参考:mod_rewrite, URL重写和“漂亮链接”解释。

时间:2021-09-08 11:19:39

"Pretty links" is an often requested topic, but it is rarely fully explained. mod_rewrite is one way to make "pretty links", but it's complex and its syntax is very terse, hard to grok and the documentation assumes a certain level of proficiency in HTTP. Can someone explain in simple terms how "pretty links" work and how mod_rewrite can be used to create them?


Other common names, aliases, terms for clean urls: RESTful URLs, User-friendly URLs, SEO-friendly URLs, Slugging, MVC urls (probably a misnomer)

其他常用的名称、别名、干净url的术语:RESTful url、用户友好的url、友好的url、Slugging、MVC url(可能是用词不当)

4 个解决方案



To understand what mod_rewrite does you first need to understand how a web server works. A web server responds to HTTP requests. An HTTP request at its most basic level looks like this:


GET /foo/bar.html HTTP/1.1

This is the simple request of a browser to a web server requesting the URL /foo/bar.html from it. It is important to stress that it does not request a file, it requests just some arbitrary URL. The request may also look like this:

这是浏览器对请求URL /foo/bar的web服务器的简单请求。html。重要的是强调它不请求文件,它只请求一些任意的URL。请求也可能是这样的:

GET /foo/bar?baz=42 HTTP/1.1

This is just as valid a request for a URL, and it has more obviously nothing to do with files.


The web server is an application listening on a port, accepting HTTP requests coming in on that port and returning a response. A web server is entirely free to respond to any request in any way it sees fit/in any way you have configured it to respond. This response is not a file, it's an HTTP response which may or may not have anything to do with physical files on any disk. A web server doesn't have to be Apache, there are many other web servers which are all just programs which run persistently and are attached to a port which respond to HTTP requests. You can write one yourself. This paragraph was intended to divorce you from any notion that URLs directly equal files, which is really important to understand. :)


The default configuration of most web servers is to look for a file that matches the URL on the hard disk. If the document root of the server is set to, say, /var/www, it may look whether the file /var/www/foo/bar.html exists and serve it if so. If the file ends in ".php" it will invoke the PHP interpreter and then return the result. All this association is completely configurable; a file doesn't have to end in ".php" for the web server to run it through the PHP interpreter, and the URL doesn't have to match any particular file on disk for something to happen.

大多数web服务器的默认配置是查找与硬盘上的URL相匹配的文件。如果将服务器的文档根设置为/var/www,则可以查看文件/var/ www/foo/bar。html存在并为它服务。如果文件结束。php“将调用php解释器,然后返回结果。所有这些关联都是完全可配置的;一个文件不需要结束。php“让web服务器通过php解释器运行它,而URL不需要匹配磁盘上的任何特定文件以实现某些事情。

mod_rewrite is a way to rewrite the internal request handling. When the web server receives a request for the URL /foo/bar, you can rewrite that URL into something else before the web server will look for a file on disk to match it. Simple example:

mod_rewrite是一种重写内部请求处理的方法。当web服务器接收到URL /foo/bar的请求时,您可以在web服务器查找磁盘上的文件之前将该URL重写为其他内容。简单的例子:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule   /foo/bar /foo/baz

This rule says whenever a request matches "/foo/bar", rewrite it to "/foo/baz". The request will then be handled as if /foo/baz had been requested instead. This can be used for various effects, for example:


RewriteRule (.*) $1.html

This rule matches anything (.*) and captures it ((..)), then rewrites it to append ".html". In other words, if /foo/bar was the requested URL, it will be handled as if /foo/bar.html had been requested. See http://regular-expressions.info for more information about regular expression matching, capturing and replacements.

这个规则匹配任何(.*)并捕获它(..),然后重写它以附加“.html”。换句话说,如果/foo/bar是请求的URL,那么它将被处理成if /foo/bar。html被请求。有关正则表达式匹配、捕获和替换的更多信息,请参见http://regular-expressions.info。

Another often encountered rule is this:


RewriteRule (.*) index.php?url=$1

This, again, matches anything and rewrites it to the file index.php with the originally requested URL appended in the url query parameter. I.e., for any and all requests coming in, the file index.php is executed and this file will have access to the original request in $_GET['url'], so it can do anything it wants with it.


What mod_rewrite does not do

mod_rewrite does not magically make all your URLs "pretty". This is a common misunderstanding. If you have this link in your web site:


<a href="/my/ugly/link.php?is=not&amp;very=pretty">

there's nothing mod_rewrite can do to make that pretty. In order to make this a pretty link, you have to:


  1. Change the link to a pretty link:


    <a href="/my/pretty/link">
  2. Use mod_rewrite on the server to handle the request to the URL /my/pretty/link using any one of the methods described above.

    使用上面描述的任何方法,在服务器上使用mod_rewrite来处理对URL /my/pretty/link的请求。

(One could use mod_substitute in conjunction to transform outgoing HTML pages and their contained links. Though this is usally more effort than just updating your HTML resources.)


There's a lot mod_rewrite can do and very complex matching rules you can create, including chaining several rewrites, proxying requests to a completely different service or machine, returning specific HTTP status codes as responses, redirecting requests etc. It's very powerful and can be used to great good if you understand the fundamental HTTP request-response mechanism. It does not automatically make your links pretty.


See the official documentation for all the possible flags and options.




To expand on deceze's answer, I wanted to provide a few examples and explanation of some other mod_rewrite functionality.


All of the below examples assume that you have already included RewriteEngine On in your .htaccess file.


Rewrite Example

Lets take this example:


RewriteRule ^blog/([0-9]+)/([A-Za-z0-9-\+]+)/?$ /blog/index.php?id=$1&title=$2 [NC,L,QSA]

The rule is split into 4 sections:


  1. RewriteRule - starts the rewrite rule
  2. 重写—开始重写规则。
  3. ^blog/([0-9]+)/([A-Za-z0-9-\+]+)/?$ - This is called the pattern, however I'll just refer to it as the left hand side of the rule - what you want to rewrite from
  4. ^博客/([0 - 9]+)/([A-Za-z0-9 - \ +]+)/ ?$ -这称为模式,不过我将把它称为规则的左手边—你想要重写的东西。
  5. blog/index.php?id=$1&title=$2 - called the substitution, or right hand side of a rewrite rule - what you want to rewrite to
  6. 博客/ index . php ?id=$1&title=$2 -被称为替换,或重写规则的右端-您想要重写的内容。
  7. [NC,L,QSA] are flags for the rewrite rule, separated by a comma, which I will explain more on later
  8. [NC,L,QSA]是重写规则的标志,用逗号分隔,稍后我将解释更多。

The above rewrite would allow you to link to something like /blog/1/foo/ and it would actually load /blog/index.php?id=1&title=foo.


Left hand side of the rule

  • ^ indicates the start of the page name - so it will rewrite example.com/blog/... but not example.com/foo/blog/...
  • ^表示开始页面的名称,所以它将改写example.com/blog/..。但不是example.com/foo/blog/..。
  • Each set of (…) parentheses represents a regular expression that we can capture as a variable in the right hand side of the rule. In this example:
    • The first set of brackets - ([0-9]+) - matches a string with a minimum of 1 character in length and with only numeric values (i.e. 0-9). This can be referenced with $1 in the right hand side of the rule
    • 第一组括号——([0-9]+)——匹配一个长度最小为1字符的字符串,并且只匹配数字值(即0-9)。这可以在规则右边的$1中引用。
    • The second set of parentheses matches a string with a minimum of 1 character in length, containing only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, or 0-9) or - or + (note + is escaped with a backslash as without escaping it this will execute as a regex repetition character). This can be referenced with $2 in the right hand side of the rule
    • 第二组括号匹配长度最小为1字符的字符串,只包含字母数字字符(a-z、a-z或0-9)或-或+(注释+被反斜杠转义,因为没有转义,这将作为regex重复字符执行)。这可以在规则右边的$2中引用。
  • 每一组(…)括号表示一个正则表达式,我们可以将其捕获为规则右边的变量。在这个例子中:第一组括号-([0-9]+)-匹配一个长度最小为1字符的字符串,并且只匹配数字值(即0-9)。这可以引用1美元在规则的右手边第二组括号匹配字符串的最低1字符长度,只包含字母数字字符(a - z、a - z或0 - 9)或-或+(注意+用反斜杠转义为没有逃离这将作为一个正则表达式执行重复字符)。这可以在规则右边的$2中引用。
  • ? means that the preceding character is optional, so in this case both /blog/1/foo/ and /blog/1/foo would rewrite to the same place
  • 吗?意味着前面的字符是可选的,因此在本例中,两个/blog/1/foo/和/blog/1/foo将重写到相同的位置。
  • $ indicates this is the end of the string we want to match
  • $表示这是我们要匹配的字符串的结尾。


These are options that are added in square brackets at the end of your rewrite rule to specify certain conditions. Again, there are a lot of different flags which you can read up on in the documentation, but I'll go through some of the more common flags:



The no case flag means that the rewrite rule is case insensitive, so for the example rule above this would mean that both /blog/1/foo/ and /BLOG/1/foo/ (or any variation of this) would be matched.



The last flag indicates that this is the last rule that should be processed. This means that if and only if this rule matches, no further rules will be evaluated in the current rewrite processing run. If the rule does not match, all other rules will be tried in order as usual. If you do not set the L flag, all following rules will be applied to the rewritten URL afterwards.



Since Apache 2.4 you can also use the [END] flag. A matching rule with it will completely terminate further alias/rewrite processing. (Whereas the [L] flag can oftentimes trigger a second round, for example when rewriting into or out of subdirectories.)

因为Apache 2.4也可以使用[END]标志。匹配的规则将完全终止别名/重写处理。(然而,[L]标志通常可以触发第二轮,例如,当重写或退出子目录时)。


The query string append flag allows us to pass in extra variables to the specified URL which will get added to the original get parameters. For our example this means that something like /blog/1/foo/?comments=15 would load /blog/index.php?id=1&title=foo&comments=15

查询字符串append标志允许我们将额外的变量传递给指定的URL,该URL将被添加到原始的get参数中。对于我们的示例,这意味着类似/blog/1/foo/?评论= 15将负载/博客/ index . php ? id = 1标题= foo&comments = 15


This flag isn't one I used in the example above, but is one I thought is worth mentioning. This allows you to specify a http redirect, with the option to include a status code (e.g. R=301). For example if you wanted to do a 301 redirect on /myblog/ to /blog/ you would simply write a rule something like this:

这个标志不是我在上面的例子中使用的,但是我认为它值得一提。这允许您指定一个http重定向,其中包含一个状态代码(例如,R=301)。例如,如果你想在/myblog/ to /blog上做一个301重定向,你可以简单地写一条这样的规则:

RewriteRule ^/myblog/(*.)$ /blog/$1 [R=301,QSA,L]

Rewrite Conditions

Rewrite conditions make rewrites even more powerful, allowing you to specify rewrites for more specific situations. There are a lot of conditions which you can read about in the documentation, but I'll touch on a few common examples and explain them:


# if the host doesn't start with www. then add it and redirect
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

This is a very common practice, which will prepend your domain with www. (if it isn't there already) and execute a 301 redirect. For example, loading up http://example.com/blog/ it would redirect you to http://www.example.com/blog/


# if it cant find the image, try find the image on another domain
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule (.*)$ http://www.example.com/$1 [L]

This is slightly less common, but is a good example of a rule that doesn't execute if the filename is a directory or file that exists on the server.


