
时间:2022-03-18 11:04:29

I am receiving the following error on a script when it reaches the bind section of this code.



Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4294967296 bytes)



$result = $dbc->prepare('SELECT make, line, model, name, year, image, processor_family, processor_speeds, shipped_ram, max_ram, ram_type, video_card, video_memory, screen_type, screen_size, hard_drives, internal_drives, external_drives, audio_card, speakers, microphone, networking, external_ports, internal_ports, description, driver_link, manufacturer_link FROM laptop_archive where name=?');

$result->bind_param('s', $name);


$result->bind_result($make, $line, $model, $name, $year, $image, $processor_family, $processor_speeds, $shipped_ram, $max_ram, $ram_type, $video_card, $video_memory, $screen_type, $screen_size, $hard_drive, $internal_drives, $external_drives, $audio_card, $speakers, $microphone, $networking, $external_ports, $internal_ports, $description, $driver_link, $manufacturer_link);

The portion of the database that it is attempting to access has a number of fields to retrieve although none of them contain a large amount of data with the majority being around 20 characters and the description at around 300 characters.


I have had a search which reveals a few answers although none of them have worked for me, the code is running on a VPS with 512MB RAM and has a memory limit of 256MB as set in php.ini.

我有一个搜索,它显示了一些答案,虽然它们都没有为我工作,代码运行在具有512MB RAM的VPS上,并且内存限制为256MB,如php.ini中所设置的。

The amount of memory to be allocated is 4GB which seems extremely excessive for what is in the database, am I missing something stupid here.


3 个解决方案



normal times it shouldnt take any huge memory because you didnt fetch the data.


$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM laptop_archive where name=[REPLACE THIS] limit 1")#

please try this one :)

请试试这个 :)



The issue appears to be caused by the use of LONGTEXT in the database, after changing the type to VARCHAR the issue has gone away.




I had this error two days ago. From what I have learned about it the problems lies in the size of the column your selecting from. In my case I was selecting a pdf and I had to column as a long blob which is 4294967296 bytes. The server was allocating that much to grab the file regardless of the size of the file. So I had to change the column to a medium blob and it works fine. So in your case it looks like it would be the image. I would change that to a medium blob and it should work fine. Otherwise you would have to configure your server to allow bigger allocations of grabs.




normal times it shouldnt take any huge memory because you didnt fetch the data.


$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM laptop_archive where name=[REPLACE THIS] limit 1")#

please try this one :)

请试试这个 :)



The issue appears to be caused by the use of LONGTEXT in the database, after changing the type to VARCHAR the issue has gone away.




I had this error two days ago. From what I have learned about it the problems lies in the size of the column your selecting from. In my case I was selecting a pdf and I had to column as a long blob which is 4294967296 bytes. The server was allocating that much to grab the file regardless of the size of the file. So I had to change the column to a medium blob and it works fine. So in your case it looks like it would be the image. I would change that to a medium blob and it should work fine. Otherwise you would have to configure your server to allow bigger allocations of grabs.
