i've got the following routeMaps setup for my website. Running and debugging locally works perfectly. I can publish the website to my server (www) but only the root page works (http://www.domain.com). As soon as I specify a controller (http://www.domain.com/Project) it stops working...
What am i doing wrong?
' Note: For instructions on enabling IIS6 or IIS7 classic mode,
' visit http://go.microsoft.com/?LinkId=9394802
Public Class MvcApplication
Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication
Shared Sub RegisterRoutes(ByVal routes As RouteCollection)
' MapRoute takes the following parameters, in order:
' (1) Route name
' (2) URL with parameters
' (3) Parameter defaults
routes.MapRoute("ProjectsByCategory", "Project/Category/{id}", _
New With {.controller = "Project", .action = "ListByCategory", .id = ""}, _
New With {.id = "^[0-9]+"})
routes.MapRoute( _
"Default", _
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", _
New With {.controller = "Project", .action = "Index", .id = ""} _
End Sub
Sub Application_Start()
End Sub
End Class
2 个解决方案
Are you deploying to an IIS6 server? If so there are some steps you need to take detailed here. If not, can you explain the error a little more - what exactly does "it stops working..." mean?
您正在部署到IIS6服务器吗?如果是这样,您需要在此详细介绍一些步骤。如果没有,你能不能再解释一下这个错误 - 究竟是什么“它停止工作......”是什么意思?
Are you deploying to an IIS6 server? If so there are some steps you need to take detailed here. If not, can you explain the error a little more - what exactly does "it stops working..." mean?
您正在部署到IIS6服务器吗?如果是这样,您需要在此详细介绍一些步骤。如果没有,你能不能再解释一下这个错误 - 究竟是什么“它停止工作......”是什么意思?
Are you deploying to IIS5? If so follow this.