
时间:2021-06-30 10:56:30

Recently read in a article on dotnetpearls.com here saying that static ctors take a substantial amount of perfomance hit.


Could not fathom why?


4 个解决方案



I think "substantial" is an overstatement in most use cases.


Having a static constructor (even if it does nothing) affects type initialization time due to the presence/absence of the beforefieldinit flag. There are stricter guarantees about timing when you have a static constructor.


For most code, I'd suggest this doesn't make much difference - but if you're tight-looping and accessing a static member of a class, it might. Personally I wouldn't worry about it too much - if you have a suspicion that it's relevant in your real application, then test it rather than guessing. Microbenchmarks are very likely to exaggerate the effect here.

对于大多数代码,我建议这没有太大区别 - 但如果你是紧密循环并访问类的静态成员,它可能会。就个人而言,我不会太担心 - 如果你怀疑它与你的实际应用有关,那么测试它而不是猜测。微型标记很可能夸大这里的效果。

It's worth noting that .NET 4 behaves somewhat differently to previous versions when it comes to type initialization - so any benchmarks should really show the different versions in order to be relevant.

值得注意的是,当涉及到类型初始化时,.NET 4的行为与以前的版本有些不同 - 所以任何基准测试都应该真正显示不同的版本以便相关。



Well I've just replicated his test.


For 1000000000 iterations with a DEBUG build I get:


  • 4s for his static class with a static constructor
  • 4s为他的静态类与静态构造函数

  • 3.6s same class with commented out static constructor
  • 3.6s相同的类,带有注释掉的静态构造函数

  • 2.9s with the class non-static (and creating an instance before the iteration) with either a static constructor or not
  • 2.9s与非静态类(并在迭代之前创建一个实例)与静态构造函数或不

The same with a RELEASE build does highlight a difference:


  • Static class with static constructor: 4046.875ms
  • 带静态构造函数的静态类:4046.875ms

  • Static class with no static constructor: 484.375ms
  • 没有静态构造函数的静态类:484.375ms

  • Instance with static constructor: 484.375ms
  • 具有静态构造函数的实例:484.375ms

  • Instance with no static constructor: 484.375ms
  • 没有静态构造函数的实例:484.375ms



The CLR provides a pretty strong guarantee for the execution of static constructors, it promises to call them only once and before any method in the class can run. That guarantee is fairly tricky to implement when there are multiple threads using the class.


Taking a peek at the CLR source code for SSCLI20, I see a fairly large chunk of code dedicated to providing this guarantee. It maintains a list of running static constructors, protected by a global lock. Once it gets an entry in that list, it switches to a class specific lock which ensures no two threads can be running the constructor. Double-checked locking on a status bit that indicates that the constructor was already run. Lots of inscrutable code that provides exception guarantees.


Well, this code doesn't come for free. Add it to the execution time for the cctor itself and you're looking at some overhead. As always, don't let this cramp your style, this guarantee is also a very nice one that you wouldn't want to provide yourself. And measure before you fix.




I just did a small test to check the impact of adding a static constructor to one of my classes.


I have a base class that looks like this:


public abstract class Base
    public abstract Task DoStuffAsync();

The problem is, that in one of the implementations that method does nothing, so I can set a pre-made completed task and return it every time.


public sealed class Test1 : Base
    readonly Task _emptyTask;

    public Test1()
        TaskCompletionSource<Object> source = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
        _emptyTask = source.Task;

    public override Task DoStuffAsync()
        return _emptyTask;

(Other option is to return the task on demand, but turns out this method is always called)


Objects of this class are created very very often, usually in loops. Looking at it, it looks like setting _emptyTask as a static field would be beneficial since it would be the same Task for all methods:


public sealed class Test2 : Base
    static readonly Task _emptyTask;

    static Test2()
        TaskCompletionSource<Object> source = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
        _emptyTask = source.Task;

    public override Task DoStuffAsync()
        return _emptyTask;

Then I remember the "issue" with static constructors and performance, and after research a little (that is how I get here), I decide to do a small benchmark:


Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
List<Int64> test1list = new List<Int64>(), test2list = new List<Int64>();

for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
        Test1 t = new Test1();
        if (!t.DoStuffAsync().IsCompleted)
            throw new Exception();

    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
        Test2 t = new Test2();
        if (!t.DoStuffAsync().IsCompleted)
            throw new Exception();


Console.WriteLine("Test 1: " + test1list.Average().ToString() + "ms.");
Console.WriteLine("Test 2: " + test2list.Average().ToString() + "ms.");

And the results are quite clear:


 Test 1: 53.07 ms. 
 Test 2: 5.03 ms. 

