
时间:2021-06-02 10:18:59

Not really interested in your actual point size as it depends on resolution and font, but rather if you prefer larger text that is easy to read, or small text so you can overview more lines of code.


Personally, I keep bumping up the size the older I get. Is this something that you also have experienced?


Do your IDE support easy zooming the fontsize? If so, do you use it regularly?


24 个解决方案



I use the smallest size I can easily read. And yes - it get bigger from year to year :(

我使用的是我能轻松阅读的最小尺寸。是的 - 它逐年变大:(



I like large font sizes personally (12+). It keeps me from having to squint. Psychologically this also tends to make me think twice about writing extremely long variable/method names. It also makes me code a little more carefully as it's easier for people to look over my shoulder and see my code. :-P

我个人喜欢大字体(12+)。它让我不必眯眼。在心理上,这也使我想到编写极长的变量/方法名称。它还使我的代码更加谨慎,因为人们更容易看到我的肩膀并看到我的代码。 :-P



Like others I'm using larger fonts, since getting on the plus side of fifty. Most recently I started using the Consolas typeface and have really enjoyed it. Fixed width indents well. The clear differences between lowercase L and number 1 and the letter O and zeronumber 0 for example also makes this a really good programming font.




You get used to smaller fonts once you work with them for a while - I changed my resolution to a greater one a while ago and at first it was kind of hard to read, but then after a while you really start to enjoy being able to open a bunch of shell windows and your IDE without overlaying each other.

你习惯了一段时间后习惯了较小的字体 - 我前一段时间将分辨率更改为更大的字体,起初它有点难以阅读,但过了一段时间后你真的开始享受能够打开一堆shell窗口和你的IDE而不会相互重叠。

Anyway I think it's well worth it to use smaller fonts since you can see more code simultaneously.




I agree with Kevin. I used to use really small fonts so I could squeeze a ton of text on the screen, but I would go home with headaches each night. I recommend using something that is big enough that you can easily read (~12 pt) as well as a color scheme that is easy on the eyes (http://idehotornot.ning.com/).

我同意凯文。我曾经使用过很小的字体,所以我可以在屏幕上挤出大量的文字,但每晚我都会带着头疼回家。我推荐使用足够大的东西,你可以轻松阅读(~12 pt)以及一个容易上手的配色方案(http://idehotornot.ning.com/)。



10pt Bitstream Vera Sans.

10pt Bitstream Vera Sans。



I've been going with 14pt Consolas, but I have a 1920x1200 15.4inch screen (WUXGA+, I think...it was a free upgrade from the other option). I got it on a laptop 4 years ago and haven't had any issues, except I'm almost always zooming text on almost any website I go to, and some don't handle it too well.

我一直在使用14pt Consolas,但我有一个1920x1200 15.4英寸的屏幕(WUXGA +,我认为......它是从另一个选项免费升级)。我4年前在笔记本电脑上得到它并且没有任何问题,除了我几乎总是在我去的任何网站上缩放文本,有些不能很好地处理它。

That being said, this laptop is getting old. If anyone has any tips for finding a similarly high-res laptop, I'd be much obliged.




Larger than the default in most cases. 12pt to 15pt usually, and always a font with serifs. Except Comic Sans worked pretty good for a while.

在大多数情况下,大于默认值。通常是12pt到15pt,并且总是带有衬线的字体。除了Comic Sans在一段时间内工作得非常好。

I'm paranoid about confusing parenthesis for square brackets, commas and periods, and so on. I even have a bad habit that acts up now and then, from when i was very young, back in the days of typewriters (and dinosaurs) using lower case L for the digit '1'. Must have a good font where they look different!




Smaller sizes with a high contrast, light text on dark background.


NOT white on black, though. That's insane.




12 point Monaco - tempted to switch to 12 point Consolas like I have at home. On a larger monitor larger text means I can sit back comfortably, see better, and run less of a risk of eyestrain. I used to code small, but at these resolutions (1920x1200) even 12 point is pretty small.

12点摩纳哥 - 试图转换到12点Consolas,就像我在家里一样。在较大的显示器上,较大的文字意味着我可以舒适地坐下来,看得更清楚,并且不会有眼睛疲劳的风险。我以前编码很小,但在这些分辨率(1920x1200)甚至12点都很小。

Speaking of which, why on earth is the text in this text box so impossibly small by default? It makes it killer to read.




Point size is a physical measurement, it shouldn't depend on resolution or font.


I don't go for small as possible, nor large as possible, but rather I find that there's a 'natural' size, where, if I go smaller or larger, I can't read it as quickly, despite it being completely legible.


As for zooming, if you think that's even remotely necessary, then you're setting it way too small. And in any case, in GNOME, you can just hold down the Windows key and scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out, no application support necessary.




