
时间:2023-01-03 11:02:19

My website has premium videos, for which users have to pay to watch it. I am sending a random user name and password to the user's email id when the payment is completed. Then I want to assure no more than one user use that login credentials simultaneously. For that I use a login_status column in database table with login credentials and change it to 1 when one user login and change to 0 when user log out. But the problem is, if the user close browser or network connection loss may happened will not update database. Then login_status will be 1 undefinitely and no one can use that login credentials again.


Is there any idea to accomplish my task?


3 个解决方案



How about you write a timestamp into the database when the user logs in. You might have some logic to periodically update this value if the user is still logged in - for example, the page could make an AJAX request every 5 minutes to update the value or something.

当用户登录时,如何将时间戳写入数据库。如果用户仍然登录,您可能有一些逻辑定期更新此值 - 例如,页面可以每5分钟发出一次AJAX请求来更新值或者其他的东西。

Then, if the value is older than a certain threshold (say, 1 hour) you can allow a duplicate login through - which of course will reset the timestamp and prevent anyone else from accessing.

然后,如果该值超过某个阈值(例如,1小时),您可以允许重复登录 - 这当然会重置时间戳并阻止其他任何人访问。



Try creating a custom session handler. The right place to store the data is alongside the session information - and you get the benefits of fully automatic garbage collection.

尝试创建自定义会话处理程序。存储数据的正确位置与会话信息一起 - 您可以获得全自动垃圾收集的好处。

You might also want to combine this with using a cookie with a fixed (but updating) expiry time - so users can resume their session after closing their browsers rather than having to wait for the garbage collection to reap the expired session.

您可能还希望将此与使用具有固定(但更新)到期时间的cookie相结合 - 这样用户可以在关闭浏览器后恢复其会话,而不必等待垃圾收集来收获过期的会话。




Periodically (hourly?) go through the database and change all of the login_statuses to 0.


Change it back to 1 when the user uses the site for whatever reason.


That way, no one will be locked out for more than 1 hour at a time.




How about you write a timestamp into the database when the user logs in. You might have some logic to periodically update this value if the user is still logged in - for example, the page could make an AJAX request every 5 minutes to update the value or something.

当用户登录时,如何将时间戳写入数据库。如果用户仍然登录,您可能有一些逻辑定期更新此值 - 例如,页面可以每5分钟发出一次AJAX请求来更新值或者其他的东西。

Then, if the value is older than a certain threshold (say, 1 hour) you can allow a duplicate login through - which of course will reset the timestamp and prevent anyone else from accessing.

然后,如果该值超过某个阈值(例如,1小时),您可以允许重复登录 - 这当然会重置时间戳并阻止其他任何人访问。



Try creating a custom session handler. The right place to store the data is alongside the session information - and you get the benefits of fully automatic garbage collection.

尝试创建自定义会话处理程序。存储数据的正确位置与会话信息一起 - 您可以获得全自动垃圾收集的好处。

You might also want to combine this with using a cookie with a fixed (but updating) expiry time - so users can resume their session after closing their browsers rather than having to wait for the garbage collection to reap the expired session.

您可能还希望将此与使用具有固定(但更新)到期时间的cookie相结合 - 这样用户可以在关闭浏览器后恢复其会话,而不必等待垃圾收集来收获过期的会话。




Periodically (hourly?) go through the database and change all of the login_statuses to 0.


Change it back to 1 when the user uses the site for whatever reason.


That way, no one will be locked out for more than 1 hour at a time.
