews;

    private Integer viewed;

    private Boolean launched;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "special")
    private List<CampaignSpecial> specialCampaigns;

  public ApplicationInstance getAppInstance() {
    return super.getAppInstance(); 

All entities in Special inherits from BaseEntity which contains AppInstance


then i have a method to get the special


@Consumes(value = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
public Special findByGuestRef(@PathParam("ref") String pRefeference) {
  // find the special and return it
 return special;

On the special entity I tried the following


  • Added jsonIgnoreProperties
  • 添加了jsonIgnoreProperties
  • Added an override for appInstance to annotate with @JsonIgnore
  • 添加了appInstance的覆盖以使用@JsonIgnore进行批注
  • @JsonIdentityInfo
  • @JsonIdentityInfo

links for the above


none of those solutions works. Am I doing something wrong?


Note: Would it also just be possible to edit special, since the other entities are in a different package and would not like to edit them.


2 个解决方案



Usually excluding attributes in a response is as easy as adding a @JsonIgnore annotation to their getters, but if you don't want to add this annotation to a parent class, you could override the getter and then add the annotation on it:


public class Special extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {
    public ApplicationInstance getAppInstance() {
        return this.appInstance;

NOTE: As there are several frameworks, make sure that you are using the correct @JsonIgnore annotation or it will be ignored, see this answer for instance.


Another option, more "manual", is just creating a bean for the response which would be a subset of the Special instance:


@Consumes(value = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
public SpecialDTO findByGuestRef(@PathParam("ref") String pRefeference) {
  // find the special and return it
 return new SpecialDTO(special);

public class SpecialDTO {

    //declare here only the attributes that you want in your response

    public SpecialDTO(Special sp) {
        this.attr=sp.attr; // populate the needed attributes




To me, problem seems to be in the Special object and the fields being initialized in it. I guess that there is a circular reference detected when serialisation happens. Something similar to:


class A {
    public A child;
    public A parent;

A object = new A();
A root = new A();
root.child = object;
object.parent = root;

In the above code, whenever you will try to seralize either of these objects, you will face the same problem. Note that public fields are not recommended.


I'll suggest to peek into your Special object and the references set in it.




Usually excluding attributes in a response is as easy as adding a @JsonIgnore annotation to their getters, but if you don't want to add this annotation to a parent class, you could override the getter and then add the annotation on it:


public class Special extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {
    public ApplicationInstance getAppInstance() {
        return this.appInstance;

NOTE: As there are several frameworks, make sure that you are using the correct @JsonIgnore annotation or it will be ignored, see this answer for instance.


Another option, more "manual", is just creating a bean for the response which would be a subset of the Special instance:


@Consumes(value = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
public SpecialDTO findByGuestRef(@PathParam("ref") String pRefeference) {
  // find the special and return it
 return new SpecialDTO(special);

public class SpecialDTO {

    //declare here only the attributes that you want in your response

    public SpecialDTO(Special sp) {
        this.attr=sp.attr; // populate the needed attributes




To me, problem seems to be in the Special object and the fields being initialized in it. I guess that there is a circular reference detected when serialisation happens. Something similar to:


class A {
    public A child;
    public A parent;

A object = new A();
A root = new A();
root.child = object;
object.parent = root;

In the above code, whenever you will try to seralize either of these objects, you will face the same problem. Note that public fields are not recommended.


I'll suggest to peek into your Special object and the references set in it.
