使用Play框架处理REST URL错误

时间:2021-02-28 11:24:05

Currently when I (or more importantly, a user) type in one of my rest functions into the URL, it works, with the 200 status code. But if you type a wrong one or mispell it, a 404 page is generated, with a 404 status code when looking at it through a REST client.


Instead of getting a 404 page when the bad URL is sent, I would instead like to display a dynamically generated JSON object.


How do I fix that error handling to do what I want, Is there a place where I can define what should be done during a particular status code?


1 个解决方案



I am not very familiar with the Play Framework, but I was interested. This discussion seemed at least similar to what you want:

我对Play Framework不太熟悉,但我很感兴趣。这个讨论似乎至少与你想要的相似:

Gaëtan Renaudeau




You can customize errors pages depending of the http code error (404, 500, 403, ...) by editing app/views/errors/{code}.html files where {code} is you http code. If you are using other format than html (like xml, json) you can have 404.json , 404.xml, etc...

您可以通过编辑app / views / errors / {code} .html文件来自定义错误页面,具体取决于http代码错误(404,500,403,...),其中{code}是您的http代码。如果你使用的是其他格式而不是html(如xml,json),你可以拥有404.json,404.xml等...

So, modify:



Hopefully this at least points you in the right direction.




I am not very familiar with the Play Framework, but I was interested. This discussion seemed at least similar to what you want:

我对Play Framework不太熟悉,但我很感兴趣。这个讨论似乎至少与你想要的相似:

Gaëtan Renaudeau




You can customize errors pages depending of the http code error (404, 500, 403, ...) by editing app/views/errors/{code}.html files where {code} is you http code. If you are using other format than html (like xml, json) you can have 404.json , 404.xml, etc...

您可以通过编辑app / views / errors / {code} .html文件来自定义错误页面,具体取决于http代码错误(404,500,403,...),其中{code}是您的http代码。如果你使用的是其他格式而不是html(如xml,json),你可以拥有404.json,404.xml等...

So, modify:



Hopefully this at least points you in the right direction.
