
时间:2021-11-01 10:00:44

You would think there would be a way using DirectCast, TryCast, CType etc but all of them seem to choke on it e.g.:


CType("Yes", Boolean)

You get:

System.InvalidCastException - Conversion from string "Yes" to type 'Boolean' is not valid.

System.InvalidCastException - 从字符串“是”到“布尔”类型的转换无效。

8 个解决方案



If you think about it, "yes" cannot be converted to bool because it is a language and context specific string.


"Yes" is not synonymous with true (especially when your wife says it...!). For things like that you need to convert it yourself; "yes" means "true", "mmmm yeeessss" means "half true, half false, maybe", etc.

“是”不是真的同义词(特别是当你的妻子说出来的时候......)。对于类似的东西,你需要自己转换它; “是”表示“真实”,“mmmm yeeessss”表示“半真,半假,也许”等。



Using this way, you can define conversions from any string you like, to the boolean value you need. 1 is true, 0 is false, obviously.
Benefits: Easily modified. You can add new aliases or remove them very easily.
Cons: Will probably take longer than a simple if. (But if you have multiple alises, it will get hairy)

使用这种方式,您可以将您喜欢的任何字符串的转换定义为所需的布尔值。 1是真的,0显然是假的。好处:易于修改。您可以添加新别名或轻松删除它们。缺点:可能需要比简单的if更长的时间。 (但如果你有多个alises,它会变得毛茸茸)

enum BooleanAliases {
      Yes = 1,
      Aye = 1,
      Cool = 1,
      Naw = 0,
      No = 0
 static bool FromString(string str) {
      return Convert.ToBoolean(Enum.Parse(typeof(BooleanAliases), str));
 // FromString("Yes") = true
 // FromString("No") = false
 // FromString("Cool") = true



No, but you could do like:


bool yes = "Yes".equals(yourString);

bool yes =“是”.equals(yourString);



private static bool GetBool(string condition)
    return condition.ToLower() == "yes";

GetBool("Yes"); // true
GetBool("No"); // false

Or another approach using extension methods


public static bool ToBoolean(this string str)
    return str.ToLower() == "yes";

bool answer = "Yes".ToBoolean(); // true
bool answer = "AnythingOtherThanYes".ToBoolean(); // false



Slightly off topic, but I needed once for one of my classes to display 'Yes/No' instead of 'True/False' in a property grid, so I've implemented YesNoBooleanConverter derived from BooleanConverter and decorating my property with <TypeConverter(GetType(YesNoBooleanConverter))> _...

略微偏离主题,但我需要一次我的一个类在属性网格中显示“是/否”而不是“真/假”,所以我实现了从BooleanConverter派生的YesNoBooleanConverter并用 _... (gettype)装饰我的属性(yesnobooleanconverter))>



You Can't. But you should use it as


bool result = yourstring.ToLower() == "yes";



Here is a simple way to get this done.


rv.Complete = If(reader("Complete") = "Yes", True, False)



Public Function TrueFalseToYesNo(thisValue As Boolean) As String
        If thisValue Then
            Return "Yes"
            Return "No"
        End If
    Catch ex As Exception
        Return thisValue.ToString
    End Try
End Function



If you think about it, "yes" cannot be converted to bool because it is a language and context specific string.


"Yes" is not synonymous with true (especially when your wife says it...!). For things like that you need to convert it yourself; "yes" means "true", "mmmm yeeessss" means "half true, half false, maybe", etc.

“是”不是真的同义词(特别是当你的妻子说出来的时候......)。对于类似的东西,你需要自己转换它; “是”表示“真实”,“mmmm yeeessss”表示“半真,半假,也许”等。



Using this way, you can define conversions from any string you like, to the boolean value you need. 1 is true, 0 is false, obviously.
Benefits: Easily modified. You can add new aliases or remove them very easily.
Cons: Will probably take longer than a simple if. (But if you have multiple alises, it will get hairy)

使用这种方式,您可以将您喜欢的任何字符串的转换定义为所需的布尔值。 1是真的,0显然是假的。好处:易于修改。您可以添加新别名或轻松删除它们。缺点:可能需要比简单的if更长的时间。 (但如果你有多个alises,它会变得毛茸茸)

enum BooleanAliases {
      Yes = 1,
      Aye = 1,
      Cool = 1,
      Naw = 0,
      No = 0
 static bool FromString(string str) {
      return Convert.ToBoolean(Enum.Parse(typeof(BooleanAliases), str));
 // FromString("Yes") = true
 // FromString("No") = false
 // FromString("Cool") = true



No, but you could do like:


bool yes = "Yes".equals(yourString);

bool yes =“是”.equals(yourString);



private static bool GetBool(string condition)
    return condition.ToLower() == "yes";

GetBool("Yes"); // true
GetBool("No"); // false

Or another approach using extension methods


public static bool ToBoolean(this string str)
    return str.ToLower() == "yes";

bool answer = "Yes".ToBoolean(); // true
bool answer = "AnythingOtherThanYes".ToBoolean(); // false



Slightly off topic, but I needed once for one of my classes to display 'Yes/No' instead of 'True/False' in a property grid, so I've implemented YesNoBooleanConverter derived from BooleanConverter and decorating my property with <TypeConverter(GetType(YesNoBooleanConverter))> _...

略微偏离主题,但我需要一次我的一个类在属性网格中显示“是/否”而不是“真/假”,所以我实现了从BooleanConverter派生的YesNoBooleanConverter并用 _... (gettype)装饰我的属性(yesnobooleanconverter))>



You Can't. But you should use it as


bool result = yourstring.ToLower() == "yes";



Here is a simple way to get this done.


rv.Complete = If(reader("Complete") = "Yes", True, False)



Public Function TrueFalseToYesNo(thisValue As Boolean) As String
        If thisValue Then
            Return "Yes"
            Return "No"
        End If
    Catch ex As Exception
        Return thisValue.ToString
    End Try
End Function