无法将Excel连接到Analysis Services服务器

时间:2021-05-12 09:54:53

We have an SSAS server with a cube deployed on a server over the WAN.. We are trying to connect to the cube from Excel on various client workstations. The server is not on a domain with the clients. It "works" for some of us but not for others. We are trying and failing yet to determine what the difference is on the machines that work versus the ones that don't. However, even for the ones that work, it isn't as seamless as we think it should be. I'll explain:


In Excel, we use the Data-Other Sources-Analysis Server option, which presents us with the standard dialog: standard dialog http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/de3420ec26.gif

在Excel中,我们使用Data-Other Sources-Analysis Server选项,它为我们提供标准对话框:标准对话框http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/de3420ec26.gif

Now, we believe the firewall and server settings are correct, because we are then presented with the dialog which lets you pick which cube to use from the server: pick a cube dialog http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/882a09ee7f.gif

现在,我们认为防火墙和服务器设置是正确的,因为我们会看到对话框,您可以从服务器中选择要使用的多维数据集:选择一个多维数据集对话框http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/882a09ee7f。 GIF

And, clicking "Finish" lets Excep being to work with the cube, as evidenced by the standard Excel dialog: all seems OK http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/fdf4626609.gif


But then we are presented with the dreaded "transport layer error" message: transport layer error http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/243d5f3d49.gif


Note that this error appears even on the machines that "work." What makes them "work" is that after clicking OK on that dialog, the next dialog appears: mysterious new dialog http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/b8fc6bae18.gif


Once this dialog appears, you re-enter your password, and everything "just works" after that. While I'd like it to "just work" without that second dialog, at least it works... But on many machines we've tested this new dialog never comes up. Instead, they just get the following error message, leaving them out of luck: final error http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/601b9294e3.jpg


Can anyone offer any advice for this? Thanks!


1 个解决方案



Do the connections work if you allow "NT Authority/Authenticated Users" or "NT Authority/Anonymous Logon" to connect? Would help troubleshooting at least, but it's not a great idea to leave it like that ;)

如果允许“NT Authority / Authenticated Users”或“NT Authority / Anonymous Logon”连接,连接是否有效?至少可以帮助排除故障,但是这样做并不是一个好主意;)



Do the connections work if you allow "NT Authority/Authenticated Users" or "NT Authority/Anonymous Logon" to connect? Would help troubleshooting at least, but it's not a great idea to leave it like that ;)

如果允许“NT Authority / Authenticated Users”或“NT Authority / Anonymous Logon”连接,连接是否有效?至少可以帮助排除故障,但是这样做并不是一个好主意;)