在哪里可以找到使用SQL Server 2014练习的数据库

时间:2021-02-23 10:24:08

I just downloaded SQL Server 2014 Express edition server and would like to learn SQL. Where can I download a compatible database to use for practice? I don't want to build one from scratch.

我刚下载了SQL Server 2014 Express版服务器,想学习SQL。我在哪里可以下载兼容的数据库用于练习?我不想从头开始构建一个。

OK so I downloaded the AdventureWorks file but I can't just figure how to open it using SQL Server Management Studio. I took attach from the database but can't find it. I took open folder and tried to open it in SQL Server Management Studio but it gives this message:

好的,所以我下载了AdventureWorks文件,但我不能只想出如何使用SQL Server Management Studio打开它。我从数据库中取了附件但找不到它。我拿了打开文件夹并尝试在SQL Server Management Studio中打开它,但它给出了以下消息:

There is no editor for Downloads/Adventureworks2012_Data.mdf

Downloads / Adventureworks2012_Data.mdf没有编辑器

Make sure the application for the file type(.mdf) is installed.


Help please. I don't even know what the above statement means. Somebody help please.


2 个解决方案



Download AdventureWorks database for your version from following link. The 2012 version works in SQL Express 2014.

从以下链接下载适用于您的版本的AdventureWorks数据库。 2012版本适用于SQL Express 2014。




The following link has the Microsoft Northwind database that you can download and run. It's a nice, simple database structure that is easy to understand and interact with.

以下链接具有可以下载和运行的Microsoft Northwind数据库。这是一个很好的,简单的数据库结构,易于理解和交互。

Northwind Sample Database


The very first comment on that page give instructions on how to get that running on your server.




Download AdventureWorks database for your version from following link. The 2012 version works in SQL Express 2014.

从以下链接下载适用于您的版本的AdventureWorks数据库。 2012版本适用于SQL Express 2014。




The following link has the Microsoft Northwind database that you can download and run. It's a nice, simple database structure that is easy to understand and interact with.

以下链接具有可以下载和运行的Microsoft Northwind数据库。这是一个很好的,简单的数据库结构,易于理解和交互。

Northwind Sample Database


The very first comment on that page give instructions on how to get that running on your server.
