
时间:2022-03-05 09:58:28

Im trying to use to define a one-to-many relationship in a single table. For example lets say I have a Groups table with these entries:


    name: Atlantic Records
    name: Capital Records
    name: Gnarls Barkley
    name: Death Cab For Cutie
    name: Coldplay
    name: Management Company

The group Coldplay could be a child of the group Capital Records and a child of the group Management Company and Gnarls Barkley could only be a child of Atlantic Records.

Coldplay集团可能是Capital Records集团的子女,也是集团管理公司的子女,而Gnarls Barkley只能成为Atlantic Records的孩子。

What is the best way to represent this relationship. I am using PHP and mySQL. Also I am using PHP-Doctrine as my ORM if that helps.


I was thinking that I would need to create a linking table called group_groups that would have 2 columns. owner_id and group_id. However i'm not sure if that is best way to do this.

我在想我需要创建一个名为group_groups的链接表,它有2列。 owner_id和group_id。但是我不确定这是否是最好的方法。

Any insight would be appreciated. Let me know if I explained my problem good enough.


8 个解决方案



There are a number of possible issues with this approach, but with a minimal understanding of the requirements, here goes:


There appear to be really three 'entities' here: Artist/Band, Label/Recording Co. and Management Co.


Artists/Bands can have a Label/Recording CO Artists/Bands can have a Management Co.


Label/Recording Co can have multiple Artists/Bands


Management Co can have multiple Artists/Bands


So there are one-to-many relationships between Recording Co and Artists and between Management Co and Artists.


Record each entity only once, in its own table, with a unique ID.


Put the key of the "one" in each instance of the "many" - in this case, Artist/Band would have both a Recording Co ID and a Management Co ID

在“many”的每个实例中放置“one”的键 - 在这种情况下,Artist / Band将同时具有Recording Co ID和Management Co ID

Then your query will ultimately join Artist, Recording Co and Management Co.

然后您的查询将最终加入Artist,Recording Co和Management Co.

With this structure, you don't need intersection tables, there is a clear separation of "entities" and the query is relatively simple.




A couple of options:


Easiest: If each group can only have one parent, then you just need a "ParentID" field in the main table.


If relationships can be more complex than that, then yes, you'd need some sort of linking table. Maybe even a "relationship type" column to define what kind of relationship between the two groups.




In this particular instance, you would be wise to follow Ken G's advice, since it does indeed appear that you are modeling three separate entities in one table.

在这个特定的例子中,你应该明智地遵循Ken G的建议,因为你确实在一个表中建模了三个独立的实体。

In general, it is possible that this could come up -- If you had a "person" table and were modeling who everybody's friends were, for a contrived example.

一般来说,这可能会出现 - 如果你有一个“人”表并且模拟了每个人的朋友,那就是一个人为的例子。

In this case, you would indeed have a "linking" or associative or marriage table to manage those relationships.




I agree with Ken G and JohnMcG that you should separate Management and Labels. However they may be forgetting that a band can have multiple managers and/or multiple managers over a period of time. In that case you would need a many to many relationship.

我同意Ken G和JohnMcG您应该将管理和标签分开。然而,他们可能忘记了一个乐队在一段时间内可以拥有多个经理和/或多个经理。在这种情况下,您需要多对多的关系。

  • management has many bands
  • 管理层有很多乐队

  • band has many management
  • 乐队有很多管理层

  • label has many bands
  • 标签有很多乐队

  • band has many labels
  • 乐队有很多标签

In that case your orginal idea of using a relationship table is correct. That is home many-to-many relationships are done. However, group_groups could be named better.


Ultimately it will depend on your requirements. For instance if you're storing CD titles then perhaps you would rather attach labels to a particular CD rather than a band.




This does appear to be a conflation of STI (single-table inheritance) and nested sets / tree structures. Nested set/trees are one parent to multiple children:







I think best of all is to use NestedSet http://www.doctrine-project.org/documentation/manual/1_0/en/hierarchical-data#nested-set

我认为最重要的是使用NestedSet http://www.doctrine-project.org/documentation/manual/1_0/en/hierarchical-data#nested-set

Just set actAs NestedSet

只需设置actAs NestedSet即可



Yes, you would need a bridge that contained the fields you described. However, I would think your table should be split if it is following the same type of entities as you describe.




(I am assuming there is an id column which can be used for references).


You can add a column called parent_id (allow nulls) and store the id of the parent group in it. Then you can join using sql like: "Select a., b. from group parent join group child on parent.id = child.parent_id".

您可以添加名为parent_id(允许空值)的列,并将父组的ID存储在其中。然后你可以使用如下的SQL加入:“在parent.id = child.parent_id上从组父连接组子中选择一个。,b。”。

I do recommend using a separate table for this link because: 1. You cannot support multiple parents with a field. You have to use a separate table. 2. Import/Export/Delete is way more difficult with a field in the table because you may run into key conflicts. For example, if you try to import data, you need to make sure that you first import the parents and then children. With a separate table, you can import all groups and then all relationships without worrying about the actual order of the data.

