
时间:2021-12-14 11:09:12

I'm getting killed by my inability to grok Angular-UI UI-Router. I have a state defined as follows:

我因无法使用Angular-UI ui路由器而死。我的状态定义如下:

    .state('member', {
        url: '/member/:membersId',
        templateUrl: 'templates/member.html',
        resolve : {
            // From examples for testing
            simpleObj:  function(){
                return {value: 'simple!'};

            memberDetails : function(FamilyService,$state) {

                return FamilyService.getMember($state.current.params.membersId);

        controller: 'MemberController'

Since the docs say $stateParams aren't available, I'm using $state.current.params. Should be fine. Instead, I get dead air. I can't access the membersId to save my life.


To test my service and make sure it's not the problem, I hard coded in a membersId and the controller gets the memberDetails result as well as the simpleObj result. So, Service and Controller and working great.


Example of that hardcoded:


    .state('member', {
        url: '/member/:membersId',
        templateUrl: 'templates/member.html',
        resolve : {
            // From examples for testing
            simpleObj:  function(){
                return {value: 'simple!'};

            memberDetails : function(FamilyService,$state) {

                return FamilyService.getMember('52d1ebb1de46c3f103000002');

        controller: 'MemberController'

Even though the docs say you can't use $stateParams in a resolve, I've tried it anyway. It doesn't work either.


return FamilyService.getMember($stateParams.membersId);

返回FamilyService.getMember($ stateParams.membersId);

How in the world do I get the membersId param to get passed into the FamilyService for the resolve?


I don't have much hair left to pull out; so, someone save me please.


1 个解决方案



I finally figured this out. It was quite simple and in the docs. Despite reading several times, I overlooked it each time. I needed to inject $stateParams into the resolve:


    .state('member', {
        url: '/member/:membersId',
        templateUrl: 'templates/member.html',
        resolve : {
            simpleObj:  function(){
                return {value: 'simple!'};

            memberDetails : function(FamilyService,$stateParams) {
                return FamilyService.getMember($stateParams.membersId);
        controller: 'MemberController'

I still don't understand why the documentation says this is not possible.


Two Important $stateParams Gotchas


The $stateParams object is only populated after the state is activated and all dependencies are resolved. This means you won't have access to it in state resolve functions. Use $state.current.params instead. $stateProvider.state('contacts.detail', { resolve: { someResolve: function($state){ //* We cannot use $stateParams here, the service is not ready // // Use $state.current.params instead *// return $state.current.params.contactId + "!" }; }, // ... })

$stateParams对象只在状态激活后填充,所有依赖项都被解析。这意味着您无法在状态解析函数中访问它。使用state.current美元。参数个数。我们不能在这里使用$stateParams,服务还没有准备好// // /使用$state.current。相反,返回$state.current.params。contactId +”!”};},/ /……})



I finally figured this out. It was quite simple and in the docs. Despite reading several times, I overlooked it each time. I needed to inject $stateParams into the resolve:


    .state('member', {
        url: '/member/:membersId',
        templateUrl: 'templates/member.html',
        resolve : {
            simpleObj:  function(){
                return {value: 'simple!'};

            memberDetails : function(FamilyService,$stateParams) {
                return FamilyService.getMember($stateParams.membersId);
        controller: 'MemberController'

I still don't understand why the documentation says this is not possible.


Two Important $stateParams Gotchas


The $stateParams object is only populated after the state is activated and all dependencies are resolved. This means you won't have access to it in state resolve functions. Use $state.current.params instead. $stateProvider.state('contacts.detail', { resolve: { someResolve: function($state){ //* We cannot use $stateParams here, the service is not ready // // Use $state.current.params instead *// return $state.current.params.contactId + "!" }; }, // ... })

$stateParams对象只在状态激活后填充,所有依赖项都被解析。这意味着您无法在状态解析函数中访问它。使用state.current美元。参数个数。我们不能在这里使用$stateParams,服务还没有准备好// // /使用$state.current。相反,返回$state.current.params。contactId +”!”};},/ /……})