JQuery Validation Plugin:valid()为非必填字段返回false

时间:2020-11-29 11:24:58

The valid() function states: "Checks whether the selected form is valid or whether all selected elements are valid."


Which seems to imply we can test for a group of controls using a selector (we're testing controls on a asp.net form) e.g.


$('div[id$=pnlBillingInfo] .Field input').valid()

This works if all fields are required. However, if one field requires no validation (required = false) then valid() returns false when this field is left blank.

如果需要所有字段,则此方法有效。但是,如果一个字段不需要验证(required = false),则当此字段留空时,valid()将返回false。

This behavior doesn't seem correct - are we missing something? We should be able to leave these optional fields blank and still have the group of controls validate ok.

这种行为似乎不正确 - 我们错过了什么吗?我们应该能够将这些可选字段留空,并且仍然可以使控件组验证正常。

If we try to validate this optional field - the result is 'undefined' e.g.

如果我们尝试验证此可选字段 - 结果为'未定义',例如


jQuery 1.4.2

jQuery plugin Validation 1.7 (latest version)




2 个解决方案



I've found it useful to actually separate the form validation rules from the validation event (ie: the moment when the form is submitted).


You need to set up rules for the form - either in the JS or in the HTML via classes on each input / select / etc.

您需要为表单设置规则 - 在JS或HTML中通过每个输入/选择/等的类。

I prefer doing it via JS, because it keeps the DOM clean; also, I usually put the form's rules outside the $(document).ready() function:


    rules: {
    messages: {

This actually does nothing functional. It just sets the rules. When you need to actually validate the form, you can check these rules by firing the .valid() event:



            // Check validity
            if (!$(this).valid()) return false;

            // Form is valid, so submit it!



There's a bug on the library when rule methods check for optional fields with "this.optional(element)". When the field is empty this.optional returns "dependency-mismatch" and the validation method returns "undefined" marking the field as invalid.


Full explanation here:





I've found it useful to actually separate the form validation rules from the validation event (ie: the moment when the form is submitted).


You need to set up rules for the form - either in the JS or in the HTML via classes on each input / select / etc.

您需要为表单设置规则 - 在JS或HTML中通过每个输入/选择/等的类。

I prefer doing it via JS, because it keeps the DOM clean; also, I usually put the form's rules outside the $(document).ready() function:


    rules: {
    messages: {

This actually does nothing functional. It just sets the rules. When you need to actually validate the form, you can check these rules by firing the .valid() event:



            // Check validity
            if (!$(this).valid()) return false;

            // Form is valid, so submit it!



There's a bug on the library when rule methods check for optional fields with "this.optional(element)". When the field is empty this.optional returns "dependency-mismatch" and the validation method returns "undefined" marking the field as invalid.


Full explanation here:

