编译,提供,APK - Android依赖范围

时间:2022-06-03 11:15:02

While adding new dependencies to android project especially in Android Studio in Dependencies there are three scope options Compile/Provided/APK.

当向android项目添加新的依赖项时,特别是在依赖项中的android Studio中,有三个范围选项编译/提供/APK。

What are the effects of choosing each one, when should we use them ? Besides what the name says.




"Properly handle 'provided' and 'package' scopes to do what they should be doing. 'provided' and 'package' cannot be used with Android Libraries, and will generate an error" .. this is from http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system


3 个解决方案



  • provided - compile-time only dependency
  • 提供-编译时仅依赖项
  • package - package-time only dependency
  • 包-包时间的唯一依赖项
  • compile - compile-time and package-time dependency
  • 编译时和包时依赖项

provided is commonly used for annotation processing based libraries. Usually these libraries are separated in two artifacts - "annotation" and "compiler". "compiler" is provided dependency because you do not need to use it in application, only for compilation; and "annotation" is compile dependency - it is used in application code and therefore compiles. Or generated code may require additional dependencies while your application may not. E.g. dagger dependencies configuration:


compile 'com.squareup.dagger:dagger:1.2.2'
provided 'com.squareup.dagger:dagger-compiler:1.2.2'



These properties come from maven scopes.


They simply indicate how to treat particular dependencies during each step of build process.


  1. compile - a default approach, it simply means that all dependencies should be available at compile-time. Compile dependencies are available in all classpaths of a project. Furthermore, those dependencies are propagated to dependent projects. A compile-time dependency is generally required at runtime.


  2. package - declares additional configuration for building an application. You can list plugins that add additional functionality to the build process.


  3. provided - it means that runtime environment has these dependencies included. For example, when you look into android.jar library internals you will see java.lang.RuntimeException: Stub! in every method body.


    That has some consequences:

    • You can develop Android applications locally, without having complete Android environment.
    • 您可以在本地开发Android应用程序,而不需要完整的Android环境。
    • Your APK you must run it on an android device or an emulator because they provide implementation of these methods.
    • 您的APK必须在android设备或模拟器上运行,因为它们提供了这些方法的实现。
    • Your apps that reference the SDK classes will build properly, because the jar provides the class metadata.
    • 引用SDK类的应用程序将正确构建,因为jar提供了类元数据。
    • Unless you use some library that provides artifacts (e.g. Robolectric), you have to run tests on your emulator/device.
    • 除非使用提供工件的库(例如Robolectric),否则必须在模拟器/设备上运行测试。

provided and package cannot be used with Android Libraries, and will generate an error.


Here is how sourceSet looks like:


编译,提供,APK - Android依赖范围

More info about build system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCJAgPkpmR0


An awesome article about Gradle: http://www.sinking.in/blog/provided-scope-in-gradle/

关于等级的一篇很棒的文章:http://www.sinking.in/blog/provi- scopygradle/



Xavier talks here about the APK scope.


in the Android plugin, The equivalent (sort of) of runtime is called apk. You can do


dependencies { apk files('libs/foo.jar') }


and it'll only get packaged but won't be on the compile classpath.




  • provided - compile-time only dependency
  • 提供-编译时仅依赖项
  • package - package-time only dependency
  • 包-包时间的唯一依赖项
  • compile - compile-time and package-time dependency
  • 编译时和包时依赖项

provided is commonly used for annotation processing based libraries. Usually these libraries are separated in two artifacts - "annotation" and "compiler". "compiler" is provided dependency because you do not need to use it in application, only for compilation; and "annotation" is compile dependency - it is used in application code and therefore compiles. Or generated code may require additional dependencies while your application may not. E.g. dagger dependencies configuration:


compile 'com.squareup.dagger:dagger:1.2.2'
provided 'com.squareup.dagger:dagger-compiler:1.2.2'



These properties come from maven scopes.


They simply indicate how to treat particular dependencies during each step of build process.


  1. compile - a default approach, it simply means that all dependencies should be available at compile-time. Compile dependencies are available in all classpaths of a project. Furthermore, those dependencies are propagated to dependent projects. A compile-time dependency is generally required at runtime.


  2. package - declares additional configuration for building an application. You can list plugins that add additional functionality to the build process.


  3. provided - it means that runtime environment has these dependencies included. For example, when you look into android.jar library internals you will see java.lang.RuntimeException: Stub! in every method body.


    That has some consequences:

    • You can develop Android applications locally, without having complete Android environment.
    • 您可以在本地开发Android应用程序,而不需要完整的Android环境。
    • Your APK you must run it on an android device or an emulator because they provide implementation of these methods.
    • 您的APK必须在android设备或模拟器上运行,因为它们提供了这些方法的实现。
    • Your apps that reference the SDK classes will build properly, because the jar provides the class metadata.
    • 引用SDK类的应用程序将正确构建,因为jar提供了类元数据。
    • Unless you use some library that provides artifacts (e.g. Robolectric), you have to run tests on your emulator/device.
    • 除非使用提供工件的库(例如Robolectric),否则必须在模拟器/设备上运行测试。

provided and package cannot be used with Android Libraries, and will generate an error.


Here is how sourceSet looks like:


编译,提供,APK - Android依赖范围

More info about build system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCJAgPkpmR0


An awesome article about Gradle: http://www.sinking.in/blog/provided-scope-in-gradle/

关于等级的一篇很棒的文章:http://www.sinking.in/blog/provi- scopygradle/



Xavier talks here about the APK scope.


in the Android plugin, The equivalent (sort of) of runtime is called apk. You can do


dependencies { apk files('libs/foo.jar') }


and it'll only get packaged but won't be on the compile classpath.