我建议为此链接使用单独的表,因为:1。您不能支持具有字段的多个父级。你必须使用一个单独的表。 2.使用表中的字段导入/导出/删除更加困难,因为您可能会遇到关键冲突。例如,如果您尝试导入数据,则需要确保首先导入父项,然后导入子项。使用单独的表,您可以导入所有组,然后导入所有关系,而无需担心数据的实际顺序。



There are a number of possible issues with this approach, but with a minimal understanding of the requirements, here goes:


There appear to be really three 'entities' here: Artist/Band, Label/Recording Co. and Management Co.


Artists/Bands can have a Label/Recording CO Artists/Bands can have a Management Co.


Label/Recording Co can have multiple Artists/Bands


Management Co can have multiple Artists/Bands


So there are one-to-many relationships between Recording Co and Artists and between Management Co and Artists.


Record each entity only once, in its own table, with a unique ID.


Put the key of the "one" in each instance of the "many" - in this case, Artist/Band would have both a Recording Co ID and a Management Co ID

在“many”的每个实例中放置“one”的键 - 在这种情况下,Artist / Band将同时具有Recording Co ID和Management Co ID

Then your query will ultimately join Artist, Recording Co and Management Co.

然后您的查询将最终加入Artist,Recording Co和Management Co.

With this structure, you don't need intersection tables, there is a clear separation of "entities" and the query is relatively simple.




A couple of options:


Easiest: If each group can only have one parent, then you just need a "ParentID" field in the main table.


If relationships can be more complex than that, then yes, you'd need some sort of linking table. Maybe even a "relationship type" column to define what kind of relationship between the two groups.




In this particular instance, you would be wise to follow Ken G's advice, since it does indeed appear that you are modeling three separate entities in one table.

在这个特定的例子中,你应该明智地遵循Ken G的建议,因为你确实在一个表中建模了三个独立的实体。

In general, it is possible that this could come up -- If you had a "person" table and were modeling who everybody's friends were, for a contrived example.

一般来说,这可能会出现 - 如果你有一个“人”表并且模拟了每个人的朋友,那就是一个人为的例子。

In this case, you would indeed have a "linking" or associative or marriage table to manage those relationships.




I agree with Ken G and JohnMcG that you should separate Management and Labels. However they may be forgetting that a band can have multiple managers and/or multiple managers over a period of time. In that case you would need a many to many relationship.

我同意Ken G和JohnMcG您应该将管理和标签分开。然而,他们可能忘记了一个乐队在一段时间内可以拥有多个经理和/或多个经理。在这种情况下,您需要多对多的关系。

  • management has many bands
  • 管理层有很多乐队

  • band has many management
  • 乐队有很多管理层

  • label has many bands
  • 标签有很多乐队

  • band has many labels
  • 乐队有很多标签

In that case your orginal idea of using a relationship table is correct. That is home many-to-many relationships are done. However, group_groups could be named better.


Ultimately it will depend on your requirements. For instance if you're storing CD titles then perhaps you would rather attach labels to a particular CD rather than a band.




This does appear to be a conflation of STI (single-table inheritance) and nested sets / tree structures. Nested set/trees are one parent to multiple children:







I think best of all is to use NestedSet http://www.doctrine-project.org/documentation/manual/1_0/en/hierarchical-data#nested-set

我认为最重要的是使用NestedSet http://www.doctrine-project.org/documentation/manual/1_0/en/hierarchical-data#nested-set

Just set actAs NestedSet

只需设置actAs NestedSet即可



Yes, you would need a bridge that contained the fields you described. However, I would think your table should be split if it is following the same type of entities as you describe.




(I am assuming there is an id column which can be used for references).


You can add a column called parent_id (allow nulls) and store the id of the parent group in it. Then you can join using sql like: "Select a., b. from group parent join group child on parent.id = child.parent_id".

您可以添加名为parent_id(允许空值)的列,并将父组的ID存储在其中。然后你可以使用如下的SQL加入:“在parent.id = child.parent_id上从组父连接组子中选择一个。,b。”。

I do recommend using a separate table for this link because: 1. You cannot support multiple parents with a field. You have to use a separate table. 2. Import/Export/Delete is way more difficult with a field in the table because you may run into key conflicts. For example, if you try to import data, you need to make sure that you first import the parents and then children. With a separate table, you can import all groups and then all relationships without worrying about the actual order of the data.

我建议为此链接使用单独的表,因为:1。您不能支持具有字段的多个父级。你必须使用一个单独的表。 2.使用表中的字段导入/导出/删除更加困难,因为您可能会遇到关键冲突。例如,如果您尝试导入数据,则需要确保首先导入父项,然后导入子项。使用单独的表,您可以导入所有组,然后导入所有关系,而无需担心数据的实际顺序。