  • %{REQUEST_URI} \.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$ [NC] will only execute the rewrite for files with a file extension of jpg, jpeg, gif or png (case insensitive).
  • %{REQUEST_URI} \.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$ [NC]只会在文件扩展为jpg、jpeg、gif或png(大小写不敏感)时执行重写。
  • %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f will check to see if the file exists on the current server, and only execute the rewrite if it doesn't
  • %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f将检查该文件是否存在于当前服务器上,如果它不存在,则只执行重写。
  • %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d will check to see if the file exists on the current server, and only execute the rewrite if it doesn't
  • %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d将检查该文件是否存在于当前服务器上,如果它不存在,则只执行重写。
  • The rewrite will attempt to load the same file on another domain
  • 重写将尝试在另一个域中加载相同的文件。




Stack Overflow has many other great resources to get started:

Stack Overflow还有很多其他的资源可以启动:

And newcomer-friendly regex overviews even:

而纽科姆友好的regex overviews甚至:

  • Our tag wiki for a syntax compendium.
  • 我们的regex标记wiki用于语法概要。
  • And the short Apache regex summary.
  • 以及简短的Apache regex概要。
  • Else regexp.info for easy-to-understand basics.
  • 其他的regexp.info用于容易理解的基础。

Oft-used placeholders

  • .* matches anything, even an empty string. You don't want to use this pattern everywhere, but often in the last fallback rule.
  • .*匹配任何东西,即使是空字符串。您不希望在任何地方使用这种模式,但通常在最后的回退规则中使用。
  • [^/]+ is more often used for path segments. It matches anything but the forward slash.
  • [^ /]+经常用于路径段。它与前面的斜杠匹配。
  • \d+ only matches numeric strings.
  • \d+只匹配数字字符串。
  • \w+ matches alphanumeric characters. It's basically shorthand for [A-Za-z0-9_].
  • \ w +字母数字字符匹配。它基本上是[A-Za-z0-9_]的缩写。
  • [\w\-]+ for "slug"-style path segments, using letters, numbers, dash - and _
  • 用字母、数字、破折号和_来表示“slug”式的路径段。
  • [\w\-.,]+ adds periods and commas. Prefer an escaped \- dash in […] charclasses.
  • (\ w \ -。+添加句号和逗号。在[…]charclasses中更倾向于逃离的\- dash。
  • \. denotes a literal period. Otherwise . outside of […] is placeholder for any symbol.
  • \。表示一段文字。否则。在[…]之外是任何符号的占位符。

Each of these placeholders is usually wrapped in (…) parentheses as capture group. And the whole pattern often in ^………$ start + end markers. Quoting "patterns" is optional.

每个占位符通常用(…)括号括起来作为捕获组。而整个模式通常是在…$ start + end标记。引用“模式”是可选的。


The following examples are PHP-centric and a bit more incremental, easier to adapt for similar cases. They're just summaries, often link to more variations or detailed Q&As.


  • Static mapping
    /contact, /about

    Shortening a few page names to internal file schemes is most simple:


     RewriteRule ^contact$  templ/contact.html
     RewriteRule ^about$    about.php
  • Numeric identifiers

    Introducing shortcuts like http://example.com/article/531 to existing PHP scripts is also easy. The numeric placeholder can just be remapped to a $_GET parameter:


     RewriteRule ^article/(\d+)$    article-show.php?id=$1
     #                      └───────────────────────────┘
  • Slug-style placeholders

    You can easily extend that rule to allow for /article/title-string placeholders:


     RewriteRule ^article/([\w-]+)$    article-show.php?title=$1
     #                       └────────────────────────────────┘

    Note that your script must be able (or be adapted) to map those titles back to database-ids. RewriteRules alone can't create or guess information out of thin air.


  • Slugs with numeric prefixes

    Therefore you'll often see mixed /article/529-title-slug paths used in practice:

    因此,您经常会看到在实践中使用的混合/article/529- titleslug路径:

     RewriteRule ^article/(\d+)-([\w-]+)$    article.php?id=$1&title=$2
     #                      └───────────────────────────────┘

    Now you could just skip passing the title=$2 anyway, because your script will typically rely on the database-id anyway. The -title-slug has become arbitrary URL decoration.

    现在您可以跳过标题=$2,因为您的脚本通常会依赖于数据库id。- titleslug已经成为任意的URL装饰。

  • Uniformity with alternative lists
    /foo/… /bar/… /baz/…

    If you have similar rules for multiple virtual page paths, then you can match and compact them with | alternative lists. And again just reassign them to internal GET parameters:


     #                               ┌─────────────────────────┐
     RewriteRule ^(blog|post|user)/(\w+)$  disp.php?type=$1&id=$2
     #               └───────────────────────────────────┘

    You can split them out into individual RewriteRules should this get too complex.


  • Dispatching related URLs to different backends

    A more practical use of alternative lists are mapping request paths to distinct scripts. For example to provide uniform URLs for an older and a newer web application based on dates:


     #                   ┌─────────────────────────────┐
     #                   │                 ┌───────────┼───────────────┐
     RewriteRule ^blog/(2009|2010|2011)/([\d-]+)/?$ old/blog.php?date=$2
     RewriteRule ^blog/(\d+)/([\d-]+)/?$  modern/blog/index.php?start=$2
     #                          └──────────────────────────────────────┘

    This simply remaps 2009-2011 posts onto one script, and all other years implicitly to another handler. Note the more specific rule coming first. Each script might use different GET params.


  • Other delimiters than just / path slashes

    You're most commonly seeing RewriteRules to simulate a virtual directory structure. But you're not forced to be uncreative. You can as well use - hyphens for segmenting or structure.


     RewriteRule ^user-(\d+)$    show.php?what=user&id=$1
     #                   └──────────────────────────────┘
     # This could use `(\w+)` alternatively for user names instead of ids.

    For the also common /wiki:section:Page_Name scheme:


     RewriteRule ^wiki:(\w+):(\w+)$  wiki.php?sect=$1&page=$2 
     #                   └─────┼────────────────────┘       │
     #                         └────────────────────────────┘

    Occasionally it's suitable to alternate between /-delimiters and : or . in the same rule even. Or have two RewriteRules again to map variants onto different scripts.


  • Optional trailing / slash
    /dir = /dir/

    When opting for directory-style paths, you can make it reachable with and without a final /

    当选择directory风格的路径时,您可以使它可以在没有final /的情况下实现。

     RewriteRule ^blog/([\w-]+)/?$  blog/show.php?id=$1
     #                         ┗┛

    Now this handles both http://example.com/blog/123 and /blog/123/. And the /?$ approach is easy to append onto any other RewriteRule.

    现在,它可以同时处理http://example.com/blog/123和/blog/123/。/ ?$方法很容易附加到任何其他的RewriteRule。

  • Flexible segments for virtual paths

    Most rules you'll encounter map a constrained set of /…/ resource path segments to individual GET parameters. Some scripts handle a variable number of options however. The Apache regexp engine doesn't allow optionalizing an arbitrary number of them. But you can easily expand it into a rule block yourself:

    您将会遇到的大多数规则都映射到单个GET参数的约束集/ /资源路径段。但是,有些脚本可以处理多个选项。Apache regexp引擎不允许对任意数量的它们进行选择。但是你可以很容易地把它扩展成一个规则块:

     Rewriterule ^(\w+)/?$                in.php?a=$1
     Rewriterule ^(\w+)/(\w+)/?$          in.php?a=$1&b=$2
     Rewriterule ^(\w+)/(\w+)/(\w+)/?$    in.php?a=$1&b=$2&c=$3
     #              └─────┴─────┴───────────────────┴────┴────┘

    If you need up to five path segments, then copy this scheme along into five rules. You can of course use a more specific [^/]+ placeholder each. Here the ordering isn't as important, as neither overlaps. So having the most frequently used paths first is okay.

    如果您需要最多五个路径段,那么将这个方案复制到五个规则中。您当然可以使用一个更具体的[^ /]+占位符。这里的排序并不重要,因为两者都没有重叠。所以首先使用最常用的路径是可以的。

    Alternatively you can utilize PHPs array parameters via ?p[]=$1&p[]=$2&p[]=3 query string here - if your script merely prefers them pre-split. (Though it's more common to just use a catch-all rule, and let the script itself expand the segments out of the REQUEST_URI.)


    See also: How do I transform my URL path segments into query string key-value pairs?


  • Optional segments

    A common variation is to have optional prefixes within a rule. This usually makes sense if you have static strings or more constrained placeholders around:


      RewriteRule ^(\w+)(?:/([^/]+))?/(\w+)$  ?main=$1&opt=$2&suffix=$3

    Now the more complex pattern (?:/([^/])+)? there simply wraps a non-capturing (?:…) group, and makes it optional )?. The contained placeholder ([^/]+) would be substitution pattern $2, but be empty if there's no middle /…/ path.

    现在更复杂的模式(?:/([/])+)?简单地封装一个非捕获(?:…)组,并使其可选)?包含占位符([^ /]+)将替换模式2美元,但是是空的如果没有中间/…/路径。

  • Capture the remainder

    As said before, you don't often want too generic rewrite patterns. It does however make sense to combine static and specific comparisons with a .* sometimes.


     RewriteRule ^(specific)/prefix/(\d+)(/.*)?$  speci.php?id=$2&otherparams=$2

    This optionalized any /…/…/… trailing path segments. Which then of course requires the handling script to split them up, and variabl-ify extracted parameters itself (which is what Web-"MVC" frameworks do).


