GIS: PostGIS/PostgreSQL还是MySql vs. SQL Server?

时间:2023-02-07 10:04:08

EDIT: I have been using Postgres with PostGIS for a few months now, and I am satisfied.


I need to analyze a few million geocoded records, each of which will have latitude and longitude. These records include data of at least three different types, and I will be trying to see if each set influences the other.


What database is best for the underlying data store for all this data? Here's my desires:


  • I'm familiar with the DBMS. I'm weakest with PostgreSQL, but I am willing to learn if everything else checks out.
  • 我对DBMS很熟悉。我在PostgreSQL中是最弱的,但是如果其他一切都顺利的话,我愿意学习。
  • It does well with GIS queries. Google searches suggest that PostgreSQL + PostGIS may be the strongest? At least a lot of products seem to use it. MySql's Spatial Extensions seem comparatively minimal?
  • 它很适合GIS查询。谷歌搜索表明PostgreSQL + PostGIS可能是最强的?至少很多产品似乎都在使用它。MySql的空间扩展似乎比较小?
  • Low cost. Despite the 10GB DB limit in SQL Server Express 2008 R2, I'm not sure I want to live with this and other limitations of the free version.
  • 低成本。尽管SQL Server Express 2008 R2中有10GB的DB限制,但我不确定我是否愿意忍受免费版本的这些限制和其他限制。
  • Not antagonistic with Microsoft .NET Framework. Thanks to Connector/Net 6.3.4, MySql works well C# and .NET Framework 4 programs. It fully supports .NET 4's Entity Framework. I cannot find any noncommercial PostgreSQL equivalent, although I'm not opposed to paying $180 for Devart's dotConnect for PostgreSQL Professional Edition.
  • 不是与微软。net框架对抗。由于连接器/Net 6.3.4, MySql运行良好的c#和。Net框架4程序。它完全支持。net 4的实体框架。我找不到任何与PostgreSQL等价的非商业性PostgreSQL,尽管我并不反对为Devart的dotConnect提供PostgreSQL专业版支付180美元。
  • Compatible with R. It appears all 3 of these can talk with R using ODBC, so may not be an issue.
  • 与R兼容,这三个都可以使用ODBC与R通信,所以可能不是问题。

I've already done some development using MySql, but I can change if necessary.


5 个解决方案



If you are interested in a thorough comparison, I recommend "Cross Compare SQL Server 2008 Spatial, PostgreSQL/PostGIS 1.3-1.4, MySQL 5-6" and/or "Compare SQL Server 2008 R2, Oracle 11G R2, PostgreSQL/PostGIS 1.5 Spatial Features" by Boston GIS.

如果您对一个完整的比较感兴趣,我推荐“Cross Compare SQL Server 2008空间,PostgreSQL/PostGIS 1.3-1.4, MySQL 5-6”和/或“比较SQL Server 2008 R2, Oracle 11G R2, PostgreSQL/PostGIS 1.5空间特性”。

Considering your points:


  • I'm familiar with the DBMS: setting up a PostGIS database on Windows is easy, using PgAdmin3 management is straight-forward too
  • 我熟悉DBMS:在Windows上建立PostGIS数据库很容易,使用PgAdmin3管理也很直接
  • It does well with GIS queries: PostGIS is definitely strongest of the three, only Oracle Spatial would be comparable but is disqualified if you consider it's costs
  • 它在GIS查询方面做得很好:PostGIS绝对是这三种查询中最强的,只有Oracle Spatial可以进行比较,但是如果考虑到它的成本,它是不合格的
  • Low cost: +1 for PostGIS for sure
  • 低成本:+1的PostGIS肯定。
  • Not antagonistic with Microsoft .NET Framework: You should at least be able to connect via ODBC (see Postgres wiki)
  • 不要与Microsoft .NET框架对立:您至少应该能够通过ODBC连接(参见Postgres wiki)。
  • Compatible with R: shouldn't be a problem with any of the three
  • 与R兼容:这三个都不应该有问题



I have worked with all three databases and done migrations between them, so hopefully I can still add something to an old post. Ten years ago I was tasked with putting a largish -- 450 million spatial objects -- dataset from GML to a spatial database. I decided to try out MySQL and Postgis, at the time there was no spatial in SQL Server and we had a small startup atmosphere, so MySQL seemed a good fit. I subsequently was involved in MySQL, I attended/spoke at a couple of conferences and was heavily involved in the beta testing of the more GIS-compliant functions in MySQL that was finally released with version 5.5. I have subsequently been involved with migrating our spatial data to Postgis and our corporate data (with spatial elements) to SQL Server. These are my findings.

