在Sql Server中存储N / A.

时间:2021-10-26 10:16:18

We have a form that has multiple fields of different data type, including string, datetime and numbers.


Our customer want to be able to write N/A (Not Applicable) in any of these fields, as well as being able to leave it blank.

我们的客户希望能够在任何这些领域中编写N / A(不适用),并且能够将其留空。

Does someone has an idea on how I should design my Sql Server table so it can support a value, NULL or N/A?

有人知道我应该如何设计我的Sql Server表,以便它可以支持值,NULL或N / A?

We are using Sql Server 2008.

我们正在使用Sql Server 2008。

6 个解决方案



If N/A and blank are truly different values you need to support, I would say to create the field as a nullable field (in which case the NULL would represent the blank value), and then include a second bit field for [FieldName]NotAvailable or [FieldName]Specified.

如果N / A和空白是您需要支持的真正不同的值,我会说将字段创建为可空字段(在这种情况下,NULL将表示空值),然后为[FieldName]包含第二个字段NotAvailable或[FieldName]指定。

Granted, you would be using two separate fields to represent a single logical concept, trying to force it all into one field causes two concepts to be stored in the same field (the field is interpreted one way, unless there is some magical value, then it means something else). This way, with the separate field, it is far more clear what the expected behavior of the fields is.




If they only want one state, you can, as other folks indicate simply translate the null:


SELECT COALESCE(thecolumn1,'N/A') AS mycolumnalias

IF it is discovered that they really desire to have the 'tri-state' on the column, you can create a companion VARCHAR column.


SELECT COALESCE(thecolumn1, companioncolumn1,'N/A') AS mycolumnalias


  • If they change their minds again, you can change the companioncolumn1 value.
  • 如果他们再次改变主意,您可以更改companioncolumn1值。

  • If you use both columns in the COALESCE, it automatically gets the first column when it is not null, gets the companion value if set and the first is null, and has a fallback to the 'N/A' specified in the select.
  • 如果在COALESCE中同时使用这两列,它会在非空时自动获取第一列,如果设置则获取伴随值,第一列为空,并且回退到select中指定的“N / A”。

  • You can manage this at the database layer
  • 您可以在数据库层进行管理

  • You maintain the data type of the origial column
  • 您维护原始列的数据类型


  • Has an extra column in database to manage.
  • 在数据库中有一个额外的列来管理。

  • Slightly more complex SELECT statements
  • 略微复杂的SELECT语句

  • You have to manage this at the database layer
  • 您必须在数据库层管理它

  • Type casting and validation will be more complex, but you have that issue already
  • 类型转换和验证将更复杂,但您已经遇到了这个问题



I would store the answer in a single varchar (or nvarchar) field.


Application code can verify and interpret the input to be a number or date, etc. The meta information about the field will tell you how to interpret it.


In this scenario, you can have NULL, or blank, or N/A, or a real value...

在这种情况下,您可以具有NULL,空白或N / A,或实际值...



As others have mentioned, the varchar or nvarchar is your best solution.




Regardless of data type of the column, default null can be applied. Where returning the results you could either use


Select Isnull(colX,'N/A')

or Select Coalesce(collX,'N/A')

或选择合并(collX,'N / A')



The only type I could think of is varchar.


You will have to have code to interpret data based on the field (i.e if the name of the field is InvoiceDate, it is a date).


EDIT: After reading your recent comment, you can have a "IsNA" (bit) field for each of the field. So, if the user chooses "NA" for InvoiceDate, set the "IsInvoiceDateNA" to true & false (otherwise).


The view of the screen will be driven as per the but field for each of the input field.




If N/A and blank are truly different values you need to support, I would say to create the field as a nullable field (in which case the NULL would represent the blank value), and then include a second bit field for [FieldName]NotAvailable or [FieldName]Specified.

如果N / A和空白是您需要支持的真正不同的值,我会说将字段创建为可空字段(在这种情况下,NULL将表示空值),然后为[FieldName]包含第二个字段NotAvailable或[FieldName]指定。

Granted, you would be using two separate fields to represent a single logical concept, trying to force it all into one field causes two concepts to be stored in the same field (the field is interpreted one way, unless there is some magical value, then it means something else). This way, with the separate field, it is far more clear what the expected behavior of the fields is.




If they only want one state, you can, as other folks indicate simply translate the null:


SELECT COALESCE(thecolumn1,'N/A') AS mycolumnalias

IF it is discovered that they really desire to have the 'tri-state' on the column, you can create a companion VARCHAR column.


SELECT COALESCE(thecolumn1, companioncolumn1,'N/A') AS mycolumnalias


  • If they change their minds again, you can change the companioncolumn1 value.
  • 如果他们再次改变主意,您可以更改companioncolumn1值。

  • If you use both columns in the COALESCE, it automatically gets the first column when it is not null, gets the companion value if set and the first is null, and has a fallback to the 'N/A' specified in the select.
  • 如果在COALESCE中同时使用这两列,它会在非空时自动获取第一列,如果设置则获取伴随值,第一列为空,并且回退到select中指定的“N / A”。

  • You can manage this at the database layer
  • 您可以在数据库层进行管理

  • You maintain the data type of the origial column
  • 您维护原始列的数据类型


  • Has an extra column in database to manage.
  • 在数据库中有一个额外的列来管理。

  • Slightly more complex SELECT statements
  • 略微复杂的SELECT语句

  • You have to manage this at the database layer
  • 您必须在数据库层管理它

  • Type casting and validation will be more complex, but you have that issue already
  • 类型转换和验证将更复杂,但您已经遇到了这个问题



I would store the answer in a single varchar (or nvarchar) field.


Application code can verify and interpret the input to be a number or date, etc. The meta information about the field will tell you how to interpret it.


In this scenario, you can have NULL, or blank, or N/A, or a real value...

在这种情况下,您可以具有NULL,空白或N / A,或实际值...



As others have mentioned, the varchar or nvarchar is your best solution.




Regardless of data type of the column, default null can be applied. Where returning the results you could either use


Select Isnull(colX,'N/A')

or Select Coalesce(collX,'N/A')

或选择合并(collX,'N / A')



The only type I could think of is varchar.


You will have to have code to interpret data based on the field (i.e if the name of the field is InvoiceDate, it is a date).


EDIT: After reading your recent comment, you can have a "IsNA" (bit) field for each of the field. So, if the user chooses "NA" for InvoiceDate, set the "IsInvoiceDateNA" to true & false (otherwise).


The view of the screen will be driven as per the but field for each of the input field.
