
时间:2022-05-26 11:17:51

Let me introduce myself a bit.


  1. I have 7 years of C++ (most MFC) experience, 1 year C#.NET and 2 years Java experience.
  2. 我有7年的C ++(大多数MFC)经验,1年的C#.NET和2年的Java经验。

  3. I know little about web application, what I did and am doing is Windows desktop applications.
  4. 我对Web应用程序知之甚少,我所做的和我正在做的是Windows桌面应用程序。

I start to do some (minor) (freelance) side projects in the past half year and uses C# mostly as it's more "rapid" than MFC. But seems there's more web projects in this market than desktop projects. And I do not feel good as long as I do not know web development.


So, should I touch the new web filed for me or just stay focus in desktop application but learn more e.g Python, or Frameworks/Libraries such as Qt or Boost?


6 个解决方案


My gut feeling is that more and more people/companies are moving their projects to the web. My company, for example, has added numerous web applications since I have been there. Another prime example of this is Microsoft (yes, even them) providing a web-based version of Office, their flagship product.


There will always be a need for desktop applications, but I see more web-based projects in the future. It's always good to learn something new, anyway.


EDIT: Oh, and you don't lose anything by being aware of "desktop-based" processes. You may be doing more server-side programming, even if it is web-based. So, in other words, it doesn't hurt to continue expanding your knowledge in that arena, as well.



There will most likely still be a market for desktop applications for many years to come. However, web development seems to have taken over a large share of the development market from what I can see. I would recommend definitely getting familiar with web development as it definitely can't hurt to increase the number of skills you have even if you never stop writing desktop apps.


Since you have experience with C# you might want to consider doing some ASP.NET work. Or if you feel the need to learn a new technology then maybe consider a framework like Ruby on Rails.

由于您有使用C#的经验,因此您可能需要考虑做一些ASP.NET工作。或者如果您觉得需要学习新技术,那么可以考虑像Ruby on Rails这样的框架。


I'd really suggest looking into web development - like you said, there are many more web application projects - and you already know C#.NET and Java, and both of those languages have really good API's / frameworks for web development. ASP.NET for C# and Java Servlets/JSPs.

我真的建议调查Web开发 - 就像你说的,还有更多的Web应用程序项目 - 你已经了解C#.NET和Java,这两种语言都有很好的用于Web开发的API /框架。 ASP.NET for C#和Java Servlets / JSP。

I'd first suggest learning some really basic HTML to learn how pages are rendered, then try to make dynamic versions using the language of your choice. Then I'd learn some other web technologies like CSS/Javascript/some Javascript libraries - then I'd start looking at frameworks that build on top of the basics in the language of your choice.

我首先建议学习一些非常基本的HTML来学习如何渲染页面,然后尝试使用您选择的语言制作动态版本。然后我会学习一些其他网络技术,比如CSS / Javascript /一些Javascript库 - 然后我会开始研究基于您选择的语言基础的框架。

Oh, and some further suggestions - there are web frameworks that are component-based rather than request-based - you may be tempted to learn these as a shortcut to web development since most claim that developing in them is similar to desktop development. I really wouldn't suggest this - as in practice you really do need to know how the web works at a lower level to develop custom components, include things that the framework doesn't do, or to debug them when things go wrong even when using these frameworks. If you jump right in you can get lost/confused pretty quickly.

哦,以及一些进一步的建议 - 有基于组件而不是基于请求的Web框架 - 您可能想要将它们作为Web开发的快捷方式来学习,因为大多数人声称在其中开发类似于桌面开发。我真的不建议这样做 - 在实践中你真的需要知道web如何在较低级别工作以开发自定义组件,包括框架不执行的操作,或者在出现问题时调试它们,即使在使用这些框架。如果你向右跳,你会很快迷失/困惑。


Microsoft Office 2010 will have an online version. To me this is a watershed moment for Web applications. Office apps are an important litmus test as once you can do Office on the Web (which has been the case with Google Documents for some time but Office has important symbolic meaning) you can do most things that most users care about.

Microsoft Office 2010将具有在线版本。对我来说,这是Web应用程序的分水岭。 Office应用程序是一项重要的试金石,因为一旦您可以在Web上执行Office(Google文档的情况已有一段时间,但Office具有重要的符号意义),您可以执行大多数用户关心的大多数事情。

Desktop apps won't die but I definitely think they're going to take more and more of a backseat.


