
时间:2022-05-26 11:18:03

I have the following rewrite rules in my .htaccess file:


RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^news/([0-9]+)/?$ /?action=news&start=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^man/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/?$ /?action=man&page=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/?$ /?action=$1 [L]

All of then end with a /? to check for an optional trailing slash. This works - it means I can use either http://www.site.com/news/ or http://www.site.com/news to get to the news page, which is what I want. The problem is that, while http://www.site.com/news/ works fine and redirects silently and all that fun stuff, http://www.site.com/news is visibly redirected to http://www.site.com/news/?action=news for some reason. They both come up with the same site, but for some reason if I leave off the trailing slash, the URL changes and looks all nasty.

所有这些都以/?结尾检查可选的尾部斜杠。这有效 - 这意味着我可以使用http://www.site.com/news/或http://www.site.com/news进入新闻页面,这就是我想要的。问题是,虽然http://www.site.com/news/工作正常,并且无声地重定向和所有有趣的东西,http://www.site.com/news明显重定向到http:// www。 site.com/news/?action=news由于某种原因。他们都提出了相同的网站,但出于某种原因,如果我不使用尾随斜线,网址会发生变化并且看起来很糟糕。

Any ideas what's going on with this? I have no other rules in my .hyaccess file. I'll also point out that http://www.site.com/news/0 and http://www.site.com/news/0/ do not suffer from the same problem. Both of them redirect invisibly to http://www.site.com/?action=news&start=0, which is what I want. It only seems to be a problem with that third rule.


If it helps any, the site is on SourceForge.net.


2 个解决方案


A wild guess: there is a directory named "news", and the the automatic Apache directory "add a trailing slash" redirect is kicking in and interacting with your RewriteRule in a weird way. If that's the case,


DirectorySlash Off

may help.


Maybe MultiViews is causing this behavior. Try to disable this option:


Options -MultiViews

Another guess: remove the leading slash in the substitution.



A wild guess: there is a directory named "news", and the the automatic Apache directory "add a trailing slash" redirect is kicking in and interacting with your RewriteRule in a weird way. If that's the case,


DirectorySlash Off

may help.


Maybe MultiViews is causing this behavior. Try to disable this option:


Options -MultiViews

Another guess: remove the leading slash in the substitution.
