
时间:2021-05-26 09:57:27

I have the following tables in my database that have a many-to-many relationship, which is expressed by a connecting table that has foreign keys to the primary keys of each of the main tables:


  • Widget: WidgetID (PK), Title, Price
  • 小部件:WidgetID(PK),标题,价格
  • User: UserID (PK), FirstName, LastName
  • 用户:UserID(PK),FirstName,LastName

Assume that each User-Widget combination is unique. I can see two options for how to structure the connecting table that defines the data relationship:


  1. UserWidgets1: UserWidgetID (PK), WidgetID (FK), UserID (FK)
  2. UserWidgets1:UserWidgetID(PK),WidgetID(FK),UserID(FK)
  3. UserWidgets2: WidgetID (PK, FK), UserID (PK, FK)
  4. UserWidgets2:WidgetID(PK,FK),UserID(PK,FK)

Option 1 has a single column for the Primary Key. However, this seems unnecessary since the only data being stored in the table is the relationship between the two primary tables, and this relationship itself can form a unique key. Thus leading to option 2, which has a two-column primary key, but loses the one-column unique identifier that option 1 has. I could also optionally add a two-column unique index (WidgetID, UserID) to the first table.


Is there any real difference between the two performance-wise, or any reason to prefer one approach over the other for structuring the UserWidgets many-to-many table?


9 个解决方案



You only have one primary key in either case. The second one is what's called a compound key. There's no good reason for introducing a new column. In practise, you will have to keep a unique index on all candidate keys. Adding a new column buys you nothing but maintenance overhead.


Go with option 2.




Personally, I would have the synthetic/surrogate key column in many-to-many tables for the following reasons:


  • If you've used numeric synthetic keys in your entity tables then having the same on the relationship tables maintains consistency in design and naming convention.
  • 如果您在实体表中使用了数字合成键,那么在关系表上使用相同的合成键可以保持设计和命名约定的一致性。
  • It may be the case in the future that the many-to-many table itself becomes a parent entity to a subordinate entity that needs a unique reference to an individual row.
  • 将来可能的情况是,多对多表本身成为需要对单个行进行唯一引用的从属实体的父实体。
  • It's not really going to use that much additional disk space.
  • 它并没有真正使用那么多额外的磁盘空间。

The synthetic key is not a replacement to the natural/compound key nor becomes the PRIMARY KEY for that table just because it's the first column in the table, so I partially agree with the Josh Berkus article. However, I don't agree that natural keys are always good candidates for PRIMARY KEY's and certainly should not be used if they are to be used as foreign keys in other tables.

合成键不是自然/复合键的替代,也不是因为它是表中的第一列而成为该表的PRIMARY KEY,所以我部分同意Josh Berkus的文章。但是,我不同意自然键总是PRIMARY KEY的合适候选者,如果要在其他表中用作外键,则不应该使用它们。



Option 2 uses a simple compund key, option 1 uses a surrogate key. Option 2 is preferred in most scenarios and is close to the lreational model in that it is a good candidate key.


There are situations where you may want to use a surrogate key (Option 1)


  1. You are not that the compound key is a good candidate key over time. Particularly with temporal data (data that changes over time). What if you wanted to add another row to the UserWidget table with the same UserId and WidgetId? Think of Employment(EmployeeId,EmployeeId) - it would work in most cases except if someone went back to work for the same employer at a later date
  2. 你不是说复合键随着时间的推移是一个很好的候选键。特别是对于时间数据(随时间变化的数据)。如果您想使用相同的UserId和WidgetId向UserWidget表添加另一行,该怎么办?考虑就业(EmployeeId,EmployeeId) - 它在大多数情况下都有效,除非有人在以后再次为同一雇主工作
  3. If you are creating messages/business transactions or something similar that require an easier key to use for integration. Replication maybe?
  4. 如果要创建消息/业务事务或类似的东西,需要更简单的密钥来用于集成。复制可能吗?
  5. If you want to create your own auditing mechanisms (or similar) and don't want keys to get too long.
  6. 如果您想创建自己的审计机制(或类似),并且不希望密钥变得太长。

As a rule of thumb, when modeling data you will find that most associative entities (many to many) are the result of an event. Person takes up employment, item is added to basket etc. Most events have a temporal dependency on the event, where the date or time is relevant - in which case a surrogate key may be the best alternative.

根据经验,在建模数据时,您会发现大多数关联实体(多对多)是事件的结果。人员占用就业,项目被添加到篮子等。大多数事件都对事件具有时间依赖性,其中日期或时间是相关的 - 在这种情况下,代理键可能是最佳选择。

So, take option 2, but make sure that you have the complete model.