I'd highly suggest you read How Microsoft Lost the API War if you haven't already. One of the things that's particularly amazing about this post is that it was written in 2004.



I honestly believe that with maybe the exception of OSs and browsers, everything will be a web app within the next 10 years. Having said that, let me clarify that by everything I mean everything that a) involves a UI of some kind and b) can be guaranteed secure.


User-interfaced apps will always at some point need a backend, which will at some level require code that is not being interfaced by humans and not being executed via HTTP. I am always reminding myself that things like 'cat' in Unix are actually programs that the OS is calling, not just a function built into the OS. MySQL won't be a web app (as far as I know), but app that powers web apps. We may get to a point where these apps are fully developed via a web interface, written, audited, uploaded and called all via a browser, but at some level its still running behind the scenes.

用户界面应用程序总是在某些时候需要后端,这在某种程度上要求代码不是由人类接口而不是通过HTTP执行。我一直在提醒自己,Unix中的'cat'实际上是操作系统调用的程序,而不仅仅是内置于操作系统中的函数。 MySQL不会是一个网络应用程序(据我所知),但它是支持Web应用程序的应用程序。我们可能会通过网络界面完全开发这些应用程序,通过浏览器编写,审核,上传和调用,但在某种程度上它仍然在幕后运行。

On that second point, about guaranteed security, I can very easily imagine a large corporation or government office running 95 percent of their daily routines via web apps, but mandating that certain high-security operations be done on a machine directly interfaced with some sort of mainframe, after passing through the cool doors with the retinal scans and what not. Or simply because they can't risk moving certain mission-critical apps over to the web, from fear of it breaking our losing data in the process.


But with those two things aside, I honestly believe everything will be web-based. With the advancement of Web Services and XML in general, it will be possible to not only access and interact with our data, but to plug our custom apps into another app and extend that interaction further and in any environment we want.


It's like that Apple ad "There's an app for that." Except once people get the real picture, it won't be an app written for your iPhone, but a URL. "There's a site for that."

这就像Apple广告“有一个应用程序。”除非人们得到真实的图片,否则它不会是为您的iPhone编写的应用程序,而是URL。 “那里有一个网站。”


I recommend learning the Lift framework. It's as easy to use as Rails, and it's based on a statically-typed language for the JVM, Scala. From the perspective of your background, Scala should be middling to easy to learn, and you'll be more likely to be comfortable with it than with a dynamic language.


In my opinion, you have a good chance of picking it up quickly, learn a lot about good practices in web development, and even expanding your programming horizons a bit.



My gut feeling is that more and more people/companies are moving their projects to the web. My company, for example, has added numerous web applications since I have been there. Another prime example of this is Microsoft (yes, even them) providing a web-based version of Office, their flagship product.


There will always be a need for desktop applications, but I see more web-based projects in the future. It's always good to learn something new, anyway.


EDIT: Oh, and you don't lose anything by being aware of "desktop-based" processes. You may be doing more server-side programming, even if it is web-based. So, in other words, it doesn't hurt to continue expanding your knowledge in that arena, as well.



There will most likely still be a market for desktop applications for many years to come. However, web development seems to have taken over a large share of the development market from what I can see. I would recommend definitely getting familiar with web development as it definitely can't hurt to increase the number of skills you have even if you never stop writing desktop apps.


Since you have experience with C# you might want to consider doing some ASP.NET work. Or if you feel the need to learn a new technology then maybe consider a framework like Ruby on Rails.

由于您有使用C#的经验,因此您可能需要考虑做一些ASP.NET工作。或者如果您觉得需要学习新技术,那么可以考虑像Ruby on Rails这样的框架。


I'd really suggest looking into web development - like you said, there are many more web application projects - and you already know C#.NET and Java, and both of those languages have really good API's / frameworks for web development. ASP.NET for C# and Java Servlets/JSPs.

我真的建议调查Web开发 - 就像你说的,还有更多的Web应用程序项目 - 你已经了解C#.NET和Java,这两种语言都有很好的用于Web开发的API /框架。 ASP.NET for C#和Java Servlets / JSP。

I'd first suggest learning some really basic HTML to learn how pages are rendered, then try to make dynamic versions using the language of your choice. Then I'd learn some other web technologies like CSS/Javascript/some Javascript libraries - then I'd start looking at frameworks that build on top of the basics in the language of your choice.