  • Trailing file "extensions"

    URLs don't really have file extensions. Which is what this entire reference is about (= URLs are virtual locators, not necessarily a direct filesystem image). However if you had a 1:1 file mapping before, you can craft simpler rules:


     RewriteRule  ^styles/([\w\.\-]+)\.css$  sass-cache.php?old_fn_base=$1
     RewriteRule  ^images/([\w\.\-]+)\.gif$  png-converter.php?load_from=$2

    Other common uses are remapping obsolete .html paths to newer .php handlers, or just aliasing directory names only for individual (actual/real) files.


  • Ping-Pong (redirects and rewrites in unison)
    /ugly.html ←→ /pretty

    So at some point you're rewriting your HTML pages to carry only pretty links, as outlined by deceze. Meanwhile you'll still receive requests for the old paths, sometimes even from bookmarks. As workaround, you can ping-pong browsers to display/establish the new URLs.


    This common trick involves sending a 30x/Location redirect whenever an incoming URL follows the obsolete/ugly naming scheme. Browsers will then rerequest the new/pretty URL, which afterwards is rewritten (just internally) to the original or new location.


     # redirect browser for old/ugly incoming paths
     RewriteRule ^old/teams\.html$ /teams [R=301,QSA,END]
     # internally remap already-pretty incoming request
     RewriteRule ^teams$ teams.php        [QSA,END]

    Note how this example just uses [END] instead of [L] to safely alternate. For older Apache 2.2 versions you can use other workarounds, besides also remapping query string parameters for example: Redirect ugly to pretty URL, remap back to the ugly path, without infinite loops

    注意这个示例如何使用[END]而不是[L]安全地交替使用。对于较老的Apache 2.2版本,您可以使用其他的变通方法,而且还可以重新映射查询字符串参数:重定向到漂亮的URL,重新映射到丑陋的路径,没有无限循环。

  • Spaces in patterns

    It's not that pretty in browser address bars, but you can use spaces in URLs. For rewrite patterns use backslash-escaped \␣ spaces. Else just "-quote the whole pattern or substitution:

    在浏览器地址栏中并不是那么漂亮,但是你可以在url中使用空格。改写模式使用backslash-escaped \␣空间。其他只是"-引用整个模式或替换:

     RewriteRule  "^this [\w ]+/(.*)$"  "index.php?id=$1"  [L]

    Clients serialize URLs with + or %20 for spaces. Yet in RewriteRules they're interpreted with literal characters for all relative path segments.


Frequent duplicates:


  • Catch-all for a central dispatcher / front-controller script

     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-f
     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-d
     RewriteRule ^.*$     index.php   [L]

    Which is often used by PHP frameworks or WebCMS / portal scripts. The actual path splitting then is handled in PHP using $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]. So conceptionally it's pretty much the opposite of URL handling "per mod_rewrite". (Just use FallBackResource instead.)

    它经常被PHP框架或WebCMS /门户脚本使用。然后,使用$_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”]在PHP中处理实际的路径拆分。所以从概念上讲,这和URL处理“每个mod_rewrite”是完全相反的。(仅使用FallBackResource代替。)

  • Remove www. from hostname

    Note that this doesn't copy a query string along, etc.


     #                               ┌──────────┐
     RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.+)$ [NC]  │ 
     RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%1/$1 [R=301,L]  │
     #             ↓           └───┼────────────┘
     #             └───────────────┘

    See also:
    · URL rewriting for different protocols in .htaccess
    · Generic htaccess redirect www to non-www
    · .htaccess - how to force "www." in a generic way?


    Note that RewriteCond/RewriteRule combos can be more complex, with matches (%1 and $1) interacting in both directions even:

    注意,RewriteCond/RewriteRule combos可以更复杂,匹配(%1和$1)在两个方向上相互作用:

    参考:mod_rewrite, URL重写和“漂亮链接”解释。
    Apache manual - mod_rewrite intro, Copyright 2015 The Apache Software Foundation, AL-2.0

    Apache manual - mod_rewrite intro,版权2015 Apache Software Foundation, AL-2.0。

  • Redirect to HTTPS://

     RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
     RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://example.com/$1 [R,L]

    See also: https://wiki.apache.org/httpd/RewriteHTTPToHTTPS


  • "Removing" the PHP extension

     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f
     RewriteRule ^(.+)$  $1.php  [L]  # or [END]

    See also: Removing the .php extension with mod_rewrite


  • Aliasing old .html paths to .php scripts

    See: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/rewrite/remapping.html#backward-compatibility


  • Rewrite from URL like "/page" to a script such as "/index.php/page"

    See mod_rewrite, php and the .htaccess file


  • Redirect subdomain to a folder

    See How can i get my htaccess to work (subdomains)?


Prevalent .htaccess pitfalls

Now take this with a grain of salt. Not every advise can be generalized to all contexts. This is just a simple summary of well-known and a few unobvious stumbling blocks:


  • Enable mod_rewrite and .htaccess

    To actually use RewriteRules in per-directory configuration files you must:


    • Check that your server has AllowOverride All enabled. Otherwise your per-directory .htaccess directives will go ignored, and RewriteRules won't work.


    • Obviously have mod_rewrite enabled in your httpd.conf modules section.


    • Prepend each list of rules with RewriteEngine On still. While mod_rewrite is implicitly active in <VirtualHost> and <Directory> sections, the per-directory .htaccess files need it individually summoned.

      使用RewriteEngine对每个规则的列表进行预处理。虽然mod_rewrite在 和 <目录> 段中隐式活动,但是每个目录.htaccess文件需要单独调用。

  • The leading slash ^/ won't match

    You shouldn't start your .htaccess RewriteRule patterns with ^/ normally:

    你不应该开始你的。htaccess RewriteRule模式^ /通常:

     RewriteRule ^/article/\d+$  …

    This is often seen in old tutorials. And it used to be correct for ancient Apache 1.x versions. Nowadays request paths are conveniently fully directory-relative in .htaccess RewriteRules. Just leave the leading / out.

    这在旧的教程中经常看到。它过去对古代Apache 1是正确的。x版本。现在,请求路径在.htaccess RewriteRules中是很方便的完全直接相关的。请离开前面/出去。

    · Note that the leading slash is still correct in <VirtualHost> sections though. Which is why you often see it ^/? optionalized for rule parity.
    · Or when using a RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} you'd still match for a leading /.
    · See also Webmaster.SE: When is the leading slash (/) needed in mod_rewrite patterns?

    注意,在 部分中,主斜杠仍然是正确的。这就是为什么你经常看到它^ / ?optionalized规则平价。·或者当使用RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}时,您仍然可以匹配一个引导/。参见网站管理员。在mod_rewrite模式中,什么时候是最需要的斜杠(/)?

  • <IfModule *> wrappers begone!

    You've probably seen this in many examples:


    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    • It does make sense in <VirtualHost> sections - if it was combined with another fallback option, such as ScriptAliasMatch. (But nobody ever does that).
    • 部分——如果它与另一个后备选项(如ScriptAliasMatch)组合在一起,它确实是有意义的。(但从来没有人这样做过)。
    • And it's commonly distributed for default .htaccess rulesets with many open source projects. There it's just meant as fallback, and keeps "ugly" URLs work as default.
    • 它通常用于默认的.htaccess规则集,其中包含许多开源项目。它的意思是作为回退,并保持“丑陋”的url作为默认。

    However you don't want that usually in your own .htaccess files.


    • Firstly, mod_rewrite does not randomly disengage. (If it did, you'd have bigger problems).
    • 首先,mod_rewrite不会随机地脱离。(如果是的话,你会有更大的麻烦)。
    • Were it really be disabled, your RewriteRules still wouldn't work anyway.
    • 如果它真的被禁用了,你的重写程序仍然不管用。
    • It's meant to prevent HTTP 500 errors. What it usually accomplishes is gracing your users with HTTP 404 errors instead. (Not so much more user-friendly if you think about it.)
    • 它的目的是防止HTTP 500错误。它通常实现的是用HTTP 404错误来优雅用户。(如果你仔细想想的话,就不是那么友好了。)
    • Practically it just suppresses the more useful log entries, or server notification mails. You'd be none the wiser as to why your RewriteRules never work.
    • 实际上,它只是抑制了更有用的日志条目,或者服务器通知邮件。你不知道为什么你的简历没有成功。

    What seems enticing as generalized safeguard, often turns out to be an obstacle in practice.


  • Don't use RewriteBase unless needed

    Many copy+paste examples contain a RewriteBase / directive. Which happens to be the implicit default anyway. So you don't actually need this. It's a workaround for fancy VirtualHost rewriting schemes, and misguessed DOCUMENT_ROOT paths for some shared hosters.

    许多复制+粘贴示例包含一个RewriteBase /指令。这是默认的默认值。所以实际上你并不需要这个。它是一种用于高级虚拟主机重写方案的变通方案,以及一些共享的主机的DOCUMENT_ROOT路径。

    It makes sense to use with individual web applications in deeper subdirectories. It can shorten RewriteRule patterns in such cases. Generally it's best to prefer relative path specifiers in per-directory rule sets.


    See also How does RewriteBase work in .htaccess


  • Disable MultiViews when virtual paths overlap

    URL rewriting is primarily used for supporting virtual incoming paths. Commonly you just have one dispatcher script (index.php) or a few individual handlers (articles.php, blog.php, wiki.php, …). The latter might * with similar virtual RewriteRule paths.


    A request for /article/123 for example could map to article.php with a /123 PATH_INFO implicitly. You'd either have to guard your rules then with the commonplace RewriteCond !-f+!-d, and/or disable PATH_INFO support, or perhaps just disable Options -MultiViews.

    例如,对/article/123的请求可以映射到文章。php带有/123 PATH_INFO隐式。你要么必须守住规则,然后再用普通的重写econd !-f+!-d和/或禁用PATH_INFO支持,或者只是禁用选项-多视图。

    Which is not to say you always have to. Content-Negotiation is just an automatism to virtual resources.


  • Ordering is important

    See Everything you ever wanted to know about mod_rewrite if you haven't already. Combining multiple RewriteRules often leads to interaction. This isn't something to prevent habitually per [L] flag, but a scheme you'll embrace once versed. You can re-re-rewrite virtual paths from one rule to another, until it reaches an actual target handler.


    Still you'd often want to have the most specific rules (fixed string /forum/… patterns, or more restrictive placeholders [^/.]+) in the early rules. Generic slurp-all rules (.*) are better left to the later ones. (An exception is a RewriteCond -f/-d guard as primary block.)

