SQL Server 2012:选择文字并与Where中的文字进行比较

时间:2021-04-08 10:08:04

So, basically, in my query, I want to have a statuses column that will contain 1 or more statuses based on certain criteria. A user should be able to filter/search also on those status messages in that column. I'm not sure on the syntax to make this happen.


This selects 0 to 2 status divs in my column, which I display as is.


Here's theoretically what I want to happen:


Select fields, (select CASE WHEN root_directory IS NULL THEN '<div class="gray status">Unbuilt</div>' ELSE '' END + ' ' + (select top(1) CASE WHEN isnull(payment_received,0) = 1 THEN '' ELSE '<div class="red status">Unpaid</div>' END
FROM invoice C
WHERE C.id = B.id) as statuses
FROM table
WHERE statuses LIKE '%Unbuilt%'

Thoughts on how to WHERE LIKE my statuses column?



1 个解决方案


The WHERE clause cannot refer to columns in the select list. Logically speaking, the WHERE is applied before anything is selected.


You can, however, filter on the criteria by which you are setting the statuses result column. As a bonus, you will then be able to get rid of one of the CASE expressions in the select list, since the WHERE clause will fix which erstwhile case applies.


It's unclear to which table alias B in your original table applies, but table is the only real candidate. Supposing that B refers to table table, then, something along these lines will do what you appear to want:


Select B.fields, '<div class="gray status">Unbuilt</div> '
  + CASE C.payment_received
     WHEN 1 THEN ''
     ELSE '<div class="red status">Unpaid</div>'
  table B
  JOIN invoice C ON C.id = B.id
WHERE root_directory IS NULL


The WHERE clause cannot refer to columns in the select list. Logically speaking, the WHERE is applied before anything is selected.


You can, however, filter on the criteria by which you are setting the statuses result column. As a bonus, you will then be able to get rid of one of the CASE expressions in the select list, since the WHERE clause will fix which erstwhile case applies.


It's unclear to which table alias B in your original table applies, but table is the only real candidate. Supposing that B refers to table table, then, something along these lines will do what you appear to want:


Select B.fields, '<div class="gray status">Unbuilt</div> '
  + CASE C.payment_received
     WHEN 1 THEN ''
     ELSE '<div class="red status">Unpaid</div>'
  table B
  JOIN invoice C ON C.id = B.id
WHERE root_directory IS NULL