
时间:2022-02-13 10:51:38

I told WordPress that I wanted urls to look like: domain.com/postname.html


I want to pass a parameter to a WordPress plugin. So when I get domain.com/postname.html.2 it is supposed to be domain.com/postname.html?tubepress_page=2


With the following the parameter is passed correctly, but not the name.


This is the .htaccess file:


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^.*([0-9]+)$ /?tubepress_page=$1
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php

So for URL domain.com/postname.html.2 The above .htaccess basically works, it gives me the correct parameter to the script, but not the correct page, it gives me the latest WordPress post.

所以对于URL domain.com/postname.html.2以上.htaccess基本上有效,它给了我正确的脚本参数,但没有正确的页面,它给了我最新的WordPress帖子。

I think it somehow is missing the post name, but I don't know how to specify that in the RewriteRule.


I get the same if I type: domain.com/.2 which gives me the latest post.


So what would be good domain.com/xyz.html.2 to be tubepress_page=2 for the page xyz and I don't want to specify xyz.html anywhere in the htaccess file, since I want to try to avoid typing in things for each new post I make.

那么对于页面xyz来说什么是好的domain.com/xyz.html.2是tubepress_page = 2并且我不想在htaccess文件中的任何地方指定xyz.html,因为我想尽量避免输入内容对于我制作的每个新帖子。

How do I specify it so that the post name variable is taken into consideration in the RewriteRule?

如何指定它以便在RewriteRule中考虑post name变量?

Any help on this would be very much appreciated.


1 个解决方案


Try this rule:


RewriteRule ^(.*\.html)\.([0-9]+)$ $1?tubepress_page=$2


Try this rule:


RewriteRule ^(.*\.html)\.([0-9]+)$ $1?tubepress_page=$2