使用哪个.net Web应用程序框架?

时间:2022-04-02 11:22:25

I am looking for a solid and easy to pick up .NET Web Application Framework for company-wide development use. I am considering DotNetNuke. Is it good ? What else can you recommend ?

我正在寻找一个可靠且易于获取的.NET Web应用程序框架,以供公司范围的开发使用。我在考虑DotNetNuke。好吗 ?你还能推荐什么?

5 个解决方案



If you're wanting a framework for "Web Applications" in .NET, then your choices boil down to ASP.NET or ASP.NET MVC (both from Microsoft), or an open source alternative like Castle Monorail.

如果您想在.NET中使用“Web应用程序”框架,那么您的选择可以归结为ASP.NET或ASP.NET MVC(均来自Microsoft),或者像Castle Monorail这样的开源替代方案。

ASP.NET would be the way to go if you want to have maximum use of vendor controls, and you're putting together small, form based applications.


For anything larger or more complex, and if you can do without vendor controls, ASP.NET MVC or Castle Monorail are going to give you a better result because they forces you into better practices.

对于任何更大或更复杂的东西,如果你没有供应商控制,ASP.NET MVC或Castle Monorail会给你一个更好的结果,因为它们会迫使你进入更好的实践。

However, if you're looking for an existing web application to use as a basis for customization, then your starting point needs to be to tell us more detail about what you want to achieve.


Depending on your requirements, Dotnetnuke may be a great fit for your needs, or it might be a spectaularly bad choice. Without more information we can't tell.




DotNetNuke is a Content Management System. There are quite a few out there, and more vendor solutions than you can shake a stick at. It all depends on what you need/want, and whether cost is an issue. Some more information would help. Is this more of a wiki-oriented project? An intranet site? A bit of both? Is 24/7 support an issue?


Are you looking for a framework? Or a Content Management System?


List of Content Management Systems. There are also commercial ones, like SharePoint, as well as a whole host of custom vendor solutions.




For any complex application, ASP.NET webforms are better as you just have to deal with C# and event driven programming is easier. managing a large sized ASP.NET MVC application is just a nightmare. Don't be lured by Unit testing in MVC.

对于任何复杂的应用程序,ASP.NET webforms都更好,因为您只需处理C#并且事件驱动编程更容易。管理大型ASP.NET MVC应用程序只是一场噩梦。不要被MVC中的单元测试所诱惑。

If you are using webforms you would stay focused on the application rather then coding complexities. + you have so many webcontrols to make your job easier.

如果您使用的是webforms,那么您将专注于应用程序而不是编码复杂性。 +你有这么多的webcontrols让你的工作更轻松。

There might be some frameworks that you may use for instance framework for logging, or Microsft Enterprise Framework to make application more configurable.

可能有一些框架可用于例如日志记录框架,或者可能使用Microsft Enterprise Framework来使应用程序更具可配置性。

also visit Ext.NET. they have some controls specifically for ASP.NET web forms that would make your application look better.

也访问Ext.NET。他们有一些专门针对ASP.NET Web表单的控件,可以使您的应用程序看起来更好。



In the end you will need multiple frameworks. It's difficult to support any complex business environment with just one. Sounds like your dedicated to .NET so I would stick with ASP.NET or ASP.NET MVC. Use ASP.NET MVC for larger applications requiring domain driven development with testing. Use ASP.NET for data driven applications that closely match your SQL schema (quick and dirty applications without much complexity). Assuming you are using MS SQL for persistence. I would also consider the latest version of SharePoint. It's now based on ASP.NET 2.0 and bit easier to deal with than it was in the past. If a lot of your business requirements are simple you can provide a great deal of functionality with SharePoint out of the box. Of course with SharePoint you will need a good support staff for backup, maintenance, and recovery.

最后,您将需要多个框架。只用一个就很难支持任何复杂的商业环境。听起来像是专门用于.NET,所以我会坚持使用ASP.NET或ASP.NET MVC。将ASP.NET MVC用于需要通过测试进行域驱动开发的大型应用程序。将ASP.NET用于与您的SQL架构紧密匹配的数据驱动应用程序(快速和脏的应用程序,没有太多复杂性)。假设您使用MS SQL进行持久化。我还会考虑最新版本的SharePoint。它现在基于ASP.NET 2.0,比过去更容易处理。如果您的许多业务需求很简单,那么您可以使用SharePoint提供大量功能。当然,使用SharePoint,您需要一个良好的支持人员来进行备份,维护和恢复。



SharePoint is an option but I don't recommend it. I've always wanted to try DotNetNuke. It has a strong community and a lot of growth.


Our team worked on SharePoint features for 5 months before we ditched it. Deployment and debugging are awful experiences. We had to resort to lengthy build scripts within Visual Studio and we used a few open source tools (WspBuilder, SharePoint Installer, etc.) just to make the process half-way manageable.

在我们放弃之前,我们的团队已经开展了5个月的SharePoint功能。部署和调试是非常糟糕的经历。我们不得不在Visual Studio中使用冗长的构建脚本,并且我们使用了一些开源工具(WspBuilder,SharePoint Installer等),只是为了使流程中途易于管理。

Maybe SharePoint will grow up and get real Visual Studio integration some day (I hear that is the plan with VS 2010). Until then, it is just too much trouble. The learning curve is steep and you will have to spend a lot of time searching XML config files to track down problems. SharePoint will probably make you despise XML configurations!

也许SharePoint有一天会成长并获得真正的Visual Studio集成(我听说这是VS 2010的计划)。在那之前,这太麻烦了。学习曲线陡峭,您将不得不花费大量时间搜索XML配置文件以追踪问题。 SharePoint可能会让你鄙视XML配置!