我已经使用了这三个数据库,并在它们之间进行了迁移,所以我希望我仍然可以为旧的帖子添加一些内容。十年前,我的任务是把一个较大的——4.5亿个空间对象——数据集从GML放到一个空间数据库中。我决定尝试使用MySQL和Postgis,当时SQL Server中没有空间,我们有一个小的启动环境,所以MySQL看起来很适合。后来我加入了MySQL,参加了几次会议,并参与了MySQL中更兼容gis的功能的beta测试,最终在版本5.5中发布。随后,我参与了将空间数据迁移到Postgis,并将公司数据(带有空间元素)迁移到SQL Server。这些是我的调查结果。



1). Stability issues. Over the course of 5 years, we had several database corruptions issues, which could only be fixed by running myismachk on the index file, a process than can take well over 24 hours on a 450 million row table.


2). Until recently only MyISAM tables supported the spatial data type. This means if you want transaction support you are out of luck. InnoDB table type does now support spatial types, but not indexes on them, which given the typical sizes of spatial data sets, isn't terribly useful. See My experience from going to conferences was that spatial was very much an afterthought -- we've implemented replication, partitioning, etc, but it doesn't work with spatial. EDIT: In the upcoming 5.7.5 release InnoDB will finally support indexes on spatial columns, meaning that ACID, foreign keys and spatial indexes will finally be available in the same engine.

2).直到最近,只有MyISAM表支持空间数据类型。这意味着如果你想要事务支持,那你就不走运了。InnoDB表类型现在支持空间类型,但不支持它们的索引,因为它们具有典型的空间数据集大小,这并不是非常有用。参见 limittions.html我参加会议的经验是,空间在很大程度上是事后才想到的——我们已经实现了复制、分区等等,但是它不能用于空间。编辑:在即将发布的5.7.5版本中,InnoDB将最终支持空间列上的索引,这意味着ACID、外键和空间索引将最终在同一个引擎中可用。

3). The spatial functionality is extremely limited compared to both Postgis and SQL Server spatial. There is still no ST_Union function that acts on an entire geometry field, one of the queries I run most often, ie, you can't write:

3).与Postgis和SQL Server spatial相比,空间功能非常有限。仍然没有ST_Union函数作用于整个几何字段,这是我最常运行的查询之一,也就是说,您不能写:

select attribute, ST_Union(geom) from some_table group by some_attribute

which is very useful in a GIS context. Select ST_Union(geom1, const_geom) from some_table, ie, one of the geometries is a hard-coded constant geometry is a bit limiting in comparison.

这在GIS环境中非常有用。从some_table中选择ST_Union(geom1, const_geom),也就是说,其中一个几何图形是硬编码的常数几何,相比之下,这个几何图形有点限制。

4). No support for rasters. Being able to do combined vector-raster analysis within a db is very useful GIS functionality.


5). No support for conversion from one spatial reference system to another.


6). Since acquisistion by Oracle, spatial has really been put on hold.


Overall, to be fair to MySQL it supported our website, WMS and general spatial processing for several years, and was easy to set up. On the downside, data corruption was an issue, and by being forced to use MyISAM tables you are giving up a lot of the benefits of an RDBMS.




Given the issues we had with MySQL, we ultimately converted to Postgis. The key points of this experience have been.


1). Extreme stability. No data corruption in 5 years and we now have around 25 Postgres/GIS boxes on centos virtual machines, under varying degrees of load.


2). Rapid pace of development -- raster, topology, 3D support being recent examples of this.


3). Very active community. The Postgis irc channel and mailing list are excellent resources. The Postgis reference manual is also excellent.

3),非常活跃的社区。邮政gis irc频道和邮件列表是极好的资源。Postgis参考手册也很优秀。 - 2.0 /

4). Plays very well with other applications, under the OSGeo umbrella, such as GeoServer and GDAL.


5). Stored procedures can be written in many languages, apart from the default plpgsql, such as Python or R.


5). Postgres is a very standards compliant, fully featured RDBMS, which aims to stay close to the ANSI standards.

5). Postgres是一个非常符合标准的、功能齐全的RDBMS,旨在保持接近ANSI标准。

6). Support for window functions and recursive queries -- not in MySQL, but in SQL Server. This has made writing more complex spatial queries cleaner.

