
时间:2021-12-07 09:59:43


In a C# command-line app I'm writing, several of the parameters have "yes" and "no" as the possible values.


I am storing their input using the Enum type shown below.


enum YesNo

Which is fine - the code works. No problem there.

这很好 - 代码有效。没问题。

NOTE: Yes, I could store these as bool (that's how it used to work). My design choice is to be explicit about the Yes/No choice made by the user because they will see this printed in other contexts and I'd like it to be more obvious what the choice was.


My Question

  • It just seems odd to have an enum called "YesNo" - what are some suggestions for better names for an enum for "yes" and "no" values.
  • 有一个名为“YesNo”的枚举似乎很奇怪 - 对于“是”和“否”值的枚举更好的名称有什么建议。

So Finally

I asked this question relatively early in *'s life. It wasn't fake question - I really did have this situation. I just thought it would be nice to use it see what the community would do. Because it is, I admit a somewhat odd question.

我在*的生命中相对较早地提出了这个问题。这不是假问题 - 我确实遇到过这种情况。我只是觉得用它看看社区会做什么会很好。因为它是,我承认一个有点奇怪的问题。

First, thanks to all who spent the time replying. I'm trying to pay that back with a thoughtful conclusion.


Comments on the answers


switching to bool. I understand your motivation, but I feel I need to point out that having a binary choice (and by that I mean a choice between any two values - alive/dead, married/unmarried, etc.) is not the same as boolean choice between true and false. We find as programmers switching between yes/no and true/false easy - fair enough. Had my choice in this case been for example "Democrat" or "Replication"" (contrived example, I know) then you can see possibilities for confusion or at least awkwardness. I do think the bool option is valid in this case, but less so in other binary choices.

切换到布尔。我理解你的动机,但我觉得我需要指出有一个二元选择(并且我的意思是任意两个值之间的选择 - 活着/死亡,已婚/未婚等)与布尔选择之间的选择不同真假。我们发现程序员在yes / no和true / false之间切换容易 - 足够公平。如果我在这种情况下的选择是例如“*党人”或“复制”“(人为的例子,我知道),那么你可以看到混淆或至少尴尬的可能性。我认为bool选项在这种情况下是有效的,但是更少所以在其他二元选择中。

localization - great point. In my specific case it didn't matter - this was not and is never going to be localized, but for other situations it is something to consider.

本地化 - 伟大的观点。在我的具体情况下,它并不重要 - 这不是也不会是本地化的,但对于其他情况,这是需要考虑的事情。

more than three options - In fact, later on I had to add a third value called to represent the valid (in my application) condition of a user specifically not making the choice.

三个以上的选项 - 实际上,后来我不得不添加第三个值来表示用户的有效(在我的应用程序中)条件,特别是没有做出选择。

There were a lot of good comments, thank you all!


17 个解决方案


I'd suggest you use a name that indicates the Value which is set to Yes or No.



public enum Married


You say you don't want to use bool because it will be printed out for the user to see amongst other contents. That suggests the problem isn't in storage but in display. By all means present true/false as Yes/No, but there's no need to create a whole new type for it IMO.


EDIT: In addition to suggesting you don't use an enum in the first place, I'd strongly recommend that if you do use an enum, you change the order or use explicit values. Having Yes=0, No=1 will be really confusing if you ever end up seeing the values as integers.

编辑:除了建议您不首先使用枚举,我强烈建议如果您使用枚举,您更改顺序或使用显式值。如果您最终将值视为整数,则Yes = 0,No = 1将会非常混乱。


I would be confused to see an enum used for a boolean. You say that:


NOTE: Yes, I could store these as bool (that's how it used to work). My design choice is to be explicit about the Yes/No choice made by the user because they will see this
printed in other contents and I'd like it to be more obvious what the choice was.


I fail to see how a "Yes" or "No" is any more "explicit" than a true or false.



ResponseEnum or EResponse or UserResponse depending on your conventions.


I wouldn't limit yourself to only Yes or No as in the future you may want to add functionality that required an Unsure response also.



I'd want to call it:


enum Boolean

No, wait, there is already a built in boolean type you can use.


If your only reason for using an enum here is because there is a convenient conversion to/from a string that you want to show the user, then you are going to get bitten very badly down the track as you do more sophisticated things. A separation of model from view will server you well. Read up on MVC and/or MVVM patterns.


I might also suggest that a simple boolean with some custom attributes that define the display strings to use in place of "true" and "false" might suffice here. You can then write your own to/from string methods that look for your custom attributes.



I would not use a enum at all, just roll your own typeconverter and use booleans.



I think YesNo is just fine. Consider things like "MB_OK" and "MB_YESNO" ... I know it's not a type but anything that's self-explanatory should be fine.



Is there any possibility for having option other than yes/no.For just 2 option stick with boolean.Try to modify the display area alone



I guess there is a problem with displaying bool values. It is better to create simple wrapper that stores boolean allowing you to display them as Yes/No or True/False.

我想显示bool值有问题。最好创建一个存储boolean的简单包装器,允许您将它们显示为Yes / No或True / False。


I read your updated explanation, but I still feel this is a poor choice. Booleans exist exactly for this purpose. It is your responsibility to ensure that when "they will see this printed in other contents" appropriate text is outputted. This could be as simple as:


Console.WriteLine(_("Using Foo: ") + (useFoo ? _("Yes") : _("No")));

Console.WriteLine(_(“Using Foo:”)+(useFoo?_(“Yes”):_(“No”)));

while still having full support for localization. useFoo is of course a parameter telling the function whether it is using foo. :)

同时仍然完全支持本地化。 useFoo当然是一个告诉函数是否使用foo的参数。 :)

The _ is short for the gettext function (http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/), which is available for C# (http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/gettext/C_0023.html).