    在早期的规则中,您常常希望拥有最具体的规则(固定的字符串/论坛/…模式,或者更严格的占位符[/.]+)。一般的“啜吸”规则(*)最好留给后面的规则。(一个例外是RewriteCond -f/-d guard作为主块。)

  • Stylesheets and images stop working

    When you introduce virtual directory structures /blog/article/123 this impacts relative resource references in HTML (such as <img src=mouse.png>). Which can be solved by:

    当您引入虚拟目录结构/blog/article/123时,这会影响到HTML中的相对资源引用(例如参考:mod_rewrite, URL重写和“漂亮链接”解释。)。可以通过以下方式解决:

    • Only using server-absolute references href="/old.html" or src="/logo.png"
    • 仅使用server-absolute引用href="/old。html”或src = " / logo.png”
    • Often simply by adding <base href="/index"> into your HTML <head> section. This implicitly rebinds relative references to what they were before.
    • 通常只需将添加到HTML 部分。这隐含地将相对引用重新绑定到它们之前的内容。

    You could alternatively craft further RewriteRules to rebind .css or .png paths to their original locations. But that's both unneeded, or incurs extra redirects and hampers caching.


    See also: CSS, JS and images do not display with pretty url


  • RewriteConds just mask one RewriteRule

    A common misinterpetation is that a RewriteCond blocks multiple RewriteRules (because they're visually arranged together):


     RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME} localhost
     RewriteRule ^secret  admin/tools.php
     RewriteRule ^hidden  sqladmin.cgi

    Which it doesn't per default. You can chain them using the [S=2] flag. Else you'll have to repeat them. While sometimes you can craft an "inverted" primary rule to [END] the rewrite processing early.


  • QUERY_STRING exempt from RewriteRules

    You can't match RewriteRule index.php\?x=y, because mod_rewrite compares just against relative paths per default. You can match them separately however via:

    你不能匹配RewriteRule index。php\?x=y,因为mod_rewrite相对于每个默认路径的相对路径。您可以通过以下方式分别匹配它们:

     RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} \b(?:param)=([^&]+)(?:&|$)
     RewriteRule ^add/(.+)$  add/%1/$1  # ←──﹪₁──┘

    See also How can I match query string variables with mod_rewrite?


  • .htaccess vs. <VirtualHost>

    If you're using RewriteRules in a per-directory config file, then worrying about regex performance is pointless. Apache retains compiled PCRE patterns longer than a PHP process with a common routing framework. For high-traffic sites you should however consider moving rulesets into the vhost server configuration, once they've been battle-tested.


    In this case, prefer the optionalized ^/? directory separator prefix. This allows to move RewriteRules freely between PerDir and server config files.

    在这种情况下,更喜欢optionalized ^ / ?目录分隔符前缀。这允许在PerDir和服务器配置文件之间*移动RewriteRules。

  • Whenever something doesn't work

    Fret not.


    • Compare access.log and error.log


      Often you can figure out how a RewriteRule misbehaves just from looking at your error.log and access.log. Correlate access times to see which request path originally came in, and which path/file Apache couldn't resolve to (error 404/500).

      通常情况下,你可以通过观察你的错误来判断一个RewriteRule的错误行为。日志和access.log。关联访问时间,以查看最初传入的请求路径,以及Apache无法解析的路径/文件(error 404/500)。

      This doesn't tell you which RewriteRule is the culprit. But inaccessible final paths like /docroot/21-.itle?index.php may give away where to inspect further. Otherwise disable rules until you get some predictable paths.


    • Enable the RewriteLog


      See Apache RewriteLog docs. For debugging you can enable it in the vhost sections:

      看到Apache RewriteLog文档。对于调试,您可以在vhost部分启用它:

      # Apache 2.2
      RewriteLogLevel 5
      RewriteLog /tmp/rewrite.log
      # Apache 2.4
      LogLevel alert rewrite:trace5
      #ErrorLog /tmp/rewrite.log

      That yields a detailed summary of how incoming request paths get modified by each rule:


      [..] applying pattern '^test_.*$' to uri 'index.php'
      [..] strip per-dir prefix: /srv/www/vhosts/hc-profi/index.php -> index.php
      [..] applying pattern '^index\.php$' to uri 'index.php'

      Which helps to narrow down overly generic rules and regex mishaps.


      See also:
      · .htaccess not working (mod_rewrite)
      · Tips for debugging .htaccess rewrite rules


    • Before asking your own question


      As you might know, Stack Overflow is very suitable for asking questions on mod_rewrite. Make them on-topic by including prior research and attempts (avoid redundant answers), demonstrate basic understanding, and:

      您可能知道,Stack Overflow非常适合在mod_rewrite上询问问题。通过之前的研究和尝试(避免冗余的答案)使他们成为主题,展示基本的正则表达式理解,并且:

      • Include full examples of input URLs, falsly rewritten target paths, your real directory structure.
      • 包括输入url的完整示例、错误重写的目标路径、真实的目录结构。
      • The complete RewriteRule set, but also single out the presumed defective one.
      • 完整的重写集,但也排除了假定有缺陷的一组。
      • Apache and PHP versions, OS type, filesystem, DOCUMENT_ROOT, and PHPs $_SERVER environment if it's about a parameter mismatch.
      • 如果是关于参数不匹配的,Apache和PHP版本、OS类型、文件系统、DOCUMENT_ROOT和PHPs $_SERVER环境。
      • An excerpt from your access.log and error.log to verify what the existing rules resolved to. Better yet, a rewrite.log summary.
      • 摘录自你的访问。日志和错误。日志,以验证现有规则所决定的内容。更好的是,重写。日志总结。

      This nets quicker and more exact answers, and makes them more useful to others.


  • Comment your .htaccess

    If you copy examples from somewhere, take care to include a # comment and origin link. While it's merely bad manners to omit attribution, it often really hurts maintenance later. Document any code or tutorial source. In particular while unversed you should be all the more interested in not treating them like magic blackboxes.


  • It's not "SEO"-URLs

    Disclaimer: Just a pet peeve. You often hear pretty URL rewriting schemes referred to as "SEO" links or something. While this is useful for googling examples, it's a dated misnomer.


    None of the modern search engines are really disturbed by .html and .php in path segments, or ?id=123 query strings for that matter. Search engines of old, such as AltaVista, did avoid crawling websites with potentially ambigious access paths. Modern crawlers are often even craving for deep web resources.


    What "pretty" URLs should conceptionally be used for is making websites user-friendly.


    1. Having readable and obvious resource schemes.
    2. 具有可读和明显的资源计划。
    3. Ensuring URLs are long-lived (AKA permalinks).
    4. 确保url是长寿的(也就是permalinks)。
    5. Providing discoverability through /common/tree/nesting.
    6. 通过/共同/树/提供的可发现性嵌套。

    However don't sacrifice unique requirements for conformism.



There are various online tools to generate RewriteRules for most GET-parameterish URLs:

有各种各样的在线工具来为大多数GET-parameterish url生成RewriteRules:

Mostly just output [^/]+ generic placeholders, but likely suffices for trivial sites.




Alternatives to mod_rewrite

Many basic virtual URL schemes can be achieved without using RewriteRules. Apache allows PHP scripts to be invoked without .php extension, and with a virtual PATH_INFO argument.

许多基本的虚拟URL方案都可以在不使用RewriteRules的情况下实现。Apache允许在没有. PHP扩展的情况下调用PHP脚本,并使用虚拟PATH_INFO参数。

  1. Use the PATH_INFO, Luke

    Nowadays AcceptPathInfo On is often enabled by default. Which basically allows .php and other resource URLs to carry a virtual argument:



    Now this /virtual/path shows up in PHP as $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"] where you can handle any extra arguments however you like.


    This isn't as convenient as having Apache separate input path segments into $1, $2, $3 and passing them as distinct $_GET variables to PHP. It's merely emulating "pretty URLs" with less configuration effort.


  2. Enable MultiViews to hide the .php extension

    The simplest option to also eschew .php "file extensions" in URLs is enabling:


    Options +MultiViews

    This has Apache select article.php for HTTP requests on /article due to the matching basename. And this works well together with the aforementioned PATH_INFO feature. So you can just use URLs like http://example.com/article/virtual/title. Which makes sense if you have a traditional web application with multiple PHP invocation points/scripts.

    这有Apache select文章。php由于匹配的basename而在/文章上请求HTTP请求。这与前面提到的PATH_INFO特性很好地结合在一起。所以你可以使用http://example.com/article/virtual/title。如果您有一个具有多个PHP调用点/脚本的传统web应用程序,这是有意义的。

    Note that MultiViews has a different/broader purpose though. It incurs a very minor performance penalty, because Apache always looks for other files with matching basenames. It's actually meant for Content-Negotiation, so browsers receive the best alternative among available resources (such as article.en.php, article.fr.php, article.jp.mp4).

    请注意,多视图具有不同的/更广泛的用途。它会带来非常小的性能损失,因为Apache总是会寻找其他具有匹配basenames的文件。它实际上是用于内容协商的,因此浏览器在可用资源(如article.en)中获得最佳替代。php,article.fr.php article.jp.mp4)。

  3. SetType or SetHandler for extensionless .php scripts

    A more directed approach to avoid carrying around .php suffixes in URLs is configuring the PHP handler for other file schemes. The simplest option is overriding the default MIME/handler type via .htaccess:


    DefaultType application/x-httpd-php

    This way you could just rename your article.php script to just article (without extension), but still have it processed as PHP script.


    Now this can have some security and performance implications, because all extensionless files would be piped through PHP now. Therefore you can alternatively set this behaviour for individual files only:


    <Files article>
      SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
      # or SetType 

    This is somewhat dependent on your server setup and the used PHP SAPI. Common alternatives include ForceType application/x-httpd-php or AddHandler php5-script.

    这有点依赖于您的服务器设置和使用的PHP SAPI。常见的替代方案包括ForceType应用程序/x-httpd-php或AddHandler php5-script。

    Again take note that such settings propagate from one .htaccess to subfolders. You always should disable script execution (SetHandler None and Options -Exec or php_flag engine off etc.) for static resources, and upload/ directories etc.

    再次注意,这些设置从一个.htaccess传播到子文件夹。您总是应该禁用脚本执行(SetHandler None和Options -Exec或php_flag引擎等)用于静态资源、上传/目录等。

  4. Other Apache rewriting schemes

    Among its many options, Apache provides mod_alias features - which sometimes work just as well as mod_rewrites RewriteRules. Note that most of those must be set up in a <VirtualHost> section however, not in per-directory .htaccess config files.

    在它的众多选项中,Apache提供了mod_alias特性,它有时和mod_rewrite RewriteRules一样有效。注意,大多数必须在 部分中设置,而不是在每个目录.htaccess配置文件中。

    • ScriptAliasMatch is primarily for CGI scripts, but also ought to works for PHP. It allows regexps just like any RewriteRule. In fact it's perhaps the most robust option to configurate a catch-all front controller.