I agree with the previous answers but I have one remark to add. If you want to add more information to the relation and allow more relations between the same two entities you need option one.


For example if you want to track all the times user 1 has used widget 664 in the userwidget table the userid and widgetid isn't unique anymore.

例如,如果要跟踪用户1在userwidget表中使用了widget 664的所有时间,则userid和widgetid不再是唯一的。



What is the benefit of a primary key in this scenario? Consider the option of no primary key: UserWidgets3: WidgetID (FK), UserID (FK)


If you want uniqueness then use either the compound key (UserWidgets2) or a uniqueness constraint.


The usual performance advantage of having a primary key is that you often query the table by the primary key, which is fast. In the case of many-to-many tables you don't usually query by the primary key so there is no performance benefit. Many-to-many tables are queried by their foreign keys, so you should consider adding indexes on WidgetID and UserID.




Option 2 is the correct answer, unless you have a really good reason to add a surrogate numeric key (which you have done in option 1).


Surrogate numeric key columns are not 'primary keys'. Primary keys are technically one of the combination of columns that uniquely identify a record within a table.


Anyone building a database should read this article http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/database-soup/primary-keyvil-part-i-7327 by Josh Berkus to understand the difference between surrogate numeric key columns and primary keys.

建立数据库的任何人都应该阅读Josh Berkus撰写的这篇文章http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/database-soup/primary-keyvil-part-i-7327,以了解代理数字键列和主键之间的区别。

In my experience the only real reason to add a surrogate numeric key to your table is if your primary key is a compound key and needs to be used as a foreign key reference in another table. Only then should you even think to add an extra column to the table.


Whenever I see a database structure where every table has an 'id' column the chances are it has been designed by someone who doesn't appreciate the relational model and it will invariably display one or more of the problems identified in Josh's article.




I would go with both.


Hear me out:


The compound key is obviously the nice, correct way to go in so far as reflecting the meaning of your data goes. No question.


However: I have had all sorts of trouble making hibernate work properly unless you use a single generated primary key - a surrogate key.

但是:除非你使用一个生成的主键 - 一个代理键,否则我在使hibernate正常工作时会遇到各种麻烦。

So I would use a logical and physical data model. The logical one has the compound key. The physical model - which implements the logical model - has the surrogate key and foreign keys.

所以我会使用逻辑和物理数据模型。逻辑关键具有复合键。物理模型 - 实现逻辑模型 - 具有代理键和外键。



Since each User-Widget combination is unique, you should represent that in your table by making the combination unique. In other words, go with option 2. Otherwise you may have two entries with the same widget and user IDs but different user-widget IDs.




The userwidgetid in the first table is not needed, as like you said the uniqueness comes from the combination of the widgetid and the userid.


I would use the second table, keep the foriegn keys and add a unique index on widgetid and userid.




userwidgets( widgetid(fk), userid(fk),
             unique_index(widgetid, userid)

There is some preformance gain in not having the extra primary key, as the database would not need to calculate the index for the key. In the above model though this index (through the unique_index) is still calculated, but I believe that this is easier to understand.




You only have one primary key in either case. The second one is what's called a compound key. There's no good reason for introducing a new column. In practise, you will have to keep a unique index on all candidate keys. Adding a new column buys you nothing but maintenance overhead.


Go with option 2.




Personally, I would have the synthetic/surrogate key column in many-to-many tables for the following reasons:


  • If you've used numeric synthetic keys in your entity tables then having the same on the relationship tables maintains consistency in design and naming convention.
  • 如果您在实体表中使用了数字合成键,那么在关系表上使用相同的合成键可以保持设计和命名约定的一致性。
  • It may be the case in the future that the many-to-many table itself becomes a parent entity to a subordinate entity that needs a unique reference to an individual row.
  • 将来可能的情况是,多对多表本身成为需要对单个行进行唯一引用的从属实体的父实体。
  • It's not really going to use that much additional disk space.
  • 它并没有真正使用那么多额外的磁盘空间。

The synthetic key is not a replacement to the natural/compound key nor becomes the PRIMARY KEY for that table just because it's the first column in the table, so I partially agree with the Josh Berkus article. However, I don't agree that natural keys are always good candidates for PRIMARY KEY's and certainly should not be used if they are to be used as foreign keys in other tables.

合成键不是自然/复合键的替代,也不是因为它是表中的第一列而成为该表的PRIMARY KEY,所以我部分同意Josh Berkus的文章。但是,我不同意自然键总是PRIMARY KEY的合适候选者,如果要在其他表中用作外键,则不应该使用它们。



Option 2 uses a simple compund key, option 1 uses a surrogate key. Option 2 is preferred in most scenarios and is close to the lreational model in that it is a good candidate key.