EUserAction ?

You described it as some user action. You could also be more specific, though. The name allows for some additional choices in the future. (The name should be what the choice is for, not what the choices are)

您将其描述为一些用户操作。不过,你也可以更具体一些。该名称允许将来进行一些额外的选择。 (名称应该是选择的目的,而不是选择的名称)

However, for your other, subtle question:


because they will see this printed in other contexts and I'd like it to be more obvious what the choice was.


it shouldn't really matter what the user sees. The data model can be very different from what you present to the user. A bool would have sufficed. Is there a possibility for additional actions in the future?



(Humour - please don't take this seriously...)

(幽默 - 请不要认真对待......)

I'm surprised no-one's suggested this yet:


public enum UserWtf


  • YesNo
  • Choice
  • BinaryChoice

Or just use a boolean.



When I have need something like this, I use the word Flag, as in Flag.Yes, MarriedFlag.No, etc.


Example of when this is useful: you know there are only Yes and No values today but you suspect there might be additional values (like Maybe) in the future.



I don't see the point of this enum unless there were some other values besides Yes and No. That's just a bool. And making an enum just so you don't have to type out yes or no seems kind of silly.



Use a bool, combined with bool.TrueString and bool.FalseString for display purposes.



I use OptionalBinaryFilter for:


Yes, No, All


But if you have only Yes and No, seem more suitable use of Boolean in a member.



I'd suggest you use a name that indicates the Value which is set to Yes or No.



public enum Married


You say you don't want to use bool because it will be printed out for the user to see amongst other contents. That suggests the problem isn't in storage but in display. By all means present true/false as Yes/No, but there's no need to create a whole new type for it IMO.


EDIT: In addition to suggesting you don't use an enum in the first place, I'd strongly recommend that if you do use an enum, you change the order or use explicit values. Having Yes=0, No=1 will be really confusing if you ever end up seeing the values as integers.

编辑:除了建议您不首先使用枚举,我强烈建议如果您使用枚举,您更改顺序或使用显式值。如果您最终将值视为整数,则Yes = 0,No = 1将会非常混乱。


I would be confused to see an enum used for a boolean. You say that:


NOTE: Yes, I could store these as bool (that's how it used to work). My design choice is to be explicit about the Yes/No choice made by the user because they will see this
printed in other contents and I'd like it to be more obvious what the choice was.


I fail to see how a "Yes" or "No" is any more "explicit" than a true or false.



ResponseEnum or EResponse or UserResponse depending on your conventions.


I wouldn't limit yourself to only Yes or No as in the future you may want to add functionality that required an Unsure response also.



I'd want to call it:


enum Boolean

No, wait, there is already a built in boolean type you can use.


If your only reason for using an enum here is because there is a convenient conversion to/from a string that you want to show the user, then you are going to get bitten very badly down the track as you do more sophisticated things. A separation of model from view will server you well. Read up on MVC and/or MVVM patterns.


I might also suggest that a simple boolean with some custom attributes that define the display strings to use in place of "true" and "false" might suffice here. You can then write your own to/from string methods that look for your custom attributes.



I would not use a enum at all, just roll your own typeconverter and use booleans.



I think YesNo is just fine. Consider things like "MB_OK" and "MB_YESNO" ... I know it's not a type but anything that's self-explanatory should be fine.



Is there any possibility for having option other than yes/no.For just 2 option stick with boolean.Try to modify the display area alone



I guess there is a problem with displaying bool values. It is better to create simple wrapper that stores boolean allowing you to display them as Yes/No or True/False.

我想显示bool值有问题。最好创建一个存储boolean的简单包装器,允许您将它们显示为Yes / No或True / False。


I read your updated explanation, but I still feel this is a poor choice. Booleans exist exactly for this purpose. It is your responsibility to ensure that when "they will see this printed in other contents" appropriate text is outputted. This could be as simple as:


Console.WriteLine(_("Using Foo: ") + (useFoo ? _("Yes") : _("No")));

Console.WriteLine(_(“Using Foo:”)+(useFoo?_(“Yes”):_(“No”)));

while still having full support for localization. useFoo is of course a parameter telling the function whether it is using foo. :)

同时仍然完全支持本地化。 useFoo当然是一个告诉函数是否使用foo的参数。 :)

The _ is short for the gettext function (http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/), which is available for C# (http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/gettext/C_0023.html).



EUserAction ?

You described it as some user action. You could also be more specific, though. The name allows for some additional choices in the future. (The name should be what the choice is for, not what the choices are)

您将其描述为一些用户操作。不过,你也可以更具体一些。该名称允许将来进行一些额外的选择。 (名称应该是选择的目的,而不是选择的名称)

However, for your other, subtle question:


because they will see this printed in other contexts and I'd like it to be more obvious what the choice was.


it shouldn't really matter what the user sees. The data model can be very different from what you present to the user. A bool would have sufficed. Is there a possibility for additional actions in the future?



(Humour - please don't take this seriously...)

(幽默 - 请不要认真对待......)

I'm surprised no-one's suggested this yet:


public enum UserWtf


  • YesNo
  • Choice
  • BinaryChoice

Or just use a boolean.



When I have need something like this, I use the word Flag, as in Flag.Yes, MarriedFlag.No, etc.


Example of when this is useful: you know there are only Yes and No values today but you suspect there might be additional values (like Maybe) in the future.



I don't see the point of this enum unless there were some other values besides Yes and No. That's just a bool. And making an enum just so you don't have to type out yes or no seems kind of silly.



Use a bool, combined with bool.TrueString and bool.FalseString for display purposes.



I use OptionalBinaryFilter for:


Yes, No, All


But if you have only Yes and No, seem more suitable use of Boolean in a member.