    • And a plain Alias helps with a few simple rewriting schemes as well.


    • Even a plain ErrorDocument directive could be used to let a PHP script handle virtual paths. Note that this is a kludgy workaround however, prohibits anything but GET requests, and floods the error.log by definition.


    See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/urlmapping.html for further tips.




To understand what mod_rewrite does you first need to understand how a web server works. A web server responds to HTTP requests. An HTTP request at its most basic level looks like this:


GET /foo/bar.html HTTP/1.1

This is the simple request of a browser to a web server requesting the URL /foo/bar.html from it. It is important to stress that it does not request a file, it requests just some arbitrary URL. The request may also look like this:

这是浏览器对请求URL /foo/bar的web服务器的简单请求。html。重要的是强调它不请求文件,它只请求一些任意的URL。请求也可能是这样的:

GET /foo/bar?baz=42 HTTP/1.1

This is just as valid a request for a URL, and it has more obviously nothing to do with files.


The web server is an application listening on a port, accepting HTTP requests coming in on that port and returning a response. A web server is entirely free to respond to any request in any way it sees fit/in any way you have configured it to respond. This response is not a file, it's an HTTP response which may or may not have anything to do with physical files on any disk. A web server doesn't have to be Apache, there are many other web servers which are all just programs which run persistently and are attached to a port which respond to HTTP requests. You can write one yourself. This paragraph was intended to divorce you from any notion that URLs directly equal files, which is really important to understand. :)


The default configuration of most web servers is to look for a file that matches the URL on the hard disk. If the document root of the server is set to, say, /var/www, it may look whether the file /var/www/foo/bar.html exists and serve it if so. If the file ends in ".php" it will invoke the PHP interpreter and then return the result. All this association is completely configurable; a file doesn't have to end in ".php" for the web server to run it through the PHP interpreter, and the URL doesn't have to match any particular file on disk for something to happen.

大多数web服务器的默认配置是查找与硬盘上的URL相匹配的文件。如果将服务器的文档根设置为/var/www,则可以查看文件/var/ www/foo/bar。html存在并为它服务。如果文件结束。php“将调用php解释器,然后返回结果。所有这些关联都是完全可配置的;一个文件不需要结束。php“让web服务器通过php解释器运行它,而URL不需要匹配磁盘上的任何特定文件以实现某些事情。

mod_rewrite is a way to rewrite the internal request handling. When the web server receives a request for the URL /foo/bar, you can rewrite that URL into something else before the web server will look for a file on disk to match it. Simple example:

mod_rewrite是一种重写内部请求处理的方法。当web服务器接收到URL /foo/bar的请求时,您可以在web服务器查找磁盘上的文件之前将该URL重写为其他内容。简单的例子:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule   /foo/bar /foo/baz

This rule says whenever a request matches "/foo/bar", rewrite it to "/foo/baz". The request will then be handled as if /foo/baz had been requested instead. This can be used for various effects, for example:


RewriteRule (.*) $1.html

This rule matches anything (.*) and captures it ((..)), then rewrites it to append ".html". In other words, if /foo/bar was the requested URL, it will be handled as if /foo/bar.html had been requested. See http://regular-expressions.info for more information about regular expression matching, capturing and replacements.

这个规则匹配任何(.*)并捕获它(..),然后重写它以附加“.html”。换句话说,如果/foo/bar是请求的URL,那么它将被处理成if /foo/bar。html被请求。有关正则表达式匹配、捕获和替换的更多信息,请参见http://regular-expressions.info。

Another often encountered rule is this:


RewriteRule (.*) index.php?url=$1

This, again, matches anything and rewrites it to the file index.php with the originally requested URL appended in the url query parameter. I.e., for any and all requests coming in, the file index.php is executed and this file will have access to the original request in $_GET['url'], so it can do anything it wants with it.


What mod_rewrite does not do

mod_rewrite does not magically make all your URLs "pretty". This is a common misunderstanding. If you have this link in your web site:


<a href="/my/ugly/link.php?is=not&amp;very=pretty">

there's nothing mod_rewrite can do to make that pretty. In order to make this a pretty link, you have to:


  1. Change the link to a pretty link:


    <a href="/my/pretty/link">
  2. Use mod_rewrite on the server to handle the request to the URL /my/pretty/link using any one of the methods described above.

    使用上面描述的任何方法,在服务器上使用mod_rewrite来处理对URL /my/pretty/link的请求。

(One could use mod_substitute in conjunction to transform outgoing HTML pages and their contained links. Though this is usally more effort than just updating your HTML resources.)


There's a lot mod_rewrite can do and very complex matching rules you can create, including chaining several rewrites, proxying requests to a completely different service or machine, returning specific HTTP status codes as responses, redirecting requests etc. It's very powerful and can be used to great good if you understand the fundamental HTTP request-response mechanism. It does not automatically make your links pretty.


See the official documentation for all the possible flags and options.




To expand on deceze's answer, I wanted to provide a few examples and explanation of some other mod_rewrite functionality.


All of the below examples assume that you have already included RewriteEngine On in your .htaccess file.


Rewrite Example

Lets take this example:


RewriteRule ^blog/([0-9]+)/([A-Za-z0-9-\+]+)/?$ /blog/index.php?id=$1&title=$2 [NC,L,QSA]

The rule is split into 4 sections:


  1. RewriteRule - starts the rewrite rule
  2. 重写—开始重写规则。
  3. ^blog/([0-9]+)/([A-Za-z0-9-\+]+)/?$ - This is called the pattern, however I'll just refer to it as the left hand side of the rule - what you want to rewrite from
  4. ^博客/([0 - 9]+)/([A-Za-z0-9 - \ +]+)/ ?$ -这称为模式,不过我将把它称为规则的左手边—你想要重写的东西。
  5. blog/index.php?id=$1&title=$2 - called the substitution, or right hand side of a rewrite rule - what you want to rewrite to
  6. 博客/ index . php ?id=$1&title=$2 -被称为替换,或重写规则的右端-您想要重写的内容。
  7. [NC,L,QSA] are flags for the rewrite rule, separated by a comma, which I will explain more on later
  8. [NC,L,QSA]是重写规则的标志,用逗号分隔,稍后我将解释更多。

The above rewrite would allow you to link to something like /blog/1/foo/ and it would actually load /blog/index.php?id=1&title=foo.


Left hand side of the rule

  • ^ indicates the start of the page name - so it will rewrite example.com/blog/... but not example.com/foo/blog/...
  • ^表示开始页面的名称,所以它将改写example.com/blog/..。但不是example.com/foo/blog/..。
  • Each set of (…) parentheses represents a regular expression that we can capture as a variable in the right hand side of the rule. In this example:
    • The first set of brackets - ([0-9]+) - matches a string with a minimum of 1 character in length and with only numeric values (i.e. 0-9). This can be referenced with $1 in the right hand side of the rule
    • 第一组括号——([0-9]+)——匹配一个长度最小为1字符的字符串,并且只匹配数字值(即0-9)。这可以在规则右边的$1中引用。
    • The second set of parentheses matches a string with a minimum of 1 character in length, containing only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, or 0-9) or - or + (note + is escaped with a backslash as without escaping it this will execute as a regex repetition character). This can be referenced with $2 in the right hand side of the rule
    • 第二组括号匹配长度最小为1字符的字符串,只包含字母数字字符(a-z、a-z或0-9)或-或+(注释+被反斜杠转义,因为没有转义,这将作为regex重复字符执行)。这可以在规则右边的$2中引用。
  • 每一组(…)括号表示一个正则表达式,我们可以将其捕获为规则右边的变量。在这个例子中:第一组括号-([0-9]+)-匹配一个长度最小为1字符的字符串,并且只匹配数字值(即0-9)。这可以引用1美元在规则的右手边第二组括号匹配字符串的最低1字符长度,只包含字母数字字符(a - z、a - z或0 - 9)或-或+(注意+用反斜杠转义为没有逃离这将作为一个正则表达式执行重复字符)。这可以在规则右边的$2中引用。
  • ? means that the preceding character is optional, so in this case both /blog/1/foo/ and /blog/1/foo would rewrite to the same place
  • 吗?意味着前面的字符是可选的,因此在本例中,两个/blog/1/foo/和/blog/1/foo将重写到相同的位置。
  • $ indicates this is the end of the string we want to match
  • $表示这是我们要匹配的字符串的结尾。


These are options that are added in square brackets at the end of your rewrite rule to specify certain conditions. Again, there are a lot of different flags which you can read up on in the documentation, but I'll go through some of the more common flags:



The no case flag means that the rewrite rule is case insensitive, so for the example rule above this would mean that both /blog/1/foo/ and /BLOG/1/foo/ (or any variation of this) would be matched.



The last flag indicates that this is the last rule that should be processed. This means that if and only if this rule matches, no further rules will be evaluated in the current rewrite processing run. If the rule does not match, all other rules will be tried in order as usual. If you do not set the L flag, all following rules will be applied to the rewritten URL afterwards.



Since Apache 2.4 you can also use the [END] flag. A matching rule with it will completely terminate further alias/rewrite processing. (Whereas the [L] flag can oftentimes trigger a second round, for example when rewriting into or out of subdirectories.)

因为Apache 2.4也可以使用[END]标志。匹配的规则将完全终止别名/重写处理。(然而,[L]标志通常可以触发第二轮,例如,当重写或退出子目录时)。


The query string append flag allows us to pass in extra variables to the specified URL which will get added to the original get parameters. For our example this means that something like /blog/1/foo/?comments=15 would load /blog/index.php?id=1&title=foo&comments=15

查询字符串append标志允许我们将额外的变量传递给指定的URL,该URL将被添加到原始的get参数中。对于我们的示例,这意味着类似/blog/1/foo/?评论= 15将负载/博客/ index . php ? id = 1标题= foo&comments = 15


This flag isn't one I used in the example above, but is one I thought is worth mentioning. This allows you to specify a http redirect, with the option to include a status code (e.g. R=301). For example if you wanted to do a 301 redirect on /myblog/ to /blog/ you would simply write a rule something like this:

这个标志不是我在上面的例子中使用的,但是我认为它值得一提。这允许您指定一个http重定向,其中包含一个状态代码(例如,R=301)。例如,如果你想在/myblog/ to /blog上做一个301重定向,你可以简单地写一条这样的规则:

RewriteRule ^/myblog/(*.)$ /blog/$1 [R=301,QSA,L]

Rewrite Conditions

Rewrite conditions make rewrites even more powerful, allowing you to specify rewrites for more specific situations. There are a lot of conditions which you can read about in the documentation, but I'll touch on a few common examples and explain them:


# if the host doesn't start with www. then add it and redirect
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

This is a very common practice, which will prepend your domain with www. (if it isn't there already) and execute a 301 redirect. For example, loading up http://example.com/blog/ it would redirect you to http://www.example.com/blog/


# if it cant find the image, try find the image on another domain
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule (.*)$ http://www.example.com/$1 [L]

This is slightly less common, but is a good example of a rule that doesn't execute if the filename is a directory or file that exists on the server.