I guess I'm still young enough to be able to go for the smallest font possible. In that category I'm surprised nobody has yet mentioned the Proggy programmer's fonts. I think they're great. Very small, and no ambiguities between the glyphs used for ones and els and ohs and zeros.


I've also found that the amount of text you can get on your screen depends a lot on your text editor and how it spaces lines. With emacs I can get the Proggy fonts so that there are zero pixels separating the descenders on one line from the highest ascender on the line below. For instance with these two lines:



The bottom of the top row touches the top of the bottom row. Sounds illegible, but in typical text such line-ups happen rarely. With this proggy/emacs combo each row uses exactly 10 pixels of vertical real estate. I haven't found any other editors that can get the spacing that tight and still being legible. Usually it's 11 or 12 pixels at the minimum.

顶行的底部接触底行的顶部。声音难以辨认,但在典型的文字中,这种阵容很少发生。使用这个proggy / emacs组合,每行使用10个像素的垂直空间。我还没有发现任何其他编辑器可以使间距紧凑且仍然清晰可辨。通常它至少是11或12像素。



12 point Consolas, using a variant of Vibrant Ink colorizing rules. I like to keep my editor full screen as well (Shift+Alt+Enter in VS). So much for the old < 80 chars per line.

12点Consolas,使用Vibrant Ink着色规则的变体。我也希望保持编辑器全屏(Shift + Alt + Enter in VS)。对于每行<80个字符而言,这么多。



If you're working in a IDE with sidebars on a 1280x1024 screen, then try Verdana 8pt.

如果您正在使用1280x1024屏幕上的侧边栏的IDE中工作,请尝试Verdana 8pt。

Cons: It's variable-width.


Pros: It's readable and it fits a lot of text in a single line.




Medium-small with more lines of code and good line spacing and syntax colouring. Never zoom font size, but did make switch from non-antialiased (BBedit) to anti-aliased (Textmate) and am not going back.




11pt Consolas, but only with Vista's rasterizer. I've found that even XP's rasterizer does quite poorly with this combination, though not quite as bad as Java's (pre-uN).

11pt Consolas,但只有Vista的光栅化器。我发现即使XP的光栅化器在这种组合中也做得很差,尽管不如Java(pre-uN)那么糟糕。

I don't really change my font size at all. I find that once I get used to a certain representation for source code, it's best not to mess with it. I made the switch to monospaced fonts a few years ago, and that was certainly an interesting experience. I felt half-crippled, unable to even read my own code due to the slightly altered format.




I find a mid-sized font (Monaco 12) serves me well. I use textmate on OS X, which makes it easy to adjust point-size at a whim (cmd +/-).

我发现一个中等大小的字体(摩纳哥12)很适合我。我在OS X上使用textmate,这可以很容易地调整点大小(cmd +/-)。



I like small minimally aliased fonts like Profont, beacuse they stay readable at small sizes, and I can fit a decent amount of code even on a 15" laptop monitor.


When I have my external monitor plugged in, I have it vertically rotated and bump up the font size a bit because the monitor is farther away from me; 22" high in vertical orientation gives me a good 130 line span in the editor :)

当我将外接显示器插入时,我将其垂直旋转并稍微提高字体大小,因为显示器距离我更远; 22英寸高的垂直方向在编辑器中给我一个很好的130行跨度:)



For my eyes, the colors tend to make more of a difference than the font size. Switching to a black background and playing around with the syntax coloring until I was happy with the colors really helped.


If you are a vim user, and switch to a black background, you can add se background=dark to your .vimrc and the syntax coloring adjusts nicely.

如果您是vim用户,并切换到黑色背景,则可以在.vimrc中添加se background = dark,并且语法着色可以很好地调整。



I prefer using a medium sized font. Something that shows up and I can easily read from a distance of about 1 foot away from the screen. I use Courier New too, it just feels right.

我更喜欢使用中等大小的字体。显示的东西,我可以从距离屏幕大约1英尺的距离轻松阅读。我也使用Courier New,它感觉很对。



Consolas 11pt is a sweetspot for me.

Consolas 11pt对我来说是甜点。



Liberation Mono, 11 on 19" 1280×1024 display.




I personally favorite Source Code pro from adobe(their name added some authority to its font design, I admit.)

我个人最喜欢来自adobe的Source Code pro(我承认,他们的名字为它的字体设计添加了一些权限。)

After reading a survey I'd decided to try something new: here's the fonts that I found it useful(good to my eyes)


  • DejaVu Sans Mono
  • DejaVu Sans Mono

  • Menlo

and I recommend 12/14 font size. but I don't have a ideal line spacing spec yet. Im ruling 1.2 now, but its not perfect.