6).支持窗口函数和递归查询——不是在MySQL中,而是在SQL Server中。这使得编写更复杂的空间查询变得更加清晰。

SQL Server.


I have only used SQL Server 2008 spatial functionality, and many of the annoyances of that release -- lack of support for conversions from one CRS to another, the need to add your own parameters to spatial indexes -- have now been resolved.

我只使用了SQL Server 2008的空间功能,而该版本的许多缺点——不支持从一个CRS转换到另一个CRS,需要向空间索引添加自己的参数——现在已经得到解决。

1). As spatial objects in SQL Server are basically CLR objects, the syntax feels backwards. Instead of ST_Area(geom) you write geom.STArea() and this becomes even more obvious when you chain functions together. The dropping of the underscore in function names is merely a minor annoyance.

1).由于SQL Server中的空间对象基本上都是CLR对象,所以语法是向后的。与ST_Area(geom)不同,您编写的是geom.STArea(),当您将函数链接在一起时,这一点变得更加明显。函数名中下划线的删除只是一个小麻烦。

2). I have had a number of invalid polygons that have been accepted by SQL Server, and the lack of a ST_MakeValid function can make this a bit painful.

2).我有过一些被SQL Server接受的无效多边形,而缺少ST_MakeValid函数可能会让我有点痛苦。

3). Windows only. In general, Microsoft products (like ESRI ones) are designed to work very well with each other, but don't always have standard's compliance and interoperability as primary objectives. If you are running a windows only shop, this is not an issue.


UPDATE: having played a bit with SQL Server 2012, I can say that it has been improved significantly. There is now a good geometry validation function, there is good support for the Geography data type, including a FULL GLOBE object, which allows representing objects that occupy more than one hemisphere and support for Compound Curves and Circular Strings which is useful for accurate and compact representations of arcs (and circles) among other things. Transforming coordinates from one CRS to another still needs to be done in 3rd party libraries, though this is not a show stopper in most applications.

更新:在使用了SQL Server 2012之后,我可以说它得到了显著的改进。现在有一个很好的几何验证功能,有很好的对地理数据类型的支持,包括一个完整的全球对象,它允许代表对象占用多于一个半球和支持复合曲线和圆弦是准确和有用的紧凑表示圆弧(圆)。从一个CRS转换到另一个CRS的坐标仍然需要在第三方库中完成,尽管在大多数应用程序中这并不是一个显示限制。

I haven't used SQL Server with large enough datasets to compare one on one with Postgis/MySQL, but from what I have seen the functions behave correctly, and while not quite as fully featured as Postgis, it is a huge improvement on MySQL's offerings.


Sorry for such a long answer, I hope some of the pain and joy I have suffered over the years might be of help to someone.




PostGis definitely. Here's why.


  1. Postgres is far superior to MySQL in performance. Server is more fault tolerant, has out of the box tools for load-balancing, caching and optimization.
  2. Postgres在性能上远远优于MySQL。服务器具有更强的容错能力,具有开箱即用的负载平衡、缓存和优化工具。
  3. PostGIS is becoming a standard in GIS apps.
  4. PostGIS正在成为GIS应用中的一个标准。
  5. It's free.
  6. 这是免费的。



Just an note that MySQL has finally added in proper GIS logic.


But I can't comment on cost or performance at this stage




PostGIS is best because it is becoming a standard in GIS applications these days and PostGIS is free. It is far superior to MySQL in performance




If you are interested in a thorough comparison, I recommend "Cross Compare SQL Server 2008 Spatial, PostgreSQL/PostGIS 1.3-1.4, MySQL 5-6" and/or "Compare SQL Server 2008 R2, Oracle 11G R2, PostgreSQL/PostGIS 1.5 Spatial Features" by Boston GIS.

如果您对一个完整的比较感兴趣,我推荐“Cross Compare SQL Server 2008空间,PostgreSQL/PostGIS 1.3-1.4, MySQL 5-6”和/或“比较SQL Server 2008 R2, Oracle 11G R2, PostgreSQL/PostGIS 1.5空间特性”。

Considering your points:


