
时间:2021-11-02 10:19:42

Which of the following defensive checks is preferable when querying data using the Entity Framework?


1. The null check:


user = users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Email.Equals(email));

if(user == null)
    throw new Exception("Some critical error!");


2. LINQ's Any():

2. LINQ的Any():

if(users.Any(u => u.Email.Equals(email)))
    user = users.Single(u => u.Email.Equals(email));
    throw new Exception("Some critical error!");


Personally I use the second option because it feels cleaner to me, but am I not performing two database calls instead of one? I'm unsure about the inner mechanics of Entity Framework.


2 个解决方案



I will quote Jon Skeet:

我会引用Jon Skeet的话:

I always advise anyone implementing a LINQ-like operator to only iterate over any input sequence once. There are sequences which are impossible to iterate over multiple times, or which may give different results each time. That's bad news.


Keep the habits to iterate only one time.


For your example, yes, you are accessing twice the database, and that's not a good idea.
In fact, your second option feel to me a lot lot messier than the first option. You need to recalibrate your messy-detector! :)

对于您的示例,是的,您正在访问数据库的两倍,这不是一个好主意。事实上,你的第二个选择对我来说比第一个选项更麻烦。你需要重新校准你的凌乱探测器! :)



AakashM's comment is correct. But to expand on that, (1) is better because you're doing a single operation on the database whilst in the second example you're doing it twice. Once to see it is there, and once to use it. I think the answer is self-evident from my perspective.




I will quote Jon Skeet:

我会引用Jon Skeet的话:

I always advise anyone implementing a LINQ-like operator to only iterate over any input sequence once. There are sequences which are impossible to iterate over multiple times, or which may give different results each time. That's bad news.


Keep the habits to iterate only one time.


For your example, yes, you are accessing twice the database, and that's not a good idea.
In fact, your second option feel to me a lot lot messier than the first option. You need to recalibrate your messy-detector! :)

对于您的示例,是的,您正在访问数据库的两倍,这不是一个好主意。事实上,你的第二个选择对我来说比第一个选项更麻烦。你需要重新校准你的凌乱探测器! :)



AakashM's comment is correct. But to expand on that, (1) is better because you're doing a single operation on the database whilst in the second example you're doing it twice. Once to see it is there, and once to use it. I think the answer is self-evident from my perspective.