I think that using a larger font size tend to increase the code quality because the programmer is forced to keep the span of variables as shorter as he can. Also functions with many parameters tend to be well written because writing one messy long in-line function become uncomfortable to the programmer.




I use the smallest size I can easily read. And yes - it get bigger from year to year :(

我使用的是我能轻松阅读的最小尺寸。是的 - 它逐年变大:(



I like large font sizes personally (12+). It keeps me from having to squint. Psychologically this also tends to make me think twice about writing extremely long variable/method names. It also makes me code a little more carefully as it's easier for people to look over my shoulder and see my code. :-P

我个人喜欢大字体(12+)。它让我不必眯眼。在心理上,这也使我想到编写极长的变量/方法名称。它还使我的代码更加谨慎,因为人们更容易看到我的肩膀并看到我的代码。 :-P



Like others I'm using larger fonts, since getting on the plus side of fifty. Most recently I started using the Consolas typeface and have really enjoyed it. Fixed width indents well. The clear differences between lowercase L and number 1 and the letter O and zeronumber 0 for example also makes this a really good programming font.




You get used to smaller fonts once you work with them for a while - I changed my resolution to a greater one a while ago and at first it was kind of hard to read, but then after a while you really start to enjoy being able to open a bunch of shell windows and your IDE without overlaying each other.

你习惯了一段时间后习惯了较小的字体 - 我前一段时间将分辨率更改为更大的字体,起初它有点难以阅读,但过了一段时间后你真的开始享受能够打开一堆shell窗口和你的IDE而不会相互重叠。

Anyway I think it's well worth it to use smaller fonts since you can see more code simultaneously.




I agree with Kevin. I used to use really small fonts so I could squeeze a ton of text on the screen, but I would go home with headaches each night. I recommend using something that is big enough that you can easily read (~12 pt) as well as a color scheme that is easy on the eyes (http://idehotornot.ning.com/).

我同意凯文。我曾经使用过很小的字体,所以我可以在屏幕上挤出大量的文字,但每晚我都会带着头疼回家。我推荐使用足够大的东西,你可以轻松阅读(~12 pt)以及一个容易上手的配色方案(http://idehotornot.ning.com/)。



10pt Bitstream Vera Sans.

10pt Bitstream Vera Sans。



I've been going with 14pt Consolas, but I have a 1920x1200 15.4inch screen (WUXGA+, I think...it was a free upgrade from the other option). I got it on a laptop 4 years ago and haven't had any issues, except I'm almost always zooming text on almost any website I go to, and some don't handle it too well.

我一直在使用14pt Consolas,但我有一个1920x1200 15.4英寸的屏幕(WUXGA +,我认为......它是从另一个选项免费升级)。我4年前在笔记本电脑上得到它并且没有任何问题,除了我几乎总是在我去的任何网站上缩放文本,有些不能很好地处理它。

That being said, this laptop is getting old. If anyone has any tips for finding a similarly high-res laptop, I'd be much obliged.




Larger than the default in most cases. 12pt to 15pt usually, and always a font with serifs. Except Comic Sans worked pretty good for a while.

在大多数情况下,大于默认值。通常是12pt到15pt,并且总是带有衬线的字体。除了Comic Sans在一段时间内工作得非常好。

I'm paranoid about confusing parenthesis for square brackets, commas and periods, and so on. I even have a bad habit that acts up now and then, from when i was very young, back in the days of typewriters (and dinosaurs) using lower case L for the digit '1'. Must have a good font where they look different!




Smaller sizes with a high contrast, light text on dark background.


NOT white on black, though. That's insane.




12 point Monaco - tempted to switch to 12 point Consolas like I have at home. On a larger monitor larger text means I can sit back comfortably, see better, and run less of a risk of eyestrain. I used to code small, but at these resolutions (1920x1200) even 12 point is pretty small.

12点摩纳哥 - 试图转换到12点Consolas,就像我在家里一样。在较大的显示器上,较大的文字意味着我可以舒适地坐下来,看得更清楚,并且不会有眼睛疲劳的风险。我以前编码很小,但在这些分辨率(1920x1200)甚至12点都很小。

Speaking of which, why on earth is the text in this text box so impossibly small by default? It makes it killer to read.




Point size is a physical measurement, it shouldn't depend on resolution or font.


I don't go for small as possible, nor large as possible, but rather I find that there's a 'natural' size, where, if I go smaller or larger, I can't read it as quickly, despite it being completely legible.


As for zooming, if you think that's even remotely necessary, then you're setting it way too small. And in any case, in GNOME, you can just hold down the Windows key and scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out, no application support necessary.




I guess I'm still young enough to be able to go for the smallest font possible. In that category I'm surprised nobody has yet mentioned the Proggy programmer's fonts. I think they're great. Very small, and no ambiguities between the glyphs used for ones and els and ohs and zeros.