There are situations where you may want to use a surrogate key (Option 1)


  1. You are not that the compound key is a good candidate key over time. Particularly with temporal data (data that changes over time). What if you wanted to add another row to the UserWidget table with the same UserId and WidgetId? Think of Employment(EmployeeId,EmployeeId) - it would work in most cases except if someone went back to work for the same employer at a later date
  2. 你不是说复合键随着时间的推移是一个很好的候选键。特别是对于时间数据(随时间变化的数据)。如果您想使用相同的UserId和WidgetId向UserWidget表添加另一行,该怎么办?考虑就业(EmployeeId,EmployeeId) - 它在大多数情况下都有效,除非有人在以后再次为同一雇主工作
  3. If you are creating messages/business transactions or something similar that require an easier key to use for integration. Replication maybe?
  4. 如果要创建消息/业务事务或类似的东西,需要更简单的密钥来用于集成。复制可能吗?
  5. If you want to create your own auditing mechanisms (or similar) and don't want keys to get too long.
  6. 如果您想创建自己的审计机制(或类似),并且不希望密钥变得太长。

As a rule of thumb, when modeling data you will find that most associative entities (many to many) are the result of an event. Person takes up employment, item is added to basket etc. Most events have a temporal dependency on the event, where the date or time is relevant - in which case a surrogate key may be the best alternative.

根据经验,在建模数据时,您会发现大多数关联实体(多对多)是事件的结果。人员占用就业,项目被添加到篮子等。大多数事件都对事件具有时间依赖性,其中日期或时间是相关的 - 在这种情况下,代理键可能是最佳选择。

So, take option 2, but make sure that you have the complete model.




I agree with the previous answers but I have one remark to add. If you want to add more information to the relation and allow more relations between the same two entities you need option one.


For example if you want to track all the times user 1 has used widget 664 in the userwidget table the userid and widgetid isn't unique anymore.

例如,如果要跟踪用户1在userwidget表中使用了widget 664的所有时间,则userid和widgetid不再是唯一的。



What is the benefit of a primary key in this scenario? Consider the option of no primary key: UserWidgets3: WidgetID (FK), UserID (FK)


If you want uniqueness then use either the compound key (UserWidgets2) or a uniqueness constraint.


The usual performance advantage of having a primary key is that you often query the table by the primary key, which is fast. In the case of many-to-many tables you don't usually query by the primary key so there is no performance benefit. Many-to-many tables are queried by their foreign keys, so you should consider adding indexes on WidgetID and UserID.




Option 2 is the correct answer, unless you have a really good reason to add a surrogate numeric key (which you have done in option 1).


Surrogate numeric key columns are not 'primary keys'. Primary keys are technically one of the combination of columns that uniquely identify a record within a table.


Anyone building a database should read this article http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/database-soup/primary-keyvil-part-i-7327 by Josh Berkus to understand the difference between surrogate numeric key columns and primary keys.

建立数据库的任何人都应该阅读Josh Berkus撰写的这篇文章http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/database-soup/primary-keyvil-part-i-7327,以了解代理数字键列和主键之间的区别。

In my experience the only real reason to add a surrogate numeric key to your table is if your primary key is a compound key and needs to be used as a foreign key reference in another table. Only then should you even think to add an extra column to the table.


Whenever I see a database structure where every table has an 'id' column the chances are it has been designed by someone who doesn't appreciate the relational model and it will invariably display one or more of the problems identified in Josh's article.




I would go with both.


Hear me out:


The compound key is obviously the nice, correct way to go in so far as reflecting the meaning of your data goes. No question.


However: I have had all sorts of trouble making hibernate work properly unless you use a single generated primary key - a surrogate key.

但是:除非你使用一个生成的主键 - 一个代理键,否则我在使hibernate正常工作时会遇到各种麻烦。

So I would use a logical and physical data model. The logical one has the compound key. The physical model - which implements the logical model - has the surrogate key and foreign keys.

所以我会使用逻辑和物理数据模型。逻辑关键具有复合键。物理模型 - 实现逻辑模型 - 具有代理键和外键。



Since each User-Widget combination is unique, you should represent that in your table by making the combination unique. In other words, go with option 2. Otherwise you may have two entries with the same widget and user IDs but different user-widget IDs.




The userwidgetid in the first table is not needed, as like you said the uniqueness comes from the combination of the widgetid and the userid.


I would use the second table, keep the foriegn keys and add a unique index on widgetid and userid.




userwidgets( widgetid(fk), userid(fk),
             unique_index(widgetid, userid)

There is some preformance gain in not having the extra primary key, as the database would not need to calculate the index for the key. In the above model though this index (through the unique_index) is still calculated, but I believe that this is easier to understand.