我首先建议学习一些非常基本的HTML来学习如何渲染页面,然后尝试使用您选择的语言制作动态版本。然后我会学习一些其他网络技术,比如CSS / Javascript /一些Javascript库 - 然后我会开始研究基于您选择的语言基础的框架。

Oh, and some further suggestions - there are web frameworks that are component-based rather than request-based - you may be tempted to learn these as a shortcut to web development since most claim that developing in them is similar to desktop development. I really wouldn't suggest this - as in practice you really do need to know how the web works at a lower level to develop custom components, include things that the framework doesn't do, or to debug them when things go wrong even when using these frameworks. If you jump right in you can get lost/confused pretty quickly.

哦,以及一些进一步的建议 - 有基于组件而不是基于请求的Web框架 - 您可能想要将它们作为Web开发的快捷方式来学习,因为大多数人声称在其中开发类似于桌面开发。我真的不建议这样做 - 在实践中你真的需要知道web如何在较低级别工作以开发自定义组件,包括框架不执行的操作,或者在出现问题时调试它们,即使在使用这些框架。如果你向右跳,你会很快迷失/困惑。


Microsoft Office 2010 will have an online version. To me this is a watershed moment for Web applications. Office apps are an important litmus test as once you can do Office on the Web (which has been the case with Google Documents for some time but Office has important symbolic meaning) you can do most things that most users care about.

Microsoft Office 2010将具有在线版本。对我来说,这是Web应用程序的分水岭。 Office应用程序是一项重要的试金石,因为一旦您可以在Web上执行Office(Google文档的情况已有一段时间,但Office具有重要的符号意义),您可以执行大多数用户关心的大多数事情。

Desktop apps won't die but I definitely think they're going to take more and more of a backseat.


I'd highly suggest you read How Microsoft Lost the API War if you haven't already. One of the things that's particularly amazing about this post is that it was written in 2004.



I honestly believe that with maybe the exception of OSs and browsers, everything will be a web app within the next 10 years. Having said that, let me clarify that by everything I mean everything that a) involves a UI of some kind and b) can be guaranteed secure.


User-interfaced apps will always at some point need a backend, which will at some level require code that is not being interfaced by humans and not being executed via HTTP. I am always reminding myself that things like 'cat' in Unix are actually programs that the OS is calling, not just a function built into the OS. MySQL won't be a web app (as far as I know), but app that powers web apps. We may get to a point where these apps are fully developed via a web interface, written, audited, uploaded and called all via a browser, but at some level its still running behind the scenes.

用户界面应用程序总是在某些时候需要后端,这在某种程度上要求代码不是由人类接口而不是通过HTTP执行。我一直在提醒自己,Unix中的'cat'实际上是操作系统调用的程序,而不仅仅是内置于操作系统中的函数。 MySQL不会是一个网络应用程序(据我所知),但它是支持Web应用程序的应用程序。我们可能会通过网络界面完全开发这些应用程序,通过浏览器编写,审核,上传和调用,但在某种程度上它仍然在幕后运行。

On that second point, about guaranteed security, I can very easily imagine a large corporation or government office running 95 percent of their daily routines via web apps, but mandating that certain high-security operations be done on a machine directly interfaced with some sort of mainframe, after passing through the cool doors with the retinal scans and what not. Or simply because they can't risk moving certain mission-critical apps over to the web, from fear of it breaking our losing data in the process.


But with those two things aside, I honestly believe everything will be web-based. With the advancement of Web Services and XML in general, it will be possible to not only access and interact with our data, but to plug our custom apps into another app and extend that interaction further and in any environment we want.


It's like that Apple ad "There's an app for that." Except once people get the real picture, it won't be an app written for your iPhone, but a URL. "There's a site for that."

这就像Apple广告“有一个应用程序。”除非人们得到真实的图片,否则它不会是为您的iPhone编写的应用程序,而是URL。 “那里有一个网站。”


I recommend learning the Lift framework. It's as easy to use as Rails, and it's based on a statically-typed language for the JVM, Scala. From the perspective of your background, Scala should be middling to easy to learn, and you'll be more likely to be comfortable with it than with a dynamic language.


In my opinion, you have a good chance of picking it up quickly, learn a lot about good practices in web development, and even expanding your programming horizons a bit.