  • %{REQUEST_URI} \.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$ [NC] will only execute the rewrite for files with a file extension of jpg, jpeg, gif or png (case insensitive).
  • %{REQUEST_URI} \.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$ [NC]只会在文件扩展为jpg、jpeg、gif或png(大小写不敏感)时执行重写。
  • %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f will check to see if the file exists on the current server, and only execute the rewrite if it doesn't
  • %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f将检查该文件是否存在于当前服务器上,如果它不存在,则只执行重写。
  • %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d will check to see if the file exists on the current server, and only execute the rewrite if it doesn't
  • %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d将检查该文件是否存在于当前服务器上,如果它不存在,则只执行重写。
  • The rewrite will attempt to load the same file on another domain
  • 重写将尝试在另一个域中加载相同的文件。




Stack Overflow has many other great resources to get started:

Stack Overflow还有很多其他的资源可以启动:

And newcomer-friendly regex overviews even:

而纽科姆友好的regex overviews甚至:

  • Our tag wiki for a syntax compendium.
  • 我们的regex标记wiki用于语法概要。
  • And the short Apache regex summary.
  • 以及简短的Apache regex概要。
  • Else regexp.info for easy-to-understand basics.
  • 其他的regexp.info用于容易理解的基础。

Oft-used placeholders

  • .* matches anything, even an empty string. You don't want to use this pattern everywhere, but often in the last fallback rule.
  • .*匹配任何东西,即使是空字符串。您不希望在任何地方使用这种模式,但通常在最后的回退规则中使用。
  • [^/]+ is more often used for path segments. It matches anything but the forward slash.
  • [^ /]+经常用于路径段。它与前面的斜杠匹配。
  • \d+ only matches numeric strings.
  • \d+只匹配数字字符串。
  • \w+ matches alphanumeric characters. It's basically shorthand for [A-Za-z0-9_].
  • \ w +字母数字字符匹配。它基本上是[A-Za-z0-9_]的缩写。
  • [\w\-]+ for "slug"-style path segments, using letters, numbers, dash - and _
  • 用字母、数字、破折号和_来表示“slug”式的路径段。
  • [\w\-.,]+ adds periods and commas. Prefer an escaped \- dash in […] charclasses.
  • (\ w \ -。+添加句号和逗号。在[…]charclasses中更倾向于逃离的\- dash。
  • \. denotes a literal period. Otherwise . outside of […] is placeholder for any symbol.
  • \。表示一段文字。否则。在[…]之外是任何符号的占位符。

Each of these placeholders is usually wrapped in (…) parentheses as capture group. And the whole pattern often in ^………$ start + end markers. Quoting "patterns" is optional.

每个占位符通常用(…)括号括起来作为捕获组。而整个模式通常是在…$ start + end标记。引用“模式”是可选的。


The following examples are PHP-centric and a bit more incremental, easier to adapt for similar cases. They're just summaries, often link to more variations or detailed Q&As.


  • Static mapping
    /contact, /about

    Shortening a few page names to internal file schemes is most simple:


     RewriteRule ^contact$  templ/contact.html
     RewriteRule ^about$    about.php
  • Numeric identifiers

    Introducing shortcuts like http://example.com/article/531 to existing PHP scripts is also easy. The numeric placeholder can just be remapped to a $_GET parameter:


     RewriteRule ^article/(\d+)$    article-show.php?id=$1
     #                      └───────────────────────────┘
  • Slug-style placeholders

    You can easily extend that rule to allow for /article/title-string placeholders:


     RewriteRule ^article/([\w-]+)$    article-show.php?title=$1
     #                       └────────────────────────────────┘

    Note that your script must be able (or be adapted) to map those titles back to database-ids. RewriteRules alone can't create or guess information out of thin air.


  • Slugs with numeric prefixes

    Therefore you'll often see mixed /article/529-title-slug paths used in practice:

    因此,您经常会看到在实践中使用的混合/article/529- titleslug路径:

     RewriteRule ^article/(\d+)-([\w-]+)$    article.php?id=$1&title=$2
     #                      └───────────────────────────────┘

    Now you could just skip passing the title=$2 anyway, because your script will typically rely on the database-id anyway. The -title-slug has become arbitrary URL decoration.

    现在您可以跳过标题=$2,因为您的脚本通常会依赖于数据库id。- titleslug已经成为任意的URL装饰。

  • Uniformity with alternative lists
    /foo/… /bar/… /baz/…

    If you have similar rules for multiple virtual page paths, then you can match and compact them with | alternative lists. And again just reassign them to internal GET parameters:


     #                               ┌─────────────────────────┐
     RewriteRule ^(blog|post|user)/(\w+)$  disp.php?type=$1&id=$2
     #               └───────────────────────────────────┘

    You can split them out into individual RewriteRules should this get too complex.


  • Dispatching related URLs to different backends

    A more practical use of alternative lists are mapping request paths to distinct scripts. For example to provide uniform URLs for an older and a newer web application based on dates:


     #                   ┌─────────────────────────────┐
     #                   │                 ┌───────────┼───────────────┐
     RewriteRule ^blog/(2009|2010|2011)/([\d-]+)/?$ old/blog.php?date=$2
     RewriteRule ^blog/(\d+)/([\d-]+)/?$  modern/blog/index.php?start=$2
     #                          └──────────────────────────────────────┘

    This simply remaps 2009-2011 posts onto one script, and all other years implicitly to another handler. Note the more specific rule coming first. Each script might use different GET params.


  • Other delimiters than just / path slashes

    You're most commonly seeing RewriteRules to simulate a virtual directory structure. But you're not forced to be uncreative. You can as well use - hyphens for segmenting or structure.


     RewriteRule ^user-(\d+)$    show.php?what=user&id=$1
     #                   └──────────────────────────────┘
     # This could use `(\w+)` alternatively for user names instead of ids.

    For the also common /wiki:section:Page_Name scheme:


     RewriteRule ^wiki:(\w+):(\w+)$  wiki.php?sect=$1&page=$2 
     #                   └─────┼────────────────────┘       │
     #                         └────────────────────────────┘

    Occasionally it's suitable to alternate between /-delimiters and : or . in the same rule even. Or have two RewriteRules again to map variants onto different scripts.


  • Optional trailing / slash
    /dir = /dir/

    When opting for directory-style paths, you can make it reachable with and without a final /

    当选择directory风格的路径时,您可以使它可以在没有final /的情况下实现。

     RewriteRule ^blog/([\w-]+)/?$  blog/show.php?id=$1
     #                         ┗┛

    Now this handles both http://example.com/blog/123 and /blog/123/. And the /?$ approach is easy to append onto any other RewriteRule.

    现在,它可以同时处理http://example.com/blog/123和/blog/123/。/ ?$方法很容易附加到任何其他的RewriteRule。

  • Flexible segments for virtual paths

    Most rules you'll encounter map a constrained set of /…/ resource path segments to individual GET parameters. Some scripts handle a variable number of options however. The Apache regexp engine doesn't allow optionalizing an arbitrary number of them. But you can easily expand it into a rule block yourself:

    您将会遇到的大多数规则都映射到单个GET参数的约束集/ /资源路径段。但是,有些脚本可以处理多个选项。Apache regexp引擎不允许对任意数量的它们进行选择。但是你可以很容易地把它扩展成一个规则块:

     Rewriterule ^(\w+)/?$                in.php?a=$1
     Rewriterule ^(\w+)/(\w+)/?$          in.php?a=$1&b=$2
     Rewriterule ^(\w+)/(\w+)/(\w+)/?$    in.php?a=$1&b=$2&c=$3
     #              └─────┴─────┴───────────────────┴────┴────┘

    If you need up to five path segments, then copy this scheme along into five rules. You can of course use a more specific [^/]+ placeholder each. Here the ordering isn't as important, as neither overlaps. So having the most frequently used paths first is okay.

    如果您需要最多五个路径段,那么将这个方案复制到五个规则中。您当然可以使用一个更具体的[^ /]+占位符。这里的排序并不重要,因为两者都没有重叠。所以首先使用最常用的路径是可以的。

    Alternatively you can utilize PHPs array parameters via ?p[]=$1&p[]=$2&p[]=3 query string here - if your script merely prefers them pre-split. (Though it's more common to just use a catch-all rule, and let the script itself expand the segments out of the REQUEST_URI.)


    See also: How do I transform my URL path segments into query string key-value pairs?


  • Optional segments

    A common variation is to have optional prefixes within a rule. This usually makes sense if you have static strings or more constrained placeholders around:


      RewriteRule ^(\w+)(?:/([^/]+))?/(\w+)$  ?main=$1&opt=$2&suffix=$3

    Now the more complex pattern (?:/([^/])+)? there simply wraps a non-capturing (?:…) group, and makes it optional )?. The contained placeholder ([^/]+) would be substitution pattern $2, but be empty if there's no middle /…/ path.

    现在更复杂的模式(?:/([/])+)?简单地封装一个非捕获(?:…)组,并使其可选)?包含占位符([^ /]+)将替换模式2美元,但是是空的如果没有中间/…/路径。

  • Capture the remainder

    As said before, you don't often want too generic rewrite patterns. It does however make sense to combine static and specific comparisons with a .* sometimes.


     RewriteRule ^(specific)/prefix/(\d+)(/.*)?$  speci.php?id=$2&otherparams=$2

    This optionalized any /…/…/… trailing path segments. Which then of course requires the handling script to split them up, and variabl-ify extracted parameters itself (which is what Web-"MVC" frameworks do).


  • Trailing file "extensions"

    URLs don't really have file extensions. Which is what this entire reference is about (= URLs are virtual locators, not necessarily a direct filesystem image). However if you had a 1:1 file mapping before, you can craft simpler rules:


     RewriteRule  ^styles/([\w\.\-]+)\.css$  sass-cache.php?old_fn_base=$1
     RewriteRule  ^images/([\w\.\-]+)\.gif$  png-converter.php?load_from=$2

    Other common uses are remapping obsolete .html paths to newer .php handlers, or just aliasing directory names only for individual (actual/real) files.


