如何在使用FROM opensjon时将newid()插入到列中

时间:2021-04-08 10:26:30

I want to insert a newid() into a table. It's not supplied in the JSON object itself, so I need to pass it in somehow. I can't seem to do that...


declare @jsonString nvarchar(max),

--sample incoming data, JSON object
set @jsonString = '{

    "PosTitle": "Tech",
    "PosCode": "699887",
    "FileName": "clickme.exe",


I can parse the JSON string successfully, and insert it into the temp table:


    --establish temp table
CREATE TABLE #tblDestination(
    [id] [uniqueidentifier] default newsequentialid(),
    [PosTitle] [varchar](80) NULL,
    [PosCode] [varchar](5) NULL,
    [FileName] [varchar](60) NULL,


--parse the JSON string
--and insert it into the temp table
insert into #tblDestination
select *
from openjson(@jsonString, '$')

    newid(), --I need to insert a newid() into the [id column]
    PosTitle varchar(80) '$.PosTitle',
    PosCode varchar(5) '$.PosCode',
    [FileName] varchar(60) '$.FileName',


I kinda can get it to work... Columns in the source must be lined up perfectly with the destination. The source doesn't have a newid(), so I need to build one and pass it in... but I can't figure out how to do that.


My understanding is that with is part of a CTE.


I was trying to avoid having to declare a var for each of the keys/values, and manually plucking each one out via select JSON_VALUE.

我试图避免为每个键/值声明一个var,并通过select JSON_VALUE手动拔出每个键。

1 个解决方案



OpenJson is a table valued function, simply select NewId() and * from it. Also, Always specify the columns list when inserting data into a table:


insert into #tblDestination ([id], [PosTitle], [PosCode], [FileName])
select newid(), *
from openjson(@jsonString, '$')
    PosTitle varchar(80) '$.PosTitle',
    PosCode varchar(5) '$.PosCode',
    [FileName] varchar(60) '$.FileName'



OpenJson is a table valued function, simply select NewId() and * from it. Also, Always specify the columns list when inserting data into a table:


insert into #tblDestination ([id], [PosTitle], [PosCode], [FileName])
select newid(), *
from openjson(@jsonString, '$')
    PosTitle varchar(80) '$.PosTitle',
    PosCode varchar(5) '$.PosCode',
    [FileName] varchar(60) '$.FileName'