
时间:2021-02-28 11:10:22

I'm trying to write a regex to find different emoticons in a string. Some of the emoticons have hats [example party hat emoticon: *<:-) ] so I'm trying to add an optional group for hats at the beginning of the expression. The problem I'm having is that when I add an optional group to the beginning or end of the expression, it starts to match empty strings. I read some of the other questions on here regarding this topic, but I'm still having trouble understanding why this is happening and what I can do to fix it. Here's what I have so far:

我正在尝试编写一个正则表达式来查找字符串中的不同表情符号。一些表情符号有帽子[示例派对帽子表情符号:* <:-)]所以我试图在表达式的开头为帽子添加一个可选组。我遇到的问题是,当我在表达式的开头或结尾添加一个可选组时,它开始匹配空字符串。我在这里阅读了关于这个主题的一些其他问题,但我仍然无法理解为什么会发生这种情况以及我能做些什么来解决它。这是我到目前为止所拥有的:

     ([{}]|K|(E-)|(\*<))?   # Optional Hat/Toupee
     [:;8B=xX#%*0]          # Eyes
     [-o]?                  # Optional Nose
     [DbP)(>{c$I3/\J&]      # Mouth/Tongue

If I try to match :-) in a string, the regular expression parser returns:


[(':-)', '', '', '')]

Any help is greatly appreciated.


2 个解决方案



Each parenthesis pair adds a capturing group to your expression. To debug your regex, name your capturing groups with ?P<name>:

每个括号对都会在表达式中添加一个捕获组。要调试正则表达式,请使用?P 命名捕获组:

regexp = re.compile("(?P<A>(?P<B>[{}]|K|(?P<C>E-)|(?P<D>\*<))?[:;8B=xX#%*0][-o]?[DbP)(>{c$I3/\J&])")

Then you have:


>>> print regexp.match(':-)').groupdict()
{'A': ':-)', 'C': None, 'B': None, 'D': None}

which makes sense to me.


Note that unless you want to capture those specific parts of the emoticons, the C and D groups look unnecessary to me. And unless you want to capture the hat part separately, the B group can be made non-capturing by using (?:) instead of ().




import re

message1 = "I'm happy today :-)"
message2 = 'Me too *<:-) :3'
message3 = 'I prefer emoticons like this: =D =) =P'

regexp = re.compile("(([{}*<]+)?[:;8B=xX#%*0][-o]?[DbP)(>{c$I3/\J&])")
emoticons1 = regexp.findall(message1)
emoticons2 = regexp.findall(message2)
emoticons3 = regexp.findall(message3)

If you want have only two capture per emoticons, one for emoticon and another for hat, you need have only two group.


And, where: [DbP)(>{c$I3/\J&] You can not use \ at \J in charclass. In charclass, everthing is character. If you want get J, you should only use J.

并且,其中:[DbP)(> {c $ I3 / \ J&]你不能在charclass中使用\ at \ J.在charclass中,everthing是字符。如果你想得到J,你应该只使用J.



Each parenthesis pair adds a capturing group to your expression. To debug your regex, name your capturing groups with ?P<name>:

每个括号对都会在表达式中添加一个捕获组。要调试正则表达式,请使用?P 命名捕获组:

regexp = re.compile("(?P<A>(?P<B>[{}]|K|(?P<C>E-)|(?P<D>\*<))?[:;8B=xX#%*0][-o]?[DbP)(>{c$I3/\J&])")

Then you have:


>>> print regexp.match(':-)').groupdict()
{'A': ':-)', 'C': None, 'B': None, 'D': None}

which makes sense to me.


Note that unless you want to capture those specific parts of the emoticons, the C and D groups look unnecessary to me. And unless you want to capture the hat part separately, the B group can be made non-capturing by using (?:) instead of ().




import re

message1 = "I'm happy today :-)"
message2 = 'Me too *<:-) :3'
message3 = 'I prefer emoticons like this: =D =) =P'

regexp = re.compile("(([{}*<]+)?[:;8B=xX#%*0][-o]?[DbP)(>{c$I3/\J&])")
emoticons1 = regexp.findall(message1)
emoticons2 = regexp.findall(message2)
emoticons3 = regexp.findall(message3)

If you want have only two capture per emoticons, one for emoticon and another for hat, you need have only two group.


And, where: [DbP)(>{c$I3/\J&] You can not use \ at \J in charclass. In charclass, everthing is character. If you want get J, you should only use J.

并且,其中:[DbP)(> {c $ I3 / \ J&]你不能在charclass中使用\ at \ J.在charclass中,everthing是字符。如果你想得到J,你应该只使用J.