  • Ping-Pong (redirects and rewrites in unison)
    /ugly.html ←→ /pretty

    So at some point you're rewriting your HTML pages to carry only pretty links, as outlined by deceze. Meanwhile you'll still receive requests for the old paths, sometimes even from bookmarks. As workaround, you can ping-pong browsers to display/establish the new URLs.


    This common trick involves sending a 30x/Location redirect whenever an incoming URL follows the obsolete/ugly naming scheme. Browsers will then rerequest the new/pretty URL, which afterwards is rewritten (just internally) to the original or new location.


     # redirect browser for old/ugly incoming paths
     RewriteRule ^old/teams\.html$ /teams [R=301,QSA,END]
     # internally remap already-pretty incoming request
     RewriteRule ^teams$ teams.php        [QSA,END]

    Note how this example just uses [END] instead of [L] to safely alternate. For older Apache 2.2 versions you can use other workarounds, besides also remapping query string parameters for example: Redirect ugly to pretty URL, remap back to the ugly path, without infinite loops

    注意这个示例如何使用[END]而不是[L]安全地交替使用。对于较老的Apache 2.2版本,您可以使用其他的变通方法,而且还可以重新映射查询字符串参数:重定向到漂亮的URL,重新映射到丑陋的路径,没有无限循环。

  • Spaces in patterns

    It's not that pretty in browser address bars, but you can use spaces in URLs. For rewrite patterns use backslash-escaped \␣ spaces. Else just "-quote the whole pattern or substitution:

    在浏览器地址栏中并不是那么漂亮,但是你可以在url中使用空格。改写模式使用backslash-escaped \␣空间。其他只是"-引用整个模式或替换:

     RewriteRule  "^this [\w ]+/(.*)$"  "index.php?id=$1"  [L]

    Clients serialize URLs with + or %20 for spaces. Yet in RewriteRules they're interpreted with literal characters for all relative path segments.


Frequent duplicates:


  • Catch-all for a central dispatcher / front-controller script

     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-f
     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-d
     RewriteRule ^.*$     index.php   [L]

    Which is often used by PHP frameworks or WebCMS / portal scripts. The actual path splitting then is handled in PHP using $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]. So conceptionally it's pretty much the opposite of URL handling "per mod_rewrite". (Just use FallBackResource instead.)

    它经常被PHP框架或WebCMS /门户脚本使用。然后,使用$_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”]在PHP中处理实际的路径拆分。所以从概念上讲,这和URL处理“每个mod_rewrite”是完全相反的。(仅使用FallBackResource代替。)

  • Remove www. from hostname

    Note that this doesn't copy a query string along, etc.


     #                               ┌──────────┐
     RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.+)$ [NC]  │ 
     RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%1/$1 [R=301,L]  │
     #             ↓           └───┼────────────┘
     #             └───────────────┘

    See also:
    · URL rewriting for different protocols in .htaccess
    · Generic htaccess redirect www to non-www
    · .htaccess - how to force "www." in a generic way?


    Note that RewriteCond/RewriteRule combos can be more complex, with matches (%1 and $1) interacting in both directions even:

    注意,RewriteCond/RewriteRule combos可以更复杂,匹配(%1和$1)在两个方向上相互作用:

    参考:mod_rewrite, URL重写和“漂亮链接”解释。
    Apache manual - mod_rewrite intro, Copyright 2015 The Apache Software Foundation, AL-2.0

    Apache manual - mod_rewrite intro,版权2015 Apache Software Foundation, AL-2.0。

  • Redirect to HTTPS://

     RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
     RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://example.com/$1 [R,L]

    See also: https://wiki.apache.org/httpd/RewriteHTTPToHTTPS


  • "Removing" the PHP extension

     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f
     RewriteRule ^(.+)$  $1.php  [L]  # or [END]

    See also: Removing the .php extension with mod_rewrite


  • Aliasing old .html paths to .php scripts

    See: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/rewrite/remapping.html#backward-compatibility


  • Rewrite from URL like "/page" to a script such as "/index.php/page"

    See mod_rewrite, php and the .htaccess file


  • Redirect subdomain to a folder

    See How can i get my htaccess to work (subdomains)?


Prevalent .htaccess pitfalls

Now take this with a grain of salt. Not every advise can be generalized to all contexts. This is just a simple summary of well-known and a few unobvious stumbling blocks:


  • Enable mod_rewrite and .htaccess

    To actually use RewriteRules in per-directory configuration files you must:


    • Check that your server has AllowOverride All enabled. Otherwise your per-directory .htaccess directives will go ignored, and RewriteRules won't work.


    • Obviously have mod_rewrite enabled in your httpd.conf modules section.


    • Prepend each list of rules with RewriteEngine On still. While mod_rewrite is implicitly active in <VirtualHost> and <Directory> sections, the per-directory .htaccess files need it individually summoned.

      使用RewriteEngine对每个规则的列表进行预处理。虽然mod_rewrite在 和 <目录> 段中隐式活动,但是每个目录.htaccess文件需要单独调用。

  • The leading slash ^/ won't match

    You shouldn't start your .htaccess RewriteRule patterns with ^/ normally:

    你不应该开始你的。htaccess RewriteRule模式^ /通常:

     RewriteRule ^/article/\d+$  …

    This is often seen in old tutorials. And it used to be correct for ancient Apache 1.x versions. Nowadays request paths are conveniently fully directory-relative in .htaccess RewriteRules. Just leave the leading / out.

    这在旧的教程中经常看到。它过去对古代Apache 1是正确的。x版本。现在,请求路径在.htaccess RewriteRules中是很方便的完全直接相关的。请离开前面/出去。

    · Note that the leading slash is still correct in <VirtualHost> sections though. Which is why you often see it ^/? optionalized for rule parity.
    · Or when using a RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} you'd still match for a leading /.
    · See also Webmaster.SE: When is the leading slash (/) needed in mod_rewrite patterns?

    注意,在 部分中,主斜杠仍然是正确的。这就是为什么你经常看到它^ / ?optionalized规则平价。·或者当使用RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}时,您仍然可以匹配一个引导/。参见网站管理员。在mod_rewrite模式中,什么时候是最需要的斜杠(/)?

  • <IfModule *> wrappers begone!

    You've probably seen this in many examples:


    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    • It does make sense in <VirtualHost> sections - if it was combined with another fallback option, such as ScriptAliasMatch. (But nobody ever does that).
    • 部分——如果它与另一个后备选项(如ScriptAliasMatch)组合在一起,它确实是有意义的。(但从来没有人这样做过)。
    • And it's commonly distributed for default .htaccess rulesets with many open source projects. There it's just meant as fallback, and keeps "ugly" URLs work as default.
    • 它通常用于默认的.htaccess规则集,其中包含许多开源项目。它的意思是作为回退,并保持“丑陋”的url作为默认。

    However you don't want that usually in your own .htaccess files.


    • Firstly, mod_rewrite does not randomly disengage. (If it did, you'd have bigger problems).
    • 首先,mod_rewrite不会随机地脱离。(如果是的话,你会有更大的麻烦)。
    • Were it really be disabled, your RewriteRules still wouldn't work anyway.
    • 如果它真的被禁用了,你的重写程序仍然不管用。
    • It's meant to prevent HTTP 500 errors. What it usually accomplishes is gracing your users with HTTP 404 errors instead. (Not so much more user-friendly if you think about it.)
    • 它的目的是防止HTTP 500错误。它通常实现的是用HTTP 404错误来优雅用户。(如果你仔细想想的话,就不是那么友好了。)
    • Practically it just suppresses the more useful log entries, or server notification mails. You'd be none the wiser as to why your RewriteRules never work.
    • 实际上,它只是抑制了更有用的日志条目,或者服务器通知邮件。你不知道为什么你的简历没有成功。

    What seems enticing as generalized safeguard, often turns out to be an obstacle in practice.


  • Don't use RewriteBase unless needed

    Many copy+paste examples contain a RewriteBase / directive. Which happens to be the implicit default anyway. So you don't actually need this. It's a workaround for fancy VirtualHost rewriting schemes, and misguessed DOCUMENT_ROOT paths for some shared hosters.

    许多复制+粘贴示例包含一个RewriteBase /指令。这是默认的默认值。所以实际上你并不需要这个。它是一种用于高级虚拟主机重写方案的变通方案,以及一些共享的主机的DOCUMENT_ROOT路径。

    It makes sense to use with individual web applications in deeper subdirectories. It can shorten RewriteRule patterns in such cases. Generally it's best to prefer relative path specifiers in per-directory rule sets.


    See also How does RewriteBase work in .htaccess


  • Disable MultiViews when virtual paths overlap

    URL rewriting is primarily used for supporting virtual incoming paths. Commonly you just have one dispatcher script (index.php) or a few individual handlers (articles.php, blog.php, wiki.php, …). The latter might * with similar virtual RewriteRule paths.


    A request for /article/123 for example could map to article.php with a /123 PATH_INFO implicitly. You'd either have to guard your rules then with the commonplace RewriteCond !-f+!-d, and/or disable PATH_INFO support, or perhaps just disable Options -MultiViews.

    例如,对/article/123的请求可以映射到文章。php带有/123 PATH_INFO隐式。你要么必须守住规则,然后再用普通的重写econd !-f+!-d和/或禁用PATH_INFO支持,或者只是禁用选项-多视图。

    Which is not to say you always have to. Content-Negotiation is just an automatism to virtual resources.


  • Ordering is important

    See Everything you ever wanted to know about mod_rewrite if you haven't already. Combining multiple RewriteRules often leads to interaction. This isn't something to prevent habitually per [L] flag, but a scheme you'll embrace once versed. You can re-re-rewrite virtual paths from one rule to another, until it reaches an actual target handler.


    Still you'd often want to have the most specific rules (fixed string /forum/… patterns, or more restrictive placeholders [^/.]+) in the early rules. Generic slurp-all rules (.*) are better left to the later ones. (An exception is a RewriteCond -f/-d guard as primary block.)

    在早期的规则中,您常常希望拥有最具体的规则(固定的字符串/论坛/…模式,或者更严格的占位符[/.]+)。一般的“啜吸”规则(*)最好留给后面的规则。(一个例外是RewriteCond -f/-d guard作为主块。)

  • Stylesheets and images stop working

    When you introduce virtual directory structures /blog/article/123 this impacts relative resource references in HTML (such as <img src=mouse.png>). Which can be solved by:

    当您引入虚拟目录结构/blog/article/123时,这会影响到HTML中的相对资源引用(例如参考:mod_rewrite, URL重写和“漂亮链接”解释。)。可以通过以下方式解决:

    • Only using server-absolute references href="/old.html" or src="/logo.png"
    • 仅使用server-absolute引用href="/old。html”或src = " / logo.png”
    • Often simply by adding <base href="/index"> into your HTML <head> section. This implicitly rebinds relative references to what they were before.
    • 通常只需将添加到HTML 部分。这隐含地将相对引用重新绑定到它们之前的内容。

    You could alternatively craft further RewriteRules to rebind .css or .png paths to their original locations. But that's both unneeded, or incurs extra redirects and hampers caching.