I've also found that the amount of text you can get on your screen depends a lot on your text editor and how it spaces lines. With emacs I can get the Proggy fonts so that there are zero pixels separating the descenders on one line from the highest ascender on the line below. For instance with these two lines:



The bottom of the top row touches the top of the bottom row. Sounds illegible, but in typical text such line-ups happen rarely. With this proggy/emacs combo each row uses exactly 10 pixels of vertical real estate. I haven't found any other editors that can get the spacing that tight and still being legible. Usually it's 11 or 12 pixels at the minimum.

顶行的底部接触底行的顶部。声音难以辨认,但在典型的文字中,这种阵容很少发生。使用这个proggy / emacs组合,每行使用10个像素的垂直空间。我还没有发现任何其他编辑器可以使间距紧凑且仍然清晰可辨。通常它至少是11或12像素。



12 point Consolas, using a variant of Vibrant Ink colorizing rules. I like to keep my editor full screen as well (Shift+Alt+Enter in VS). So much for the old < 80 chars per line.

12点Consolas,使用Vibrant Ink着色规则的变体。我也希望保持编辑器全屏(Shift + Alt + Enter in VS)。对于每行<80个字符而言,这么多。



If you're working in a IDE with sidebars on a 1280x1024 screen, then try Verdana 8pt.

如果您正在使用1280x1024屏幕上的侧边栏的IDE中工作,请尝试Verdana 8pt。

Cons: It's variable-width.


Pros: It's readable and it fits a lot of text in a single line.




Medium-small with more lines of code and good line spacing and syntax colouring. Never zoom font size, but did make switch from non-antialiased (BBedit) to anti-aliased (Textmate) and am not going back.




11pt Consolas, but only with Vista's rasterizer. I've found that even XP's rasterizer does quite poorly with this combination, though not quite as bad as Java's (pre-uN).

11pt Consolas,但只有Vista的光栅化器。我发现即使XP的光栅化器在这种组合中也做得很差,尽管不如Java(pre-uN)那么糟糕。

I don't really change my font size at all. I find that once I get used to a certain representation for source code, it's best not to mess with it. I made the switch to monospaced fonts a few years ago, and that was certainly an interesting experience. I felt half-crippled, unable to even read my own code due to the slightly altered format.




I find a mid-sized font (Monaco 12) serves me well. I use textmate on OS X, which makes it easy to adjust point-size at a whim (cmd +/-).

我发现一个中等大小的字体(摩纳哥12)很适合我。我在OS X上使用textmate,这可以很容易地调整点大小(cmd +/-)。



I like small minimally aliased fonts like Profont, beacuse they stay readable at small sizes, and I can fit a decent amount of code even on a 15" laptop monitor.


When I have my external monitor plugged in, I have it vertically rotated and bump up the font size a bit because the monitor is farther away from me; 22" high in vertical orientation gives me a good 130 line span in the editor :)

当我将外接显示器插入时,我将其垂直旋转并稍微提高字体大小,因为显示器距离我更远; 22英寸高的垂直方向在编辑器中给我一个很好的130行跨度:)



For my eyes, the colors tend to make more of a difference than the font size. Switching to a black background and playing around with the syntax coloring until I was happy with the colors really helped.


If you are a vim user, and switch to a black background, you can add se background=dark to your .vimrc and the syntax coloring adjusts nicely.

如果您是vim用户,并切换到黑色背景,则可以在.vimrc中添加se background = dark,并且语法着色可以很好地调整。



I prefer using a medium sized font. Something that shows up and I can easily read from a distance of about 1 foot away from the screen. I use Courier New too, it just feels right.

我更喜欢使用中等大小的字体。显示的东西,我可以从距离屏幕大约1英尺的距离轻松阅读。我也使用Courier New,它感觉很对。



Consolas 11pt is a sweetspot for me.

Consolas 11pt对我来说是甜点。



Liberation Mono, 11 on 19" 1280×1024 display.




I personally favorite Source Code pro from adobe(their name added some authority to its font design, I admit.)

我个人最喜欢来自adobe的Source Code pro(我承认,他们的名字为它的字体设计添加了一些权限。)

After reading a survey I'd decided to try something new: here's the fonts that I found it useful(good to my eyes)


  • DejaVu Sans Mono
  • DejaVu Sans Mono

  • Menlo

and I recommend 12/14 font size. but I don't have a ideal line spacing spec yet. Im ruling 1.2 now, but its not perfect.




I think that using a larger font size tend to increase the code quality because the programmer is forced to keep the span of variables as shorter as he can. Also functions with many parameters tend to be well written because writing one messy long in-line function become uncomfortable to the programmer.