  • I'm familiar with the DBMS: setting up a PostGIS database on Windows is easy, using PgAdmin3 management is straight-forward too
  • 我熟悉DBMS:在Windows上建立PostGIS数据库很容易,使用PgAdmin3管理也很直接
  • It does well with GIS queries: PostGIS is definitely strongest of the three, only Oracle Spatial would be comparable but is disqualified if you consider it's costs
  • 它在GIS查询方面做得很好:PostGIS绝对是这三种查询中最强的,只有Oracle Spatial可以进行比较,但是如果考虑到它的成本,它是不合格的
  • Low cost: +1 for PostGIS for sure
  • 低成本:+1的PostGIS肯定。
  • Not antagonistic with Microsoft .NET Framework: You should at least be able to connect via ODBC (see Postgres wiki)
  • 不要与Microsoft .NET框架对立:您至少应该能够通过ODBC连接(参见Postgres wiki)。
  • Compatible with R: shouldn't be a problem with any of the three
  • 与R兼容:这三个都不应该有问题



I have worked with all three databases and done migrations between them, so hopefully I can still add something to an old post. Ten years ago I was tasked with putting a largish -- 450 million spatial objects -- dataset from GML to a spatial database. I decided to try out MySQL and Postgis, at the time there was no spatial in SQL Server and we had a small startup atmosphere, so MySQL seemed a good fit. I subsequently was involved in MySQL, I attended/spoke at a couple of conferences and was heavily involved in the beta testing of the more GIS-compliant functions in MySQL that was finally released with version 5.5. I have subsequently been involved with migrating our spatial data to Postgis and our corporate data (with spatial elements) to SQL Server. These are my findings.

我已经使用了这三个数据库,并在它们之间进行了迁移,所以我希望我仍然可以为旧的帖子添加一些内容。十年前,我的任务是把一个较大的——4.5亿个空间对象——数据集从GML放到一个空间数据库中。我决定尝试使用MySQL和Postgis,当时SQL Server中没有空间,我们有一个小的启动环境,所以MySQL看起来很适合。后来我加入了MySQL,参加了几次会议,并参与了MySQL中更兼容gis的功能的beta测试,最终在版本5.5中发布。随后,我参与了将空间数据迁移到Postgis,并将公司数据(带有空间元素)迁移到SQL Server。这些是我的调查结果。



1). Stability issues. Over the course of 5 years, we had several database corruptions issues, which could only be fixed by running myismachk on the index file, a process than can take well over 24 hours on a 450 million row table.


2). Until recently only MyISAM tables supported the spatial data type. This means if you want transaction support you are out of luck. InnoDB table type does now support spatial types, but not indexes on them, which given the typical sizes of spatial data sets, isn't terribly useful. See My experience from going to conferences was that spatial was very much an afterthought -- we've implemented replication, partitioning, etc, but it doesn't work with spatial. EDIT: In the upcoming 5.7.5 release InnoDB will finally support indexes on spatial columns, meaning that ACID, foreign keys and spatial indexes will finally be available in the same engine.

2).直到最近,只有MyISAM表支持空间数据类型。这意味着如果你想要事务支持,那你就不走运了。InnoDB表类型现在支持空间类型,但不支持它们的索引,因为它们具有典型的空间数据集大小,这并不是非常有用。参见 limittions.html我参加会议的经验是,空间在很大程度上是事后才想到的——我们已经实现了复制、分区等等,但是它不能用于空间。编辑:在即将发布的5.7.5版本中,InnoDB将最终支持空间列上的索引,这意味着ACID、外键和空间索引将最终在同一个引擎中可用。

3). The spatial functionality is extremely limited compared to both Postgis and SQL Server spatial. There is still no ST_Union function that acts on an entire geometry field, one of the queries I run most often, ie, you can't write:

3).与Postgis和SQL Server spatial相比,空间功能非常有限。仍然没有ST_Union函数作用于整个几何字段,这是我最常运行的查询之一,也就是说,您不能写:

select attribute, ST_Union(geom) from some_table group by some_attribute

which is very useful in a GIS context. Select ST_Union(geom1, const_geom) from some_table, ie, one of the geometries is a hard-coded constant geometry is a bit limiting in comparison.

这在GIS环境中非常有用。从some_table中选择ST_Union(geom1, const_geom),也就是说,其中一个几何图形是硬编码的常数几何,相比之下,这个几何图形有点限制。

4). No support for rasters. Being able to do combined vector-raster analysis within a db is very useful GIS functionality.


5). No support for conversion from one spatial reference system to another.


6). Since acquisistion by Oracle, spatial has really been put on hold.


Overall, to be fair to MySQL it supported our website, WMS and general spatial processing for several years, and was easy to set up. On the downside, data corruption was an issue, and by being forced to use MyISAM tables you are giving up a lot of the benefits of an RDBMS.




