
时间:2022-12-05 09:59:59

There are boolean values in the JSON data structure I am using. When call decode_json to convert it to a Perl data structure and feed to the XMLout function provided by XML::Simple, it throws an error because XMLout does not know how to deal with JSON::XS::Boolean values.

我正在使用的JSON数据结构中有布尔值。当调用decode_json将其转换为Perl数据结构并提供给XML :: Simple提供的XMLout函数时,它会抛出一个错误,因为XMLout不知道如何处理JSON :: XS :: Boolean值。

Is there a way to convert the JSON::XS::Boolean values in a data structure to XML?

有没有办法将数据结构中的JSON :: XS :: Boolean值转换为XML?

my $text = '{"a":"x","b":true}'; 
my $result = decode_json($text);
my $rec = XMLout( $result, RootName => 'root', SuppressEmpty => 1);

In the code abive, I get the following error - Can't encode a value of type: JSON::XS::Boolean

在代码abive中,我得到以下错误 - 无法编码类型的值:JSON :: XS :: Boolean

A print Dumper $result gives:

打印Dumper $结果给出:

$result = {
        'a' => 'x',
        'b' => bless( do{\(my $o = 1)}, 'JSON::XS::Boolean' )

2 个解决方案


I asked the same question on PerlMonks and am reproducing the proposed solution below.


Basically, the solution is to change the value of JSON::XS::Boolean to an appropriate value before passing it to XMLout:

基本上,解决方案是在将JSON :: XS :: Boolean传递给XMLout之前将其更改为适当的值:

use strict;
use warnings;

use JSON;
use XML::Simple;

my $text = '{"a":"x","b":true}';
my $result = decode_json($text);

for my $value ( values %$result ) {
    next unless 'JSON::XS::Boolean' eq ref $value;
    $value = ( $value ? 'true' : 'false' );

print XMLout( $result, RootName => 'root', SuppressEmpty => 1);


C:\Temp> test.pl
<root a="x" b="true" />


Edit: I wrote this answer before all the edits to the original question. The question as stated now is that the original poster wants to create an XML-ready structure for using with XML::Simple; originally stated, it seemed that he just wanted to put the JSON structure in a text node.

编辑:我在对原始问题的所有编辑之前写了这个答案。现在提出的问题是,原始海报想要创建一个XML就绪结构,以便与XML :: Simple一起使用;最初说,似乎他只想将JSON结构放在文本节点中。

Perl objects need to be JSON-encoded before sending them through the wire.


From your example:


my $text = '{"a":"x","b":true}'; 
my $result = decode_json($text);
print JSON->new->utf8->pretty(1)->encode($result);

You get the following:


$ perl json.pl 
   "a" : "x",
   "b" : true


I asked the same question on PerlMonks and am reproducing the proposed solution below.


Basically, the solution is to change the value of JSON::XS::Boolean to an appropriate value before passing it to XMLout:

基本上,解决方案是在将JSON :: XS :: Boolean传递给XMLout之前将其更改为适当的值:

use strict;
use warnings;

use JSON;
use XML::Simple;

my $text = '{"a":"x","b":true}';
my $result = decode_json($text);

for my $value ( values %$result ) {
    next unless 'JSON::XS::Boolean' eq ref $value;
    $value = ( $value ? 'true' : 'false' );

print XMLout( $result, RootName => 'root', SuppressEmpty => 1);


C:\Temp> test.pl
<root a="x" b="true" />


Edit: I wrote this answer before all the edits to the original question. The question as stated now is that the original poster wants to create an XML-ready structure for using with XML::Simple; originally stated, it seemed that he just wanted to put the JSON structure in a text node.

编辑:我在对原始问题的所有编辑之前写了这个答案。现在提出的问题是,原始海报想要创建一个XML就绪结构,以便与XML :: Simple一起使用;最初说,似乎他只想将JSON结构放在文本节点中。

Perl objects need to be JSON-encoded before sending them through the wire.


From your example:


my $text = '{"a":"x","b":true}'; 
my $result = decode_json($text);
print JSON->new->utf8->pretty(1)->encode($result);

You get the following:


$ perl json.pl 
   "a" : "x",
   "b" : true