    See also: CSS, JS and images do not display with pretty url


  • RewriteConds just mask one RewriteRule

    A common misinterpetation is that a RewriteCond blocks multiple RewriteRules (because they're visually arranged together):


     RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME} localhost
     RewriteRule ^secret  admin/tools.php
     RewriteRule ^hidden  sqladmin.cgi

    Which it doesn't per default. You can chain them using the [S=2] flag. Else you'll have to repeat them. While sometimes you can craft an "inverted" primary rule to [END] the rewrite processing early.


  • QUERY_STRING exempt from RewriteRules

    You can't match RewriteRule index.php\?x=y, because mod_rewrite compares just against relative paths per default. You can match them separately however via:

    你不能匹配RewriteRule index。php\?x=y,因为mod_rewrite相对于每个默认路径的相对路径。您可以通过以下方式分别匹配它们:

     RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} \b(?:param)=([^&]+)(?:&|$)
     RewriteRule ^add/(.+)$  add/%1/$1  # ←──﹪₁──┘

    See also How can I match query string variables with mod_rewrite?


  • .htaccess vs. <VirtualHost>

    If you're using RewriteRules in a per-directory config file, then worrying about regex performance is pointless. Apache retains compiled PCRE patterns longer than a PHP process with a common routing framework. For high-traffic sites you should however consider moving rulesets into the vhost server configuration, once they've been battle-tested.


    In this case, prefer the optionalized ^/? directory separator prefix. This allows to move RewriteRules freely between PerDir and server config files.

    在这种情况下,更喜欢optionalized ^ / ?目录分隔符前缀。这允许在PerDir和服务器配置文件之间*移动RewriteRules。

  • Whenever something doesn't work

    Fret not.


    • Compare access.log and error.log


      Often you can figure out how a RewriteRule misbehaves just from looking at your error.log and access.log. Correlate access times to see which request path originally came in, and which path/file Apache couldn't resolve to (error 404/500).

      通常情况下,你可以通过观察你的错误来判断一个RewriteRule的错误行为。日志和access.log。关联访问时间,以查看最初传入的请求路径,以及Apache无法解析的路径/文件(error 404/500)。

      This doesn't tell you which RewriteRule is the culprit. But inaccessible final paths like /docroot/21-.itle?index.php may give away where to inspect further. Otherwise disable rules until you get some predictable paths.


    • Enable the RewriteLog


      See Apache RewriteLog docs. For debugging you can enable it in the vhost sections:

      看到Apache RewriteLog文档。对于调试,您可以在vhost部分启用它:

      # Apache 2.2
      RewriteLogLevel 5
      RewriteLog /tmp/rewrite.log
      # Apache 2.4
      LogLevel alert rewrite:trace5
      #ErrorLog /tmp/rewrite.log

      That yields a detailed summary of how incoming request paths get modified by each rule:


      [..] applying pattern '^test_.*$' to uri 'index.php'
      [..] strip per-dir prefix: /srv/www/vhosts/hc-profi/index.php -> index.php
      [..] applying pattern '^index\.php$' to uri 'index.php'

      Which helps to narrow down overly generic rules and regex mishaps.


      See also:
      · .htaccess not working (mod_rewrite)
      · Tips for debugging .htaccess rewrite rules


    • Before asking your own question


      As you might know, Stack Overflow is very suitable for asking questions on mod_rewrite. Make them on-topic by including prior research and attempts (avoid redundant answers), demonstrate basic understanding, and:

      您可能知道,Stack Overflow非常适合在mod_rewrite上询问问题。通过之前的研究和尝试(避免冗余的答案)使他们成为主题,展示基本的正则表达式理解,并且:

      • Include full examples of input URLs, falsly rewritten target paths, your real directory structure.
      • 包括输入url的完整示例、错误重写的目标路径、真实的目录结构。
      • The complete RewriteRule set, but also single out the presumed defective one.
      • 完整的重写集,但也排除了假定有缺陷的一组。
      • Apache and PHP versions, OS type, filesystem, DOCUMENT_ROOT, and PHPs $_SERVER environment if it's about a parameter mismatch.
      • 如果是关于参数不匹配的,Apache和PHP版本、OS类型、文件系统、DOCUMENT_ROOT和PHPs $_SERVER环境。
      • An excerpt from your access.log and error.log to verify what the existing rules resolved to. Better yet, a rewrite.log summary.
      • 摘录自你的访问。日志和错误。日志,以验证现有规则所决定的内容。更好的是,重写。日志总结。

      This nets quicker and more exact answers, and makes them more useful to others.


  • Comment your .htaccess

    If you copy examples from somewhere, take care to include a # comment and origin link. While it's merely bad manners to omit attribution, it often really hurts maintenance later. Document any code or tutorial source. In particular while unversed you should be all the more interested in not treating them like magic blackboxes.


  • It's not "SEO"-URLs

    Disclaimer: Just a pet peeve. You often hear pretty URL rewriting schemes referred to as "SEO" links or something. While this is useful for googling examples, it's a dated misnomer.


    None of the modern search engines are really disturbed by .html and .php in path segments, or ?id=123 query strings for that matter. Search engines of old, such as AltaVista, did avoid crawling websites with potentially ambigious access paths. Modern crawlers are often even craving for deep web resources.


    What "pretty" URLs should conceptionally be used for is making websites user-friendly.


    1. Having readable and obvious resource schemes.
    2. 具有可读和明显的资源计划。
    3. Ensuring URLs are long-lived (AKA permalinks).
    4. 确保url是长寿的(也就是permalinks)。
    5. Providing discoverability through /common/tree/nesting.
    6. 通过/共同/树/提供的可发现性嵌套。

    However don't sacrifice unique requirements for conformism.



There are various online tools to generate RewriteRules for most GET-parameterish URLs:

有各种各样的在线工具来为大多数GET-parameterish url生成RewriteRules:

Mostly just output [^/]+ generic placeholders, but likely suffices for trivial sites.




Alternatives to mod_rewrite

Many basic virtual URL schemes can be achieved without using RewriteRules. Apache allows PHP scripts to be invoked without .php extension, and with a virtual PATH_INFO argument.

许多基本的虚拟URL方案都可以在不使用RewriteRules的情况下实现。Apache允许在没有. PHP扩展的情况下调用PHP脚本,并使用虚拟PATH_INFO参数。

  1. Use the PATH_INFO, Luke

    Nowadays AcceptPathInfo On is often enabled by default. Which basically allows .php and other resource URLs to carry a virtual argument:



    Now this /virtual/path shows up in PHP as $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"] where you can handle any extra arguments however you like.


    This isn't as convenient as having Apache separate input path segments into $1, $2, $3 and passing them as distinct $_GET variables to PHP. It's merely emulating "pretty URLs" with less configuration effort.


  2. Enable MultiViews to hide the .php extension

    The simplest option to also eschew .php "file extensions" in URLs is enabling:


    Options +MultiViews

    This has Apache select article.php for HTTP requests on /article due to the matching basename. And this works well together with the aforementioned PATH_INFO feature. So you can just use URLs like http://example.com/article/virtual/title. Which makes sense if you have a traditional web application with multiple PHP invocation points/scripts.

    这有Apache select文章。php由于匹配的basename而在/文章上请求HTTP请求。这与前面提到的PATH_INFO特性很好地结合在一起。所以你可以使用http://example.com/article/virtual/title。如果您有一个具有多个PHP调用点/脚本的传统web应用程序,这是有意义的。

    Note that MultiViews has a different/broader purpose though. It incurs a very minor performance penalty, because Apache always looks for other files with matching basenames. It's actually meant for Content-Negotiation, so browsers receive the best alternative among available resources (such as article.en.php, article.fr.php, article.jp.mp4).

    请注意,多视图具有不同的/更广泛的用途。它会带来非常小的性能损失,因为Apache总是会寻找其他具有匹配basenames的文件。它实际上是用于内容协商的,因此浏览器在可用资源(如article.en)中获得最佳替代。php,article.fr.php article.jp.mp4)。

  3. SetType or SetHandler for extensionless .php scripts

    A more directed approach to avoid carrying around .php suffixes in URLs is configuring the PHP handler for other file schemes. The simplest option is overriding the default MIME/handler type via .htaccess:


    DefaultType application/x-httpd-php

    This way you could just rename your article.php script to just article (without extension), but still have it processed as PHP script.


    Now this can have some security and performance implications, because all extensionless files would be piped through PHP now. Therefore you can alternatively set this behaviour for individual files only:


    <Files article>
      SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
      # or SetType 

    This is somewhat dependent on your server setup and the used PHP SAPI. Common alternatives include ForceType application/x-httpd-php or AddHandler php5-script.

    这有点依赖于您的服务器设置和使用的PHP SAPI。常见的替代方案包括ForceType应用程序/x-httpd-php或AddHandler php5-script。

    Again take note that such settings propagate from one .htaccess to subfolders. You always should disable script execution (SetHandler None and Options -Exec or php_flag engine off etc.) for static resources, and upload/ directories etc.

    再次注意,这些设置从一个.htaccess传播到子文件夹。您总是应该禁用脚本执行(SetHandler None和Options -Exec或php_flag引擎等)用于静态资源、上传/目录等。

  4. Other Apache rewriting schemes

    Among its many options, Apache provides mod_alias features - which sometimes work just as well as mod_rewrites RewriteRules. Note that most of those must be set up in a <VirtualHost> section however, not in per-directory .htaccess config files.

    在它的众多选项中,Apache提供了mod_alias特性,它有时和mod_rewrite RewriteRules一样有效。注意,大多数必须在 部分中设置,而不是在每个目录.htaccess配置文件中。

    • ScriptAliasMatch is primarily for CGI scripts, but also ought to works for PHP. It allows regexps just like any RewriteRule. In fact it's perhaps the most robust option to configurate a catch-all front controller.


    • And a plain Alias helps with a few simple rewriting schemes as well.


    • Even a plain ErrorDocument directive could be used to let a PHP script handle virtual paths. Note that this is a kludgy workaround however, prohibits anything but GET requests, and floods the error.log by definition.


    See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/urlmapping.html for further tips.