Given the issues we had with MySQL, we ultimately converted to Postgis. The key points of this experience have been.


1). Extreme stability. No data corruption in 5 years and we now have around 25 Postgres/GIS boxes on centos virtual machines, under varying degrees of load.


2). Rapid pace of development -- raster, topology, 3D support being recent examples of this.


3). Very active community. The Postgis irc channel and mailing list are excellent resources. The Postgis reference manual is also excellent.

3),非常活跃的社区。邮政gis irc频道和邮件列表是极好的资源。Postgis参考手册也很优秀。 - 2.0 /

4). Plays very well with other applications, under the OSGeo umbrella, such as GeoServer and GDAL.


5). Stored procedures can be written in many languages, apart from the default plpgsql, such as Python or R.


5). Postgres is a very standards compliant, fully featured RDBMS, which aims to stay close to the ANSI standards.

5). Postgres是一个非常符合标准的、功能齐全的RDBMS,旨在保持接近ANSI标准。

6). Support for window functions and recursive queries -- not in MySQL, but in SQL Server. This has made writing more complex spatial queries cleaner.

6).支持窗口函数和递归查询——不是在MySQL中,而是在SQL Server中。这使得编写更复杂的空间查询变得更加清晰。

SQL Server.


I have only used SQL Server 2008 spatial functionality, and many of the annoyances of that release -- lack of support for conversions from one CRS to another, the need to add your own parameters to spatial indexes -- have now been resolved.

我只使用了SQL Server 2008的空间功能,而该版本的许多缺点——不支持从一个CRS转换到另一个CRS,需要向空间索引添加自己的参数——现在已经得到解决。

1). As spatial objects in SQL Server are basically CLR objects, the syntax feels backwards. Instead of ST_Area(geom) you write geom.STArea() and this becomes even more obvious when you chain functions together. The dropping of the underscore in function names is merely a minor annoyance.

1).由于SQL Server中的空间对象基本上都是CLR对象,所以语法是向后的。与ST_Area(geom)不同,您编写的是geom.STArea(),当您将函数链接在一起时,这一点变得更加明显。函数名中下划线的删除只是一个小麻烦。

2). I have had a number of invalid polygons that have been accepted by SQL Server, and the lack of a ST_MakeValid function can make this a bit painful.

2).我有过一些被SQL Server接受的无效多边形,而缺少ST_MakeValid函数可能会让我有点痛苦。

3). Windows only. In general, Microsoft products (like ESRI ones) are designed to work very well with each other, but don't always have standard's compliance and interoperability as primary objectives. If you are running a windows only shop, this is not an issue.


UPDATE: having played a bit with SQL Server 2012, I can say that it has been improved significantly. There is now a good geometry validation function, there is good support for the Geography data type, including a FULL GLOBE object, which allows representing objects that occupy more than one hemisphere and support for Compound Curves and Circular Strings which is useful for accurate and compact representations of arcs (and circles) among other things. Transforming coordinates from one CRS to another still needs to be done in 3rd party libraries, though this is not a show stopper in most applications.

更新:在使用了SQL Server 2012之后,我可以说它得到了显著的改进。现在有一个很好的几何验证功能,有很好的对地理数据类型的支持,包括一个完整的全球对象,它允许代表对象占用多于一个半球和支持复合曲线和圆弦是准确和有用的紧凑表示圆弧(圆)。从一个CRS转换到另一个CRS的坐标仍然需要在第三方库中完成,尽管在大多数应用程序中这并不是一个显示限制。

I haven't used SQL Server with large enough datasets to compare one on one with Postgis/MySQL, but from what I have seen the functions behave correctly, and while not quite as fully featured as Postgis, it is a huge improvement on MySQL's offerings.


Sorry for such a long answer, I hope some of the pain and joy I have suffered over the years might be of help to someone.




PostGis definitely. Here's why.


  1. Postgres is far superior to MySQL in performance. Server is more fault tolerant, has out of the box tools for load-balancing, caching and optimization.
  2. Postgres在性能上远远优于MySQL。服务器具有更强的容错能力,具有开箱即用的负载平衡、缓存和优化工具。
  3. PostGIS is becoming a standard in GIS apps.
  4. PostGIS正在成为GIS应用中的一个标准。
  5. It's free.
  6. 这是免费的。



Just an note that MySQL has finally added in proper GIS logic.


But I can't comment on cost or performance at this stage




PostGIS is best because it is becoming a standard in GIS applications these days and PostGIS is free. It is far superior to MySQL in performance
