ASP。NET Web API数据库没有在localdb中创建

时间:2021-03-06 10:25:30

I have created an web api 4.5.2 project and I can't find the database that it's using for adding users. The info in the connection string:

我创建了一个 web api 4.5.2项目,我找不到它用来添加用户的数据库。连接字符串中的信息:

Data Source=(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\aspnet-WebApplicationTest2-20160906022916.mdf;Initial Catalog=aspnet-WebApplicationTest2-20160906022916;Integrated Security=True. 

But when I check the app_data directory it's empty. Where can I find this database?


1 个解决方案



Database creation for templates are delayed until a request is sent.


Run your server and POST following JSON with Content-Type: application/json header to http://localhost:xxx/api/Account/Register:

运行您的服务器,以Content-Type: application/ JSON头根据JSON发布到http://localhost:xxx/api/Account/Register:

  "Email": "",
  "Password": "TestTest1!",
  "ConfirmPassword": "TestTest1!"

You should get 200: OK.


I am using Advanced REST client.


ASP。NET Web API数据库没有在localdb中创建

After that database will be created in App_Data folder. If server returned 200: OK and App_Data is empty, Do the following steps:


In Visual Studio go to View menu. Select SQL Server Object Explorer(or press Ctrl+\, Ctrl+S).

在Visual Studio中,去查看菜单。选择SQL Server对象资源管理器(或按Ctrl+\, Ctrl+S)。

Your SQL server should be there. You can find your database in Databases folder.


ASP。NET Web API数据库没有在localdb中创建 ASP。NET Web API数据库没有在localdb中创建

If you need specifically the data file, then expand Databases folder, right click on which one you need and click on Properties. Scroll down to see Current Connection Parameters.


ASP。NET Web API数据库没有在localdb中创建



Database creation for templates are delayed until a request is sent.


Run your server and POST following JSON with Content-Type: application/json header to http://localhost:xxx/api/Account/Register:

运行您的服务器,以Content-Type: application/ JSON头根据JSON发布到http://localhost:xxx/api/Account/Register:

  "Email": "",
  "Password": "TestTest1!",
  "ConfirmPassword": "TestTest1!"

You should get 200: OK.


I am using Advanced REST client.


ASP。NET Web API数据库没有在localdb中创建

After that database will be created in App_Data folder. If server returned 200: OK and App_Data is empty, Do the following steps:


In Visual Studio go to View menu. Select SQL Server Object Explorer(or press Ctrl+\, Ctrl+S).

在Visual Studio中,去查看菜单。选择SQL Server对象资源管理器(或按Ctrl+\, Ctrl+S)。

Your SQL server should be there. You can find your database in Databases folder.


ASP。NET Web API数据库没有在localdb中创建 ASP。NET Web API数据库没有在localdb中创建

If you need specifically the data file, then expand Databases folder, right click on which one you need and click on Properties. Scroll down to see Current Connection Parameters.


ASP。NET Web API数据库没有在localdb中创建