
时间:2021-06-04 10:00:40

I understand that these two objects point to the same reference, but I don't want that to be the case, so I am a bit confused on how to prevent one from changing the other. Do I need to declare a band new Car object, for example Car car2 = new Car();? When I do this resharper tells me it is unnecessary. Here is my code:

我知道这两个对象指向相同的引用,但我不希望如此,所以我对如何防止一个更改另一个有点困惑。我是否需要声明一个乐队新的Car对象,例如Car car2 = new Car();?当我这样做时,resharper告诉我这是不必要的。这是我的代码:

void Main()
    Car car = new Car { Color = "Blue"};


    //Do I need Car car2 = new Car();
    //car2 = car; //Confused.

    Car car2 = car;


    car = Format(car);

    Console.WriteLine(car2.Color); //How can I prevent car2 from changing color?

// Define other methods and classes here
public class Car
    public string Color {get;set;}

public static Car Format(Car car)
    car.Color = "Red";

    return car;

 var car2= new Car();
 car2 = car;

 car = Format(car); //This changes car and car2

3 个解决方案



When I do this resharper tells me it is unnecessar


Then Resharper would be wrong in this case. But it depends on your exact code.


When you want car1 and car2 to be different colors then they should be different instances. And that does require Car car2 = new Car();

当你想要car1和car2有不同的颜色时,它们应该是不同的实例。这确实需要Car car2 = new Car();

Car is a class is a reference-type.
In your posted code there is only 1 instance, so there can only be one color.


Note that for the same reason your Format method does not need to return anything, the following will do exactly the same:


public static void Format(Car car)
    car.Color = "Red";



As you mention, car2 and car refer to the same object. It sounds as if you don't want that, so you will need to create a copy of car and call it car2.


You could define a copy constructor for your Car class:


public Car(Car car)
    this.Color = car.Color;

Then use it like this:


Car car2 = new Car(car);



You can make Car a struct


public struct Car
    public string Color { get; set; }

or make Car ICloneable or any other of the dozen ways to copy the object so you can easily have another instance. We need to see the code that shows the warning so we could figure out the problem. I'm not seeing the warning.

或制作Car ICloneable或其他十几种复制对象的方法,以便您可以轻松拥有另一个实例。我们需要查看显示警告的代码,以便我们找出问题所在。我没有看到警告。



When I do this resharper tells me it is unnecessar


Then Resharper would be wrong in this case. But it depends on your exact code.


When you want car1 and car2 to be different colors then they should be different instances. And that does require Car car2 = new Car();

当你想要car1和car2有不同的颜色时,它们应该是不同的实例。这确实需要Car car2 = new Car();

Car is a class is a reference-type.
In your posted code there is only 1 instance, so there can only be one color.


Note that for the same reason your Format method does not need to return anything, the following will do exactly the same:


public static void Format(Car car)
    car.Color = "Red";



As you mention, car2 and car refer to the same object. It sounds as if you don't want that, so you will need to create a copy of car and call it car2.


You could define a copy constructor for your Car class:


public Car(Car car)
    this.Color = car.Color;

Then use it like this:


Car car2 = new Car(car);



You can make Car a struct


public struct Car
    public string Color { get; set; }

or make Car ICloneable or any other of the dozen ways to copy the object so you can easily have another instance. We need to see the code that shows the warning so we could figure out the problem. I'm not seeing the warning.

或制作Car ICloneable或其他十几种复制对象的方法,以便您可以轻松拥有另一个实例。我们需要查看显示警告的代码,以便我们找出问题所在。我没有看到警告。