UPDATE: Sharepoint is getting some much needed attention in VS2010. See: http://www.cmswire.com/cms/enterpr...

更新:Sharepoint在VS2010中得到了一些非常需要的关注。请参阅:http://www.cmswire.com/cms/enterpr ...



If you're wanting a framework for "Web Applications" in .NET, then your choices boil down to ASP.NET or ASP.NET MVC (both from Microsoft), or an open source alternative like Castle Monorail.

如果您想在.NET中使用“Web应用程序”框架,那么您的选择可以归结为ASP.NET或ASP.NET MVC(均来自Microsoft),或者像Castle Monorail这样的开源替代方案。

ASP.NET would be the way to go if you want to have maximum use of vendor controls, and you're putting together small, form based applications.


For anything larger or more complex, and if you can do without vendor controls, ASP.NET MVC or Castle Monorail are going to give you a better result because they forces you into better practices.

对于任何更大或更复杂的东西,如果你没有供应商控制,ASP.NET MVC或Castle Monorail会给你一个更好的结果,因为它们会迫使你进入更好的实践。

However, if you're looking for an existing web application to use as a basis for customization, then your starting point needs to be to tell us more detail about what you want to achieve.


Depending on your requirements, Dotnetnuke may be a great fit for your needs, or it might be a spectaularly bad choice. Without more information we can't tell.




DotNetNuke is a Content Management System. There are quite a few out there, and more vendor solutions than you can shake a stick at. It all depends on what you need/want, and whether cost is an issue. Some more information would help. Is this more of a wiki-oriented project? An intranet site? A bit of both? Is 24/7 support an issue?


Are you looking for a framework? Or a Content Management System?


List of Content Management Systems. There are also commercial ones, like SharePoint, as well as a whole host of custom vendor solutions.




For any complex application, ASP.NET webforms are better as you just have to deal with C# and event driven programming is easier. managing a large sized ASP.NET MVC application is just a nightmare. Don't be lured by Unit testing in MVC.

对于任何复杂的应用程序,ASP.NET webforms都更好,因为您只需处理C#并且事件驱动编程更容易。管理大型ASP.NET MVC应用程序只是一场噩梦。不要被MVC中的单元测试所诱惑。

If you are using webforms you would stay focused on the application rather then coding complexities. + you have so many webcontrols to make your job easier.

如果您使用的是webforms,那么您将专注于应用程序而不是编码复杂性。 +你有这么多的webcontrols让你的工作更轻松。

There might be some frameworks that you may use for instance framework for logging, or Microsft Enterprise Framework to make application more configurable.

可能有一些框架可用于例如日志记录框架,或者可能使用Microsft Enterprise Framework来使应用程序更具可配置性。

also visit Ext.NET. they have some controls specifically for ASP.NET web forms that would make your application look better.

也访问Ext.NET。他们有一些专门针对ASP.NET Web表单的控件,可以使您的应用程序看起来更好。



In the end you will need multiple frameworks. It's difficult to support any complex business environment with just one. Sounds like your dedicated to .NET so I would stick with ASP.NET or ASP.NET MVC. Use ASP.NET MVC for larger applications requiring domain driven development with testing. Use ASP.NET for data driven applications that closely match your SQL schema (quick and dirty applications without much complexity). Assuming you are using MS SQL for persistence. I would also consider the latest version of SharePoint. It's now based on ASP.NET 2.0 and bit easier to deal with than it was in the past. If a lot of your business requirements are simple you can provide a great deal of functionality with SharePoint out of the box. Of course with SharePoint you will need a good support staff for backup, maintenance, and recovery.

最后,您将需要多个框架。只用一个就很难支持任何复杂的商业环境。听起来像是专门用于.NET,所以我会坚持使用ASP.NET或ASP.NET MVC。将ASP.NET MVC用于需要通过测试进行域驱动开发的大型应用程序。将ASP.NET用于与您的SQL架构紧密匹配的数据驱动应用程序(快速和脏的应用程序,没有太多复杂性)。假设您使用MS SQL进行持久化。我还会考虑最新版本的SharePoint。它现在基于ASP.NET 2.0,比过去更容易处理。如果您的许多业务需求很简单,那么您可以使用SharePoint提供大量功能。当然,使用SharePoint,您需要一个良好的支持人员来进行备份,维护和恢复。



SharePoint is an option but I don't recommend it. I've always wanted to try DotNetNuke. It has a strong community and a lot of growth.


Our team worked on SharePoint features for 5 months before we ditched it. Deployment and debugging are awful experiences. We had to resort to lengthy build scripts within Visual Studio and we used a few open source tools (WspBuilder, SharePoint Installer, etc.) just to make the process half-way manageable.

在我们放弃之前,我们的团队已经开展了5个月的SharePoint功能。部署和调试是非常糟糕的经历。我们不得不在Visual Studio中使用冗长的构建脚本,并且我们使用了一些开源工具(WspBuilder,SharePoint Installer等),只是为了使流程中途易于管理。

Maybe SharePoint will grow up and get real Visual Studio integration some day (I hear that is the plan with VS 2010). Until then, it is just too much trouble. The learning curve is steep and you will have to spend a lot of time searching XML config files to track down problems. SharePoint will probably make you despise XML configurations!

也许SharePoint有一天会成长并获得真正的Visual Studio集成(我听说这是VS 2010的计划)。在那之前,这太麻烦了。学习曲线陡峭,您将不得不花费大量时间搜索XML配置文件以追踪问题。 SharePoint可能会让你鄙视XML配置!

UPDATE: Sharepoint is getting some much needed attention in VS2010. See: http://www.cmswire.com/cms/enterpr...

更新:Sharepoint在VS2010中得到了一些非常需要的关注。请参阅:http://www.cmswire.com/cms/enterpr ...