Apache htaccess重写URL规则?

时间:2021-07-16 10:43:15

I want to create URL re-write rules for following URL in htaccess.


http://example.com/vedios/category/fun/ -> http://example.com/vedios/category.php?cat=fun

http://example.com/vedios/category/fun/?show=popular -> http://example.com/vedios/category.php?cat=comedy&show=popular

http://example.com/vedios/category/fun/?show=popular&page=2 -> http://example.com/vedios/category.php?cat=comedy&show=popular&page=2

http://example.com/vedios/category/fun/comedy/ -> http://example.com/vedios/category.php?cat=comedy

http://example.com/vedios/category/fun/comedy/?show=popular -> http://example.com/vedios/category.php?cat=comedy&show=popular

http://example.com/vedios/category/fun/comedy/?show=popular&page=3 -> http://example.com/vedios/category.php?cat=comedy&show=popular&page=3

I tried RewriteRule category/([^.]+)/?([^.]+)$ /vedio/category.php?cat=$1&$2 for http://example.com/vedio/category.php?cat=fun&show=popular&page=1 but its not working.

我尝试了RewriteRule类别/([^.]+)/?([^.]+)$ /vedio/category.php?cat=$1&$2 for http://example.com/vedio/category.php?cat = fun&show = popular&page = 1但它不起作用。

Please tell me what could be the correct URL re-write rules for the above requirements?


2 个解决方案


The query is not part of the URL path that’s checked within the RewriteRule directive. You would need a RewriteCond directive to do that.


But you just need to set the QSA flag to get the initial query string appended to the new one:


RewriteRule category/([^.]+)/$ /vedio/category.php?cat=$1 [QSA]


My regexp for category script:



It depends if mod_rewrite is evaluating all your URL (server + port + path) or just the path to your script.



The query is not part of the URL path that’s checked within the RewriteRule directive. You would need a RewriteCond directive to do that.


But you just need to set the QSA flag to get the initial query string appended to the new one:


RewriteRule category/([^.]+)/$ /vedio/category.php?cat=$1 [QSA]


My regexp for category script:



It depends if mod_rewrite is evaluating all your URL (server + port + path) or just the path to your script.