So despite of having a static constructor, the benefit outweighs the issue. So always measure.




I think "substantial" is an overstatement in most use cases.


Having a static constructor (even if it does nothing) affects type initialization time due to the presence/absence of the beforefieldinit flag. There are stricter guarantees about timing when you have a static constructor.


For most code, I'd suggest this doesn't make much difference - but if you're tight-looping and accessing a static member of a class, it might. Personally I wouldn't worry about it too much - if you have a suspicion that it's relevant in your real application, then test it rather than guessing. Microbenchmarks are very likely to exaggerate the effect here.

对于大多数代码,我建议这没有太大区别 - 但如果你是紧密循环并访问类的静态成员,它可能会。就个人而言,我不会太担心 - 如果你怀疑它与你的实际应用有关,那么测试它而不是猜测。微型标记很可能夸大这里的效果。

It's worth noting that .NET 4 behaves somewhat differently to previous versions when it comes to type initialization - so any benchmarks should really show the different versions in order to be relevant.

值得注意的是,当涉及到类型初始化时,.NET 4的行为与以前的版本有些不同 - 所以任何基准测试都应该真正显示不同的版本以便相关。



Well I've just replicated his test.


For 1000000000 iterations with a DEBUG build I get:


  • 4s for his static class with a static constructor
  • 4s为他的静态类与静态构造函数

  • 3.6s same class with commented out static constructor
  • 3.6s相同的类,带有注释掉的静态构造函数

  • 2.9s with the class non-static (and creating an instance before the iteration) with either a static constructor or not
  • 2.9s与非静态类(并在迭代之前创建一个实例)与静态构造函数或不

The same with a RELEASE build does highlight a difference:


  • Static class with static constructor: 4046.875ms
  • 带静态构造函数的静态类:4046.875ms

  • Static class with no static constructor: 484.375ms
  • 没有静态构造函数的静态类:484.375ms

  • Instance with static constructor: 484.375ms
  • 具有静态构造函数的实例:484.375ms

  • Instance with no static constructor: 484.375ms
  • 没有静态构造函数的实例:484.375ms



The CLR provides a pretty strong guarantee for the execution of static constructors, it promises to call them only once and before any method in the class can run. That guarantee is fairly tricky to implement when there are multiple threads using the class.


Taking a peek at the CLR source code for SSCLI20, I see a fairly large chunk of code dedicated to providing this guarantee. It maintains a list of running static constructors, protected by a global lock. Once it gets an entry in that list, it switches to a class specific lock which ensures no two threads can be running the constructor. Double-checked locking on a status bit that indicates that the constructor was already run. Lots of inscrutable code that provides exception guarantees.


Well, this code doesn't come for free. Add it to the execution time for the cctor itself and you're looking at some overhead. As always, don't let this cramp your style, this guarantee is also a very nice one that you wouldn't want to provide yourself. And measure before you fix.




I just did a small test to check the impact of adding a static constructor to one of my classes.


I have a base class that looks like this:


public abstract class Base
    public abstract Task DoStuffAsync();

The problem is, that in one of the implementations that method does nothing, so I can set a pre-made completed task and return it every time.


public sealed class Test1 : Base
    readonly Task _emptyTask;

    public Test1()
        TaskCompletionSource<Object> source = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
        _emptyTask = source.Task;

    public override Task DoStuffAsync()
        return _emptyTask;

(Other option is to return the task on demand, but turns out this method is always called)


Objects of this class are created very very often, usually in loops. Looking at it, it looks like setting _emptyTask as a static field would be beneficial since it would be the same Task for all methods:


public sealed class Test2 : Base
    static readonly Task _emptyTask;

    static Test2()
        TaskCompletionSource<Object> source = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
        _emptyTask = source.Task;

    public override Task DoStuffAsync()
        return _emptyTask;

Then I remember the "issue" with static constructors and performance, and after research a little (that is how I get here), I decide to do a small benchmark:


Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
List<Int64> test1list = new List<Int64>(), test2list = new List<Int64>();

for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
        Test1 t = new Test1();
        if (!t.DoStuffAsync().IsCompleted)
            throw new Exception();

    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
        Test2 t = new Test2();
        if (!t.DoStuffAsync().IsCompleted)
            throw new Exception();


Console.WriteLine("Test 1: " + test1list.Average().ToString() + "ms.");
Console.WriteLine("Test 2: " + test2list.Average().ToString() + "ms.");

And the results are quite clear:


 Test 1: 53.07 ms. 
 Test 2: 5.03 ms. 

So despite of having a static constructor, the benefit outweighs the issue. So always